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Chapter 232 I am the richest man, but the scope is a bit small

Chapter 232 I am the richest man, but the scope is a bit small
Twenty million households!

Shen Xingye was stunned. Before he went to inspect the equipment, he knew that his son worked from morning to night and made some money. He was very relieved at that time.

He felt gratified that his son could earn tens of thousands of yuan within a month or two.

But now, when Shen Lin suddenly said that there are [-] yuan households, he was completely stunned.

Twenty million households, that is 20.

Shen Xingye is not someone who has never seen money. On the contrary, he has seen a lot of money. For example, the equipment this time is tens of millions of dollars, and it is still exchanged in US dollars.

But the money belongs to the public.

But now, his son actually said that he has a household of 20 yuan, which means that he has a full [-] yuan in his hand!
No matter how fast a person can earn money, in Shen Xingye's view, it is impossible to earn from 20 to [-] in less than a month.

"Son, you are all from our own family. I understand your feelings, but what are you bragging about here? You are also a father who is about to become a father, and you still speak so impetuously."

However, as soon as Shen Xingye finished speaking, he suddenly found that the people around him were extremely quiet at this moment, as if they didn't hear his words clearly.

Even his wife looked at him with strange eyes.

"Dad, Xiao Lin is really not bragging. I don't know how much he earns, but it shouldn't be a problem with a household of [-] yuan." It was Chu Feng who spoke, and his voice was full of emotion.

Shen Hong came to Shen Xingye's side and said, "Dad, don't be surprised. Your son has rented out a street of shops and is making money very fast."

"Now, some people have said that Shen Lin is the richest man in our area."

For Chu Feng's evaluation, Shen Lin didn't have much feeling, but what the second sister said made Shen Lin stunned.

The richest man, is this the richest man?

Although the area covered by the richest man is a bit small, it's just this area, but the richest man is the richest man after all!
All this way, Shen Xingye only talked about his own affairs with his son. Now that he heard that Shen Lin had changed so much, he interrupted Shen Lin and said, "Shen Lin, tell me what you have done these days."

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just turning the old warehouses of the Second Match Factory into a Paris street, renting it out, and earning a rent."

"Now I'm building a store across the street in Paris, and I've also earned some rent." Shen Lin wrote lightly: "The title of the richest man is too far away."

Shen Lin, the richest man, is not defined by them.

Looking at his confident son, Shen Xingye really didn't know what to say.After his daughter-in-law changed jobs, he felt that his son had grown up.

But now it seems that I still know too little about my son.

Compared with this kid, the property that I have worked so hard to earn all my life is nothing worth mentioning.What a formidable young man!

"Son, Dad naturally has nothing to say about the money you earned through hard work, but you have to remember that a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. You can't detour your way because of money."

When Shen Xingye said this, he glanced at the big color TV and said, "Since Boss Shen doesn't like this color TV, I'll give it to your sister. It just so happens that they also divided the house, so it's my congratulatory gift to them."

Chu Feng wanted to refuse, but was pushed aside by Shen Yuzhu: "Okay, don't save face and suffer the consequences! Didn't you listen to dad? Boss Shen doesn't like it! We don't want it in vain." Shen Hong smiled He stood up and shouted to Lu Xiaorong: "Xiaorong, if Shen Lin dares to bully you in the future, just tell me and see how I deal with him."

The family is naturally happy when they get together, and Shen Xingye has returned from abroad, which makes it even more lively. In some surprising places, Shen Yuzhu also screamed in surprise.

Shen Lin didn't have much interest in Shen Xingye's introduction. After listening to some, he went to help Zhao Honglian and Chu Feng prepare the dishes.

Steamed pork ribs, yellow stewed chicken soup, braised pork, and a big bad fish brought by Chu Feng made this meal extremely rich.

Just as the family was sitting in groups and preparing to have a feast, there was a knock on the door.Shen Lin, who was in charge of doing chores at home, went to open the door in a hurry.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" He saw the fat-faced old man in front of him wearing a dark green jacket with four pockets and a liberation cap.

Shen Lin didn't know this person, but in this person's hand was holding a bottle of wine wrapped in paper.

At this time, the person who can come to the door with wine should have friendship with his father.

"Excuse me, is this Shen Xingye's home?" The man smiled at Shen Lin and said, "I'm Lao Shen's colleague, come and see him."

Shen Lin basically knew all of Shen Xingye's colleagues in the Hardware Machinery Factory. The current attire made Shen Lin think of Shen Xingye's new colleagues in the Iron and Steel Factory.

Being able to come to my home at this time, it seems that this person should have a good relationship with his father, and he may have other purposes for coming this time.

Quickly analyzing the situation of the visitor in his mind, Shen Lin shouted loudly towards the inside: "Dad, someone is looking for you outside!"

Hearing his son's shout, Shen Xingye came out quickly. When he saw someone coming, he laughed loudly and said, "Old Qin, why are you here?"

"I know that your family has delicious food today, so I came here to enjoy the autumn breeze." While speaking, the man called Lao Qin raised the wine wrapped in paper in his hand and said: "I don't take advantage of you, either. See, Moutai with an iron lid, my last bottle."

"Hahaha, please come inside." Shen Xingye asked people to go in, and at the same time said humanely: "Old Qin, this is my son Shen Lin."

"Shen Lin, Uncle Qin."

Just now when Shen Lin called Uncle Qin, the old man looked at Shen Lin solemnly and said, "Although it's the first time I've seen Shen Lin, I've heard about him for a long time."

"Heroes are born as teenagers. The matter of Wang Youzhu this time is your handwriting. Although you are a little impatient, you did it beautifully!"

For Uncle Qin, who commented on himself as soon as he opened his mouth, Shen Lin just smiled.Shen Lin has his own judgment on whether the methods he uses are impetuous or not.

When Shen Xingye came back this time, his main thoughts were on the new equipment. It was the first time he had heard about Wang Youzhu, so he couldn't help looking at Shen Lin and said, "What happened to Wang Youzhu?"

"Dad, Wang Youzhu's ass is not clean, and in the name of absenteeism, he wanted to fire Guangzi and others and withhold their wages, but they were dragged by Guangzi to the main factory to reason."

Shen Lin said with an innocent face: "I just went to see the excitement, it has nothing to do with me.

ps: The second update is here today, please support

(End of this chapter)

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