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Chapter 2304 Director Shen, let me sing a song for you

Chapter 2304 Director Shen, let me sing a song for you


As a person who was able to start from scratch, Lan Weidong is naturally not an ordinary person.

After hearing Mr. Kuang's self-introduction, he burst into laughter.

Mr. Kuang was stunned for a moment when he heard the laughter. Just when he was a little overwhelmed, Lan Weidong grabbed his hand.

"If I admit my mistake correctly, you are Mr. Kuang."

Mr. Kuang's hand was suddenly pulled, and he felt a little nervous.

But after hearing Lan Weidong's words, he calmed down.

He smiled at Lan Weidong and said, "I am Lao Kuang from Qiandao. Forgive me for my blindness, but I don't know what you should call me?"

"I'm Lan Weidong." Lan Weidong basically didn't introduce his position.

"Hahaha, Mr. Lan, I have admired you for a long time."

"Now everyone knows that you are Director Shen's right-hand man. I am really happy to see you."

As he spoke, Mr. Kuang extended his hands towards Lan Weidong enthusiastically.

Faced with this kind of enthusiasm, Lan Weidong didn't like it a little, but after all, it was Shen Lin's treat this time.

He must maintain enough respect for the guests invited by Shen Lin.

"Hello, Mr. Kuang, I have long heard that Qiandao Company is famous in real estate. Maybe we can cooperate in the future!"

While speaking, Lan Weidong pointed to the private room and said, "Mr. Kuang, please come inside."

"I really didn't expect you to come so early."

Mr. Kuang smiled and said, "I have great respect for Mr. Shen and MiKe Electronics."

"Now that Director Shen is having a treat, I naturally have to come over early."

"Otherwise, others should say that I, Lao Kuang, am not very capable, but I have a lot of airs."

Listening to Mr. Kuang's self-deprecation, Lan Weidong also laughed.

Originally, he didn't think there was anything about Mr. Kuang that required Shen Lin's attention, but today's conversation made him feel that Mr. Kuang was not an ordinary person.

Such a person has certain friendship value.

Just as the two people walked into the private room, Shen Lin walked in with someone.

He smiled at Mr. Kuang and said, "Excuse me, Mr. Kuang. I, the master, should have come first, but I was late."

"I'll be fined three drinks later."

Hearing that Shen Lin was so close, Mr. Kuang was very excited.

He knew very well how big the gap was between himself and Shen Lin, not to mention that Shen Lin came in advance and was so polite.

Even if Shen Lin is late, he can only wait.

"Director Shen, it's not that you came late, it's that I like to wander around when I have nothing to do, so I came early."

"When it comes to punishing me with drinking, I should be punished. How can I punish you, Mr. Shen?"

Lan Weidong smiled and said: "Then there will be no punishment. Let's have a few more drinks together."

Lan Weidong's proposal received responses from everyone.

As a few people took their seats, the food and drinks arrived quickly.As the protagonist of this meal, Mr. Kuang naturally received the main attention.

In addition, Lan Weidong himself is a master of the wine shop, so the whole wine shop is a feast for the guests and the host.

"Director Shen, Qiandao is in the real estate business. I know your company doesn't have much interest in this aspect."

"But today, after meeting a true Buddha like you, I still want to get some scriptures. Please give us some guidance."

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Kuang, who looked sincere, and said thoughtfully, "I haven't studied much about real estate."

"The advice I can give Mr. Kuang is mainly macro-level."

"I think the real estate industry has great potential."

Mr. Kuang naturally knew something about his own industry, and was not surprised by Shen Lin's judgment.

After all, he had already made a fortune doing this. "For a long time in the future, the process of urbanization will advance rapidly. By then, the urban population will increase, and the pursuit of housing will become higher and higher..."

After talking about the prospects of real estate in his memory, Shen Lin looked at Mr. Kuang and said, "Mr. Kuang, although the current housing prices are not high, in two to thirty years, they will reach a new level."

Having said this, Shen Lin held the wine glass and said, "But Mr. Kuang, if we eat here, we are friends."

"I'll give you something I hope you can remember."

After hearing Shen Lin's instructions, Mr. Kuang suddenly became solemn in his heart.

As a person who started from scratch and made his company bigger, Mr. Kuang is actually a very proud person.

But he admired Shen Lin immensely.

Not only because Shen Lin is younger than him, but also because Shen Lin's self-made business is much better than his company.

Being able to hear Shen Lin's advice, he was moved that it must be very important to him.

"Please give me some advice, Mr. Shen?" Mr. Kuang said solemnly.

"If you don't take the advice seriously, it's just a sentence."

When Shen Lin said this, he pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Kuang, please remember that a house is for people to live in."

After saying this, Shen Lin stopped talking.

Mr. Kuang was stunned when he heard these extremely ordinary words.

He didn't understand why Shen Lin said such things to him.

But in an instant, his expression became serious.

"Director Shen, I will definitely remember your teachings."

“No matter what projects our company does in the future, we will keep Director Shen’s words in mind.”

Shen Lin raised his glass and said, "Mr. Kuang, what I just said was from the bottom of my heart to my friend."

"Come on, let's have a drink!"

Mr. Kuang, Lan Weidong and others raised their glasses together, and for a moment, the atmosphere in the room became lively again.

"...The heaven and earth are long, passers-by are in a hurry, the tide rises and falls..."

Suddenly singing came from the window, breaking the peace of the room.

When Shen Lin heard the singing, he couldn't help but stop and listen.

However, the singing voice quickly disappeared without a trace, which left Shen Lin a little unfinished.

Seeing this situation, Mr. Kuang suddenly said: "Dr. Shen, do you like listening to music?"

"I like to listen to something when I have nothing to do." Shen Lin said with a smile.

After hearing what Shen Lin said, Mr. Kuang was silent for a moment and said, "This is really a coincidence. Mr. Shen usually likes to listen when he has nothing to do. I usually like to sing."

"Today the two of us meet together, why don't I sing a song for you, Mr. Shen?"

After listening to Mr. Kuang's suggestion, Shen Lin felt helpless for a while.

He did not expect that Mr. Kuang had the habit of singing when he was young.

After hesitating for a moment, he smiled and said, "If it's convenient for Mr. Kuang, then I'm all ears."

"Haha, Mr. Shen, you are an expert. I just sang randomly. If I don't sing well, you can't laugh at me."

Having said this, Mr. Kuang hesitated and said, "Dr. Shen, what song do you like to listen to? Let me see if I can sing it."

Shen Lin looked at Mr. Kuang who asked him to request a song, and could only say: "Mr. Kuang, why don't you sing a song about a husband and wife to return the house?"

Upon hearing Shen Lin's proposal, Mr. Kuang's face suddenly brightened.

He smiled and said: 'Dr. Shen, how do you know I like to sing this? '

Shen Lin wanted to answer this question. I have seen more in later generations.

Fortunately, Mr. Kuang asked and answered his own questions. He said with a smile: "Since Director Shen said it today, I must not embarrass myself in front of Director Shen."

"I want to sing well today."

(End of this chapter)

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