Chapter 2364 Dilemma
Boss Zheng left Shen Lin's office and did not return home immediately. Instead, he went to a manor under the name of Boss Li.

This is Boss Li's usual place to relax, but today, the originally relaxed atmosphere here has become a bit tense.

The reason for this is because the owner here, Boss Li, frowned.

If your boss is in a bad mood, other people's moods will naturally not be good either.

The arrival of Boss Zheng made many people breathe a sigh of relief. After all, this Boss Zheng is a good friend of Boss Li.

When outsiders are around, your own boss won't be too angry.

As a big boss, Boss Zheng rarely pays attention to the thoughts of ordinary people.

He came to Boss Li who was fishing, but did not speak immediately, as if he was afraid of scaring away the fish that were about to take the bait.

Boss Li, who was fishing in his lotus pond, put down his fishing rod, turned to Boss Zheng and said, "Have you already discussed the matter with Director Shen?"

"I've already said it." Boss Zheng's voice was a little low.

"What do you think, Director Shen?" Boss Li asked, "Have you decided to let it go for now?"

Boss Zheng smiled bitterly and said: "Dr. Shen is very considerate about my experience. If you talk about this matter, I don't need to participate."

"But if I want Mr. Nick to leave like this, he won't agree."

"Looking at his situation, even if he is the only one left in the end, he will make Mr. Nick suffer once."

"Dr. Shen...Dong Shen is too strong."

Boss Li said nothing.

From his point of view, he naturally did not want the matter to continue, but he could not disrespect Shen Lin's opinion.

After all, the person who suffered the assassination was Shen Lin.

Moreover, Shen Lin was originally helping in this matter. Now that the crisis has passed, if he ignores Shen Lin's feelings and lets it go so easily, then in the future...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Boss Li let out a long sigh.

Boss Zheng looked at Boss Li's solemn expression, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Boss Zheng, are we really going to let Director Shen work on his own in this matter?"

"Old Zheng, you also know that I still have a lot of assets outside. Humeton called me on behalf of that gentleman, which made me very embarrassed."

Boss Li sighed and said, "Well, let's call the others together later."

"Discuss a countermeasure to make amends to Director Shen."

"In this matter, if we help Director Shen directly, it will be really difficult."

"However, Director Shen may suffer considerable losses if he fights Mr. Nick alone."

"We can make some amends to Director Shen from this aspect."

"For example, we can make up for all the funds that Director Shen lost in this area."

After hearing what Boss Li said, Boss Zheng felt a lot better.

As partners in the same boat, they abandoned Shen Lin this time.The cause of this incident was that Shen Lin was helping them.

If Shen Lin still sides with Toros, their experience may be very uncomfortable, and Mr. Nick's assassination will not happen to Shen Lin.

It can be said that the reason why Shen Lin is in his current situation is entirely because of people like them.

Boss Zheng said: "I completely agree with the matter of compensating Director Shen for his losses."

"But I'm afraid someone won't agree!"

Boss Li said coldly: "I will propose this matter, and you can just agree to it when the time comes."

"If anyone objects, then we will just not cooperate with him in the future."

Boss Li's lack of cooperation has many meanings.

Looking at the cold-looking Boss Li, Boss Zheng nodded and said, "Okay, let's do this. Let's see who has such a strong head."

"By the way, before we decide on this, we'd better talk to Old Huo." Boss Li said: "This proposal was made to me by Boss Huo before. He said that Director Shen must not be allowed to suffer big consequences for us. Loss."

Boss Zheng nodded and said: "Lao Huo can take the initiative to propose this solution, I am not as good as him!"

While the two bosses were chatting, someone came over respectfully and said, "Boss, everyone we invited has arrived."

Boss Li put down the fishing rod in his hand and said, "Let's go, let's handle this matter as soon as possible and let everyone feel at ease as soon as possible."

Boss Zheng silently followed Boss Li and soon arrived at the living room in the manor.

In the living room, which is more than a hundred square meters, there are more than a dozen people sitting there, all of whom are famous figures in Xiangjiang.

They were all talking about it before Boss Li came. When they saw Boss Li, Boss Zheng and others coming over, they all stopped talking.

"Everyone, I believe you all already know the purpose of inviting everyone here. I want to hear everyone's opinions on this matter. Who can speak first?" Boss Li glanced around and asked in a deep voice. road.

Everyone who was originally talking a lot now started to ponder after hearing Boss Li's words.

They are able to be leaders in their own professions, and naturally they are not easy people.

In this situation, no one is willing to speak first.

Finally, a middle-aged man with a thin face said: "Boss Li, let me say a few words. I believe everyone has heard about the current situation."

"Now that most of the funds from Toros and others have left, Director Shen is suppressing Mr. Nick's company."

"Although Mr. Nick is not particular about his work, someone has spoken to him behind his back. If we continue to pursue the case, we will offend that gentleman."

"But if we don't pursue it, we will offend Director Shen."

"Should we continue to follow Director Shen, or should we let Mr. Nick go?"

"I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't have an answer."

As soon as this person's words came out, everyone looked at Boss Li with extremely solemn eyes.

Because this is what everyone is concerned about.

And several of them also received calls from Mr. Humeton.

Although Humeton's words were spoken softly, the threat contained in them was not hidden at all.

Although these people's business is in Xiangjiang, they also have a lot of business in the United States, so they don't want to offend Humiton too much.

But Shen Lin, they also didn't want to offend him too much.

After all, they have all seen Shen Lin's fighting prowess.

And more importantly, Shen Lin is relatively close to their career. If Shen Lin is offended, the final result will be...

Boss Li did not answer immediately, but asked in all directions: "Do you have any other opinions on this issue?"

"I know that everyone already has ideas before coming here. You might as well speak out and discuss them."

"Mr. Zhong, why don't you come first."

The mentioned Mr. Zhong was in his 50s. He smiled and said: "Boss Li, I think it is really difficult for us to be caught in the middle of this matter."

"Offending Mr. Humeton will cause great harm to our future business, but betraying Director Shen will also cause us great losses."

"Also, morally speaking, some of it is unjustifiable."

"After all, Director Shen has helped us a lot all along!"

After hearing what Mr. Zhong said, many people agreed: "Yes, Director Shen did get to this point for us this time."

"After all, it was Director Shen who was assassinated."

"We can't let Dong Shen feel cold."

After hearing these remarks, Boss Li smiled more and more. He said in a deep voice: "Everyone, listen to me."

(End of this chapter)

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