Chapter 2366
When the sun filled every corner again, Shen Lin came to the hospital again.

Mi Yuan's injuries have mostly recovered, and she can now lie half-ly on the hospital bed.

After Shen Lin asked a few questions about her condition and talked about some topics about the child, Mi Yuan seemed to be hesitant to speak.

Although Mi Yuan's words were not spoken, her expression could not be hidden from Shen Lin's eyes.

Shen Lin already had a guess in his mind about what Mi Yuan wanted to say.

If Shen Lin had followed Shen Lin's thoughts in the past, he would definitely block Mi Yuan from saying these words.

But now, after thinking about it, Shen Lin decided to let Mi Yuan speak out.

After all, some things are not good if they are suppressed too hard.

"Mi Yuan, do you have anything to say to me?" Shen Lin looked at Mi Yuan and asked with a smile.

Mi Yuan looked at Shen Lin's smiling face, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Shen Lin, I heard a piece of news, but I don't know if it is true."

Seeing that Shen Lin didn't interrupt her, Mi Yuan continued: "The person who assassinated us this time was instigated by a man named Nick."

"You and Boss Li have trapped Mr. Nick's funds. As long as it takes a while, Nick's fund will be wiped out, right?"

Shen Lin nodded and said: "Although the news you heard is a bit one-sided, it is generally the same."

Seeing Shen Lin's calm expression, Mi Yuan couldn't help but said: "Now many people say that Mr. Nick has found a very powerful backer."

"If you continue to attack Mr. Nick, you will be targeting his backer."

"So now, Boss Li and others have retreated, but you are the only one who is still insisting."

"If Shen Lin is doing this for me, I think you should stop doing this."

"The so-called gentleman's revenge, ten years is not too late."

"You don't have to offend such a big shot just for the sake of anger."

After Mi Yuan finished speaking, she looked at Shen Lin eagerly, waiting for his decision.

Shen Lin glanced at Mi Yuan for a few times and then said: "Although I am taking action for you this time, it is not entirely for you."

"The most important thing here is for myself."

"If someone dares to do anything against me, just because he has found a backer, I won't dare to do anything."

"Then who will take me to heart in the future?"

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said coldly: "Only by beating this Mr. Nick until he can never stand up, those who want to have evil thoughts will think more about it before they attack me."

Having said this, he said to Mi Yuan: "You don't need to have any psychological burden on this matter. The things in this matter in the future will not have much to do with you."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Mi Yuan felt not only relaxed but also bitter.

In fact, she would rather hear Shen Lin say that these are all for her.

But she didn't have much doubt about Shen Lin's words.

In her opinion, this is the most normal Shen Lin.

As thoughts flashed through her mind, she still managed to calm down and said, "Shen Lin, without the help of Boss Li and the others, can you really defeat that Nick?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about this matter. I am confident that Mr. Nick will not be able to eat and walk around."

Seeing Shen Lin's confident expression, Mi Yuan felt that there was no need to say anything more.

But the anxiety in her heart still made her unable to help but say: "Shen Lin, I know there are some things I shouldn't say."

"But I feel that since we have reached this point, I can say what I have to say."

"I don't think there is anything wrong with you dealing with Mr. Nick, but if it cannot be done, it is best not to force it." "It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge even in ten years."

"I think as long as we are all safe, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Looking at Mi Yuan, who looked solemn, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mi Yuan, I have an idea about this matter."

"You should have a good rest. Your biggest task now is to take good care of your injuries."

Just as Shen Lin was talking, the cell phone rang.

Shen Lin picked up the phone and took a look at it before answering: "Mr. York, what can I do?"

"Director Shen, have you seen the stocks that Mr. Nick and his company bought today? I feel that although they are struggling, they don't seem to have the urge to leave the market now."

York Hansen said: "Looking at their operating methods, I feel like they are deliberately entangled with us."

"If they did it on purpose, then we should pay attention this time."

Shen Lin understood the meaning of York Hansen's words very well.

A person who originally wanted to run away suddenly becomes deliberately entangled with you. You need to be very careful about what happens here.

He pondered for a moment and said, "How high do you think it is that Nick is deliberately entangled with us?"

"Director Shen, based on my experience, I think there is an 80.00% chance that Nick is deliberately entangled with us."

"His purpose is probably to fight back against us."

Hearing York Hansen's response, Shen Lin said: "Keep an eye on Nick and the others. We still have to suppress Nick and the others' funds so that they cannot leave easily."

When York Hansen called Shen Lin, he actually wanted the boss, Shen Lin, to change his mind. However, he did not expect that what he was waiting for in the end was still such an order.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally gritted his teeth and said: "Director Shen, the current situation has begun to go against us."

"Nick's abnormal operation shows that he has other plans in this matter."

"I think we should be cautious and let them go for now."

"When we have the chance in the future, we will take revenge for this."

It can be said that York Hansen is making mature remarks.

If Shen Lin didn't have Mr. Toros as a secret back-up, he would definitely adopt York Hansen's advice.

After all, there are some things where too much is too much.

However, with Toros taking action and the sure things in his past life memories, Shen Lin felt that his chances of success were very high.

How could he give up under such circumstances.

"Mr. York Hansen, we cannot deny our decision when there is a slight disturbance."

"My opinion is that until there are no clear changes, we still have to do our own things."

"As for the rest, we will wait until there is clear information."

Seeing the seriousness of Shen Lin's words, although York Hansen felt that this was not good, he finally sighed and said: "Okay, Director Shen, I will report to you at any time if there is any news."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Lin said to Mi Yuan: "This York Hansen is like rain when he hears the wind. I must have a good chat with him later."

"Director Shen, when you talk to Mr. York Hansen later, you should also listen to his opinion."

"After all, he is still loyal to you."

"I have nothing to do here, so you don't need to delay. Just go and do your work first. Now is the most critical time."

(End of this chapter)

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