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Chapter 237 Old Shen's Last Effort

Chapter 237 Old Shen's Last Effort
While Shen Lin was talking with Zhong Tianyang, Shen Xingye had already arrived at Director Li's office.

As the top leader in the factory, Lao Li has absolute authority in the factory. Although many major issues emphasize democratic centralization, after giving full play to democracy, it is still necessary to rely on "centralization" to make decisions.

Over the years, Director Li has led the General Iron and Steel Plant, and has created a lot of performance with a sense of urgency that no one can wait.

When Shen Xingye was the director of the Hardware Machinery Factory, he also dealt with Director Li, but the status of the Hardware Machinery Factory was equivalent to a small branch of the General Iron and Steel Factory, let alone a few The main workshops, and even some auxiliary workshops are inferior.

Naturally, Lao Shen didn't have much contact with Director Li.

"Old Shen, what's the matter?" When he knocked on the door of Factory Manager Li's office, there were a few people reporting work sitting in the office of Factory Manager Li.

When these people saw Shen Xingye, each of them showed a trace of surprise, but more of this surprise turned into curiosity.

They were all very curious about why Shen Xingye ran over to look for Director Li at this time.

Shen Xingye glanced at those who reported the work and said: "Director Li, I have some work matters, and I want to report to you alone."

Factory Manager Li frowned. He just held a meeting yesterday and dismissed Shen Xingye from his post, and even made an announcement on the radio.

At a time like this, Shen Xingye came to report on his work. It is estimated that [-]% of Shen Xingye came here for this matter.

He intentionally refused Shen Xingye's report, but now that Shen Xingye has come in, it would be ugly for him to refuse again.

What's more, this is probably the last time that Shen Xingye will report to himself.

"Okay, after their matter is settled, you can report." Director Li waved his hand and said, "Go to Xiao Xu's office first and wait."

Xiao Xu is the secretary of Factory Manager Li, and most people have to pass Xiao Xu's test if they want to report to Factory Manager Li.

Some time ago, Shen Xingye also asked Xiao Xuli, the director of the factory, if he had time, but the result he got was to make him wait.

Now, hearing his decision to be dismissed, Shen Xingye knew that if he wanted to continue queuing at Xiao Xu's place, he might not have a chance, so he simply approached him.

"Okay, I'll come over later." Shen Xingye closed the door gently while speaking.

Xiaoxu is a separate office, in addition to a desk, there are a few chairs reserved for those who report work.

When Shen Xingye walked into Xiao Xu's office, he saw a few people who used to work together, talking loudly at this moment.

"Shen Xingye doesn't know how much weight he has. Mr. Yang said that there is no problem, but he insisted that there is a problem with two knives."

"Tsk tsk, it seems that his technique is better than Mr. Yang's."

"If you ask me, we can't make Shen Xingye, a person like Shen Xingye who just wants to show off, otherwise..."

"Hey, this time he bumped into Lao Lu, he hit an iron plate!"

Just when these people were talking vigorously, they saw Shen Xingye walking in almost at the same time, and they were a little embarrassed for a while.

Saying bad things about others, and behind their backs, saying bad things about someone you know, and being caught on the spot, this is not an ordinary dilemma.

For a while, several people didn't know what to say.

And Xiao Xu who was writing something, after seeing Shen Xingye, smiled and said: "Director Shen, do you have anything else to do?"

"I'm here to see Factory Director Li." Shen Xingye also felt a little sad at this time. He had a good relationship with these people. When they met, they could make some jokes with each other, but he didn't expect that these people would look at him like this.This made him feel a little bit sad in his heart.

Therefore, Shen Xingye's speech at this time was the most concise. He really didn't have the heart to continue chatting with the person in front of him.

"Director Shen, I have already reported your matter to Director Li, but Director Li really has no time right now!"

Being able to become the secretary of the factory director, Xiao Li is naturally not an ordinary person. Although he looked troubled, in fact, he rejected Shen Xingye.

A hint of embarrassment appeared on Shen Xingye's face and he said: "I just told Director Li, and Director Li asked me to wait here with you."

Xiao Xu's complexion suddenly became a little ugly.After all, who will report to Director Li, he must report first.

Well now, Shen Xingye is so unruly, of course he is not happy about this situation.

But thinking that Shen Xingye has been dismissed now, he said lightly: "Director Shen, please sit down first, and I will invite you to come over after Director Li notifies you."

Shen Xingye sat down on a stool in the corner, and those people who were chatting happily just now turned into whispers one by one.

Shen Xingye didn't care about these things. What he thought about the most was still how to convince Director Li.

Unknowingly, 10 minutes passed.At this time, Xiao Xu's phone rang suddenly, and after answering the phone, Xiao Xu said a few words, then turned to Shen Xingye and said, "Director Shen, Director Li just called and said that the company from Zhutian Club Your honored guest, you have already disembarked from the plane."

"He's going to see a distinguished guest now. If you have anything to ask, you can write him a report, and he will definitely deal with it as soon as possible."

When Shen Xingye heard that people from the Zhutian Club were coming, he hurriedly said: "Xiao Li, can you tell Director Li that what I want to report is about the Zhutian Club. If you don't report it now, it will be too late later. gone."

Xiao Xu spread his hands and said, "Director Shen, I really can't decide this matter."

Just when Xiao Xu looked helpless, Lu Changyou walked in quickly wearing a suit that didn't fit well.

Before he entered the door, he said loudly: "Xiao Xu, hurry up and help Director Li tidy up, you can't dress too casually when you see a distinguished guest."

The people around, after seeing Lu Changyou, quickly stood up to say hello to Lu Changyou, and some even praised Lu Changyou for wearing this suit, which looked particularly energetic.

After a few words of humility, Chang Lu saw Shen Xingye with a fixed gaze, snorted and said, "Xiao Xu, Director Li's time is precious, you must take good care of it, not everyone can take it with you." Come in!"

"If it's someone who disturbed Director Li, then whether Director Li is still working or not, and whether he has time to lead our factory to progress."

Although Lu Changyou was criticizing Xiao Xu, everyone here knew that his words were aimed at Shen Xingye.

Shen Xingye looked at the flattering people around him, and immediately felt disheartened.

I haven't fully thought about the words of persuasion at this time, but I didn't expect that even the director Li will not be able to see him now.

"Xiao Xu, I'm leaving." Shaking his head lightly, Shen Xingye walked directly towards the door.

No one stays.

Soon, hearty laughter sounded from the door of the office.

This laughter belongs to Lu Changyou.

(End of this chapter)

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