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Chapter 2373 The disaster of extinction

Chapter 2373 The disaster of extinction
Nick drank red wine and thought about his next plan.

This time, Shen Lin must be hurt, and then he must find a way to make Toros bear the consequences of abandoning him.

Thinking of Toros, Nick gritted his teeth. If Toros hadn't abandoned him, how could he have used Humiton's relationship.

Although Humeton was very proud of himself, he knew very well that this favor would be gone after it was used.

Even in the future, Humiton will have to guard against himself when doing things.

Nick felt a toothache when he thought of the man behind Humeton who everyone thought highly of him and thought he had a bright future.

Because from now on, such a character will have nothing to do with him.

It is even possible to become a person who is wary of himself.

Thinking of these consequences, Nick's hatred for Shen Lin and Toros grew even more.

As time passes, the changes in the stock market seem to be no different from yesterday.

Under this situation, Mr. Nick also completely relaxed.

"Beep beep..."

The ringing of the phone broke the silence of Mr. Nick's office.

Mr. Nick, who was thinking about how to take revenge in the future, casually connected the phone and heard a hurried voice coming from inside: "Nick, have you seen the news?"

Mr. Nick was stunned for a moment, and he said casually: "What news?"

"Mr. Humeton is under control. He is suspected of..." In one breath, the man mentioned seven or eight crimes on the phone.

Mr. Nick's heart trembled when he heard these accusations.

Although he also does things without scruples, he knows very well that there are some things that cannot be messed with.

Once provoked, there will be endless troubles.

And Humeton actually got involved in such a thing, which is almost certain that Humeton's life will probably be over.

As thoughts flashed one by one, Nick couldn't help but said: "This is just a matter of Humeton. It shouldn't have anything to do with that gentleman, right?"

The person who called Nick said in a deep voice: "Now there are photos to prove that the gentleman also accepted Humiton's banquet at the manor."

"There's even..."

"I heard that although the gentleman was still defending himself, his companions had abandoned him and nominated someone else to replace him."

Nick didn't even remember how he hung up the phone.

Humidon is finished!
The existence behind him that supported him was finished.

The defeat of these two people actually showed that Nick no longer had a protector behind him.

Who did this, so cruel and ruthless!

Nick didn't believe it. This was revealed for no reason.

He knows very well that behind everything, there is a force that drives it.

Who has a grudge against Mr. Humeton?
Who has a grudge against that gentleman?

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Nick thought of many people, but in the end, two figures appeared in his mind.

Toros and Shen Lin.

Is it really them?

Originally, Shen Lin was not within the scope of his consideration, but thinking of Shen Lin's strange actions in the past two days, he suddenly felt a wave of fear.

Did Shen Lin know the consequences of this before, so he desperately tried to hold himself back and prevent himself from getting out.

If so, then...

For a moment, Mr. Nick woke up from his speculation.

He has no time to worry about Mr. Humeton now. His most important thing now is to protect his assets.

Only by protecting your assets can everything go smoothly.

If he can't protect his assets, then who will care about him in the future.

Mr. Nick quickly picked up the phone and was about to call the subordinate responsible for manipulating his funds, but before the call was dialed, the ring rang.Although the matter was urgent, Mr. Nick still answered the call patiently.

After all, no one knows what will happen.

The moment the call was connected, Mr. Nick heard the urgent voice of his subordinate: "Mr. Nick, something is wrong with the situation."

"Those funds that had ignored us before are now starting to work with Shen Lin's funds to suppress us."

"The stocks we control have now fallen by one-tenth."

"And it's falling very fast. If we don't think of a way, I'm afraid we will be forced to close our positions in less than half an hour."

"If that's the case, it'll be troublesome."

When he heard about the forced liquidation, Mr. Nick's face became extremely ugly.

He naturally understood why those funds that had already left were now attacking him.

"Mr. Nick, please think of a solution quickly. Otherwise, it will be too late."

Nick yelled directly: "No matter how low the stock price is now, sell it to me."

"The most important thing for us now is not to make money, but to run quickly with our funds."

"Do you understand? Only if our funds run out, everything will be fine."

"Hurry up and do it!"

The roar of the subordinate Mr. Benik suddenly gave rise to a lot of fear.

There was a hint of trembling in his voice: "Mr. Nick, I understand your order."


Mr. Nick had already lost his previous calmness, and he roared: "But what? There is nothing but, let me do it now."

"But in this case, we will lose too much money."

"Even the funds that can be released are less than one-third of the original amount!" Although the subordinate was frightened by Mr. Nick's madness, he still said loudly.

If it is not as good as one-third of the original funds, it means that it has completely failed.

Because a lot of his funds were borrowed.

If not, then the consequences...

"Get ready first, and I'll think of a solution." Thinking of Mr. X and others who were asking for money, Mr. Nick finally calmed down.

He cannot afford to offend some people, so the money must be paid back.

The consequence of not paying back the money is that he and the money will all disappear.

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Nick's eyes fell on the big screen in the office.

The stocks on the screen were all falling one by one, which made him feel as if these stocks were mocking him.

Hateful, extremely hateful!
It is simply impossible for him to beg Shen Lin.

It's not that he can't lose face, it's that Shen Lin will never let him go in this matter.

Who can save yourself?

One by one, figures quickly appeared in Mr. Nick's mind. Although he didn't have any good friendships with these people, at this time, he couldn't care so much.

For him, the most important thing now is actually three words, that is to survive.

As soon as he thought about it, he picked up the phone.

"Dear Mr. Peter, our Nick is the same Nick who lit cigarettes for you at the last party. Hahaha, I am now..."

Before Mr. Nick finished speaking, someone on the phone said: "I know you, you are the one who harmed Humeton. I have no time to talk to you, and you should never call me."

"You loser!"

As he was talking, the phone was hung up!

(End of this chapter)

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