Chapter 2348 Never Let Go
As the person in charge of external sales of MiKe Electronics, Mi Yuan has learned a lot over the years.

There is also a very clear picture of the current situation of Mishell Electronics.

Although MiKe Electronics is very powerful in the eyes of many people.

But tens of millions of shares were sold out at once, which was also news that shocked MiKe Electronics.

Many people have to think about this kind of situation, whether it is because MiKe Electronics is not working anymore, so this kind of situation occurs.

Otherwise, why wouldn't this happen to other companies?

Just when Mi Yuan was worried, Shen Lin had already calmly said to Shi Congyun: "Tell York Hansen that this is just the beginning."

"Let him calm down."


Shi Congyun nodded in agreement, glanced at Mi Yuan again, and then left quickly.

After Shi Congyun left, Shen Lin came to Mi Yuan's side and said, "Would you like to eat something now? The doctor is ready."

Mi Yuan looked at Shen Lin's solemn expression, hesitated and said, "Shen Lin, I'm awake now, you don't have to worry about me."

"Go and do your work. If I need anything later, just tell the nurse directly."

Shen Lin didn't want to leave like this.

After all, there was already a trace of guilt in his heart for Mi Yuan, not to mention that now, Mi Yuan had blocked a shot for him.

"I don't have anything to do now. Mr. York can handle everything."

Seeing Shen Lin's persistence, Mi Yuan said: "Although I don't know the specific situation outside, I know that if you go out, it will definitely be better than in the hospital."

"If you really think about me, don't focus on me at this critical moment. It will save you the trouble of others talking about me in the future."

Seeing Mi Yuan's determined expression, Shen Lin pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Okay, then I'll go."

"I'll arrange two people for you. If you need anything, just tell them."

Mi Yuan knew very well that if she didn't accept Shen Lin's kindness, Shen Lin might not leave.

So she said in a deep voice: "Okay, if you need anything, I will definitely arrange it for you."

Shen Lin hesitated for a moment and finally left Mi Yuan's room.

Although at this time, he had a lot to say to Mi Yuan, but he didn't know what to say.

When Shen Lin, accompanied by Shi Congyun and others, came to the stock operation room of MiKe Electronics, MiKe Electronics' stock was still extremely stable.

Even before Shi Congyun reported, there was some growth.

When York Hansen and others saw Shen Lin's arrival, they reported: "Director Shen, nearly 3000 million shares of our stock were sold just now."

"When I was ready to use our own funds to support our stocks, I didn't expect that those stocks had already been bought before I used the funds."

"I was a little anxious at the time, thinking that someone was trying to speculate on our stocks, but I didn't expect that these stocks were actually bought by ordinary investors."

"I learned that the main reason why these investors buy our stocks is because they trust our company and you."

After listening to York Hansen's report, Shen Lin showed a smile on his face.

He said to York Hansen and others: "Today is very critical. It can be said to be the time to decide the outcome. Let everyone cheer up. After winning this battle, I will never treat you badly."

York Hansen has already received his reward and firmly believes in Shen Lin's words.

And he already felt that the chance of winning this time was on his side, so after listening to Shen Lin's words, he promised: "Don't worry, Director Shen, we will definitely give you a good fight this time."

Shen Lin smiled and walked into the office specially prepared for him.

However, Shen Lin did not ask anyone to turn on the display screen. Instead, he picked up a book and read it casually.

Shen Lin knew very well that although he had some foresight in the stock market, he was still not as good as York Hansen in other aspects.I have already done almost everything I should do.

I came here to appease people's hearts.

So he might as well do nothing and let Joc Hansen do his thing.

As time goes by, the market has been in a state of anxiety, but MiKe Electronics' stock has been rising.

Under such circumstances, although the stocks of many companies such as Boss Li are falling, the market has not fallen much.

In the afternoon, Shen Lin's phone rang.

The caller was Boss Li. He said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, through our connections, we have found the person who acted against you this time."

Shen Lin has always believed in Boss Li's ability, so it was expected to find him.However, he could not forgive the person who almost killed him, so he said in a deep voice: "Who is it?"

"It's Mr. Nick!"

Mr. Nick?

After Shen Lin hesitated for a moment, he thought of who this person was.

Although this person's company is not too big, Mr. Nick follows Tros closely. Many people say that this is a loyal dog under Tros.

It's easy to understand why he did it to himself.

"Director Shen, Mr. Nick has left Xiangjiang now." Boss Li could understand Shen Lin's feelings, so he explained in a low voice.

Shen Lin understands what Boss Li means, that is, he is powerless to deal with this person now.

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "Boss Li, I can handle this matter myself."

While talking, Shen Lin hung up the phone call from Boss Li.

As thoughts flashed one by one, Shen Lin began to form a plan in his mind.

After careful deliberation, Shen Lin took the lead in dialing Mr. Yabo's number.

As the influence of the MiKe operating system grows, although Mr. Yabo, who has cooperated with MiKe Electronics, will never reach the status that Shen Lin remembers in his previous life, his influence has increased much more than before.

Therefore, Mr. Yabo both loves and hates Shen Lin, his collaborator.

Of course, among these thoughts, Mr. Yabo still has some fear of Shen Lin.

Soon, Mr. Yabo answered the phone: "Director Shen, I have learned about all the things your company is under investigation."

"It's Toros who's making waves."

"As long as you give me some time, I can help you solve it."

"Don't worry, as a partner, I will definitely do my best."

Before he said anything, Mr. Yabo showed his kindness directly. This was naturally not Shen Lin's own personality charm.

The cooperation between two people is really very important to Mr. Yabo's company.

As the influence of MiKe operating system grows, the possibility of Mr. Yabo doing it alone becomes less and less.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Yabo, thank you very much for your kindness."

"But I can handle this matter myself. I don't want to trouble you, my friend, for such a trivial matter."

"I have another thing now that I need your help with."

"I believe you can help me."

(End of this chapter)

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