Chapter 2375 Good luck to you
Toros is a proud man.

Almost everyone who has come into contact with him knows that Mr. Toros is extremely proud.

The thing he dislikes the most is when someone thinks he is inferior.

And when he reaches Toros's status, there are really very few people who can make him feel inferior.

So much so that Toros developed a pride that did not look down upon most people.

But now, the extremely proud Toros actually said directly that he was inferior to others.

This is simply...

In shock, Nick couldn't help but said: "Mr. Toros, what should I do?"

Asking this sentence is an instinct.

In fact, Nick never thought that Toros could help him at this time.

After all, what Toros said was extremely decisive.

"Mr. Nick, the only thing I can do now is wish you good luck!"

After Toros said this, he hung up the phone directly.

Wish yourself good luck.

Whether my luck is good or not, do I still need your blessing?
Thinking of Shen Lin's words wishing him good luck, Nick's face turned pale with anger.

But he was angry, and he knew very well that at this time, he really had no way to deal with Toros.

If Toros doesn't help, who can save me?

Just when Mr. Nick was in trouble, there was a quick knock on the door.

Nick frowned. This kind of knocking on the door without his consent was what he disliked the most.

However, as the door opened, the person who appeared in front of Nick was his subordinate who had left not long ago.

"Mr. Nick, I'm afraid we won't be able to get our funds out. Now... we're on the verge of being forced to liquidate our positions. Please think of a way."

The subordinate looked at Nick, his voice constantly trembling.

Nick's hands were also trembling. He knew very well the consequences of forced liquidation. Once his position was forced to be liquidated, he himself would be doomed.

"Is there really no other way?" Nick grabbed his subordinate with a growl in his voice.

The subordinate looked at the roaring Nick, his mouth twitched and wanted to say something, but in the end nothing came out.

After more than 30 seconds, the subordinate said with a hint of trembling: "Mr. Nick, we don't have much time left."

Nick released his grip on his subordinate's hand, waved to him and said, "Don't disturb me."

"I will contact you if something happens later."

As his subordinates left, Nick closed the door heavily.

He sat on the sofa, and Shen Lin appeared in his mind.

He knew very well that his current situation was actually caused by Shen Lin.

And the easiest person to save himself is Shen Lin.

As long as Shen Lin lets him go, he can naturally rest easy.

But if Shen Lin didn't let him go, he would be dead after all.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Nick finally gritted his teeth and dialed the phone.

Although it is really not easy for Shen Lin to let him go, Nick, who has been fighting for many years, knows very well that he must not give up until the last step.

If you give up before the last step, you are actually being irresponsible to yourself.

The phone rang four times, and then a voice rang from the receiver: "Hello, who are you and what do you want?"

Nick was stunned for a moment when he heard the woman's voice.

He first thought it was a wrong call, but then he realized that the person who answered the phone might be Shen Lin's female secretary.After all, when he reached Shen Lin's status, he rarely answered the phone.

"Hello, I'm Nick. I have something important to talk to Director Shen. Could you please transfer the call to Mr. Shen for me?"

Nick said it very politely, and after saying this, his heart beat a little hard.

He knew very well that his life and death actually depended on this moment.

Only when Shen Lin answered the phone did he have the possibility to plead for mercy. But once Shen Lin didn't answer his call, there would be no possibility.

"Wait a moment." The plain voice shook Mr. Nick's spirit.

After all, this was not rejected outright.

The wait this time was only one minute, but for Mr. Nick, this minute was extremely long.

Finally, Shen Lin's voice came over the phone.

"Mr. Nick, why did you think of calling me at this time?"

Upon hearing Shen Lin's question, Mr. Nick felt his heart tremble.

He knew very well that this time was very important to him. If he could answer it well, his life would be saved.

"Director Shen, I'm disturbing you at this time because I have something very important to report to you."

At this point, Mr. Nick said: "Director Shen, I sincerely apologize to you. That was what I asked people to do."

"Please forgive me, Mr. Shen. I was also my own master at that time and couldn't help myself."

Shen Lin listened to Mr. Nick's defense and said calmly: "Mr. Nick, if you just say these words to me, then I know everything you said. Goodbye."

"Director Shen, please wait a moment, I will only delay you for one minute." Nick quickly stopped him.

He knew very well that once Shen Lin hung up the phone, it would be a disaster for him.

So he quickly said: "Director Shen, I know that what I did to you will never be forgiven."

"But fortunately, this incident did not cause too much irreparable damage."

At this point, Nick's voice was urgent: "But I am still very useful."

"As long as you let me go, I can sell you 80.00%, no, it should be 90.00%, of the company's shares."

"In this case, not only will you make the most profit, but you will also get a complete company, so why not do it."

"What's more, although I am not very capable, I have one good thing, and that is loyalty."

Nick patted his chest and said in a deep voice: "At that time, I was helping others deal with you, but now, I can also help you deal with others."

"Director Shen, please give me this opportunity."

"I believe that I can make you feel that you get the best value for your money."

After finishing what he wanted to say quickly, Nick breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he had a deep grudge with Shen Lin, Mr. Nick believed that it would be difficult for him to be rejected by such a useful subordinate.

If Shen Lin wants to get the maximum benefit this time, he must keep himself.

This time he could be said to be making a desperate move, and he felt that the hope of success this time was still very high.

Just when he was extremely looking forward to the result, he heard Shen Lin's words rang out from the microphone.

"Mr. Nick, what you said is very good, but it's a pity that I can't agree to your conditions."

Having said this, Shen Lin said calmly: "So, you'd better find another job."

Shen Lin's words made Nick's little anger suddenly drop.

At this time, everything in his heart was filled with sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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