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Chapter 234 I Came Here Just To Warn You

Chapter 234 I Came Here Just To Warn You

Shen Lin could tell that both his father and the old Director Qin had a pessimistic attitude.

Including my father, who I have encouraged several times, actually didn't hold much hope in this matter.

What he has the most is persistence.

A kind of insistence on one's own conscience!
Shen Lin didn't want to see his father being cheerful on the surface, but very depressed in his heart.So he pushed the door open and walked in.

While putting a plate of patted cucumbers on the table, he smiled and said, "Dad, Director Qin, I think some things are caused by man."

"My dad didn't persuade Director Lu because his method of persuasion was wrong. If I persuaded him, maybe Director Lu would change his mind."

The two old men, who were a hundred years old together, stared at Shen Lin with wide-eyed eyes. They thought about this matter for a long time, and they all felt that it was difficult to turn over in this matter.

Now, Shen Lin actually said that he could convince Director Lu.

"Hey, it's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. If you really have this ability, Shen Lin, you have to step up. Tonight, the leaders of our factory will hold a team meeting."

"At that time, your father's matter will definitely be brought out to make a conclusion."

"Then I'll talk about it after dinner."

"By the way, Director Qin, do you know where Director Lu lives? I'm not very familiar with our main factory."

Director Qin is really speechless, this young man hasn't beaten him in real life yet, he is so confident.He glanced at Shen Xingye and found that Shen Xingye didn't intend to stop Shen Lin, so he said: "I'm not far from his house, wait for you to send me back, I'll accompany you to see Lao Lu."

"But let's put the words first, I can't help you much."

"Thank you, Uncle Qin, don't worry, just convince Director Lu that I can go by myself."

Because they had their own concerns and they ate quickly, Shen Lin didn't drink because he was going to meet Director Lu.

As the deputy director, Chu Feng didn't drink because he was ready to go on a mission at any time.However, Lao Qin and Shen Xingye both drank a lot. Shen Xingye might have become drunk because of his upset mood. Although Director Qin was still sober, his face was flushed.

When Shen Lin was about to send him back, he asked again: "Xiao Shen, are you really planning to persuade Director Lu?"

"Yes, I'm ready. Uncle Qin, do you know where Director Lu's home is?"

Lao Qin stroked his Mediterranean hairstyle, sighed and said, "Since you are going, let's go there now!"

"But let me tell you, Lao Lu is notoriously headstrong, you can't convince him."

"Try to know." Shen Lin followed Director Qin, and said with a light smile, "If I don't try, I will never be able to convince him."

"There is some truth in what you said, but young people, many things are not as simple as you think."

At this moment, he admired Shen Lin a little in his heart. Looking at Shen Lin, he seemed to see himself when he was young.

Full of passion, full of fantasy, but...

"Xiao Shen, don't be sad if you fail, at worst, your father can just go home and recuperate!"

Shen Lin smiled, he didn't want to waste time with Director Qin who was drinking too much, but Lao Qin continued at this moment: "Xiao Shen, what are you going to do if you can't convince Lao Lu?"

"If you don't listen to my advice, then knock him over." Shen Lin said casually.Lao Qin drank a lot of wine and felt a little dizzy, but his head was not dizzy.

At this moment, Shen Lin's words surprised him, and he smiled involuntarily. This young man's tone is too loud!

It is not so easy to overthrow Lu Changyou.

Lu Chang's home is in the south of the family courtyard of the General Iron and Steel Plant. It is a row of newly built small villas. In Shen Lin's opinion, the style of these villas is much different from that of later generations, but the front and rear are extremely spacious and well lit.

And Lao Qin's residence is on the second floor of a row of four floors behind the villa. Lao Qin pointed to the four floors and said: "This is the residence of our department heads, each of which has more than 140 bungalows."

"It's a pity that your father will be able to get such a house if he stays with him for a while longer."

Shen Lin looked at the four-story house, smiled and said nothing. He is now preparing to build his own house. He didn't take this four-story house to heart.

Following Lao Qin into the villa on the far left, the fluttering old Qin shouted loudly as soon as he entered the door: "Director Lu, is Director Lu at home?"

As soon as the words fell, a middle-aged woman pushed open the door from the room and said, "It's Lao Qin, come in quickly, Lao Lu is at home!"

Lao Qin said hello, sister-in-law, and dragged Shen Lin into the living room of the villa.Shen Lin was observing the decoration of the villa, thinking about his own persuasion plan.

But when he walked into the door, he found that several people in the house were playing mahjong, and he knew a few of the people playing mahjong.

Like Bai Bin, like Wang Youzhu, like Fang Boyuan...

The moment Shen Lin saw them, these people also saw Shen Lin.The moment they saw Shen Lin, their faces changed drastically.

"Old Qin, do you have anything to do with me?" Lu Changyou, who was sitting in the middle, asked Lao Qin while touching his cards.

Although he seemed to be very affectionate to Lao Qin, in fact, he didn't have any respect for Lao Qin.

Lao Qin's expression didn't change at all. He pointed at Shen Lin and said, "Director Lu, I brought Shen Lin to you. Shen Lin has something to say and wants to talk to you!"

"Hahaha, Director Lu, if I'm not wrong, Shen Lin should beg for your mercy this time instead of his father." Bai Bin, who was sitting on the side, picked up a card and said, "Second Cake Is it Shen Lin?"

"Hehe, Shen Xingye didn't come by himself, let a child come to intercede, why, can't he get rid of that old face?" Lu Changyou's tone was obviously a little impatient: "Old Qin, I finally took a rest, don't disturb me My interest."

Seeing that Director Lu was too lazy to look at himself, Shen Lin said calmly: "Director Lu, I am here this time mainly because I don't want to see you go further and further down the wrong path."

"So, let me tell you about the crux of the matter."

"If you want to talk, then let's find a place to talk about it. If you don't want to listen, it's right to pretend that you didn't hear what I said!"

"But I want to remind you that the consequences of this matter will be very serious."

With a slap, Chief Lu smashed the cards in his hand on the table, with a sullen look on his face: "Young man, your deliberately scary routine doesn't work for me."

"Let me tell you, the conclusion of your father's matter has been decided. No matter what you say, it will not stop your father's building from falling!"

Seeing Lu Changyou who was so aggressive that he didn't give himself a chance to speak at all, Shen Lin also lost interest in speaking.Although his second plan is really a bit troublesome, let him find a way to convince such a person that he is still willing to use his second plan.

"Then let's try." After Shen Lin finished speaking, he turned his head and left.

ps: The fourth update today, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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