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Chapter 2388 The Way Is Different

Chapter 2388 The Way Is Different

Shen Lin was not surprised that Toros knew his next move.

Because at that time, he did not let York Hansen hide his tracks.

It is really common for this kind of thing to be known to people now.

Facing Toros' somewhat aggressive gaze, Shen Lin said calmly: "Mr. Toros, what you said is absolutely correct."

"Some time ago, I was tested by others."

"And for this operation, we also made an action plan, but Mr. Nick's incident made me feel that nothing is normal."

"So I don't want to take any new actions in the short term."

"After all, you can't make enough money."

Shen Lin's words made Toros's expression become even more gloomy.

He originally thought that after he exposed Shen Lin's secrets, Shen Lin would have to cooperate with him, but he did not expect that Shen Lin not only admitted it openly, but also said that he was not interested in this kind of thing recently.

This suddenly reduced his confidence a lot.

"Director Shen, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"You should know how critical the situation over there has become."

"As long as we attack, we can definitely kill them with one strike."

"Also, the wealth accumulated over there is not something you and we can compare with."

"Let me tell you, this wealth is very, very huge."

"If we attack after this, its vast wealth will be ours."

"But they will also take this opportunity to plug the loopholes that have been exposed."

"The next time you want to attack, it will be very difficult."

"So Director Shen, I suggest you think about it carefully, and it's best to seek the opinions of your subordinates."

When Toros said it at the end, he acted like I am all for your own good.

Shen Lin looked at Toros's appearance, smiled and said, "Mr. Toros, I appreciate your kindness."

"But I still say the same thing. I don't want to, nor am I prepared to earn this money now, so I'm very sorry. I can only accept your kindness."

Toros looked at Shen Lin with a determined look on his face and knew that no matter how much he tried to persuade him this time, there would be no results.

If it weren't for the funds that followed him and asked Shen Lin to join, would he not care whether Shen Lin joined the plan?

"Director Shen, since you are so insistent, it is useless for me to say anything else."

"But what? Don't be too decisive. I hope you can seek other people's opinions before making a decision."

Having said this, Toros hesitated and said, "I will be waiting for news from you, Director Shen, within five days."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Thank you very much for Mr. Toros's attention. If I change my mind, I will definitely inform Mr. Toros as soon as possible."

"The reception is about to start, and I can't keep those who support me waiting."

"How about the two of us go out for a drink?"

"I believe that these guests who come here will really hope to have a drink with Mr. Toros."

If it was just a couple of drinks with Boss Li and others, Toros might still agree.

In his eyes, except for Boss Li and others who could have a few drinks with him, he didn't want to talk to anyone else at all.

What's more, Shen Lin rejected his invitation. In this case, he had to find a way to solve the consequences if Shen Lin did not participate in this operation.

So he waved his hand and said: "Director Shen, thank you very much for your invitation, but I really have some things to deal with now."

"So I can only apologize for your invitation."

Shen Lin showed a trace of regret and said: "Since Mr. Toros doesn't have time, let's wait until next time." Toros said: "I also very much hope that we can join hands and hold a cocktail party in a few days."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Toros, I hope we can have a few more drinks next time."

Toros walked very quietly. Boss Li and others were watching the vehicle leaving Toros, with strange eyes flashing in their eyes.

Toros came to see Director Shen personally at this time. What does this mean? It shows that Director Shen has a different status in the eyes of Mr. Toros.

Compared with Director Shen, there are still some gaps between myself and others!

"Director Shen, is everyone waiting for you? Let's go there." Boss Li suggested to Shen Lin after waiting for Toros' car to leave.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Boss Li, time is a bit rushed this time. Some of the guests are not familiar to me yet. Boss Li can help me more in a moment."

Boss Li smiled and said: "Director Shen, this is what it should be."

"But I believe that with your ability, Mr. Shen, you can handle a meeting with ease."

"What's more, where is Boss Chen?"

Boss Li's last words were obviously filled with a hint of dissatisfaction.

After all, Boss Li was dissatisfied with how Shen Lin treated Boss Chen.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Boss Chen's ability is quite good, and no one is perfect. It is said that knowing mistakes can be corrected, and there is no great way to do good."

"What's more, although I have a lot of business in Xiangjiang, I have to stay in Dongzhou most of the time."

"I always need someone to help me take care of some things."

"I don't want to bother you, Boss Li, all the time because of a trivial matter."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Boss Li frowned slightly.

Shen Lin's words made him feel a slight sense of crisis.

He said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, aren't you afraid of raising tigers?"

"After all, you see what Boss Chen does."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Of course I have thought about raising tigers and causing trouble."

"But Boss Chen sold me part of the company's shares, which makes me feel more at ease with him."

After hearing this, Boss Li wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

Boss Chen has already expressed his loyalty to Shen Lin. If he says anything else, it will be of no use.

Maybe it will make Shen Lin feel that he is dissatisfied with Shen Lin's affairs?

At this moment, Boss Chen came over with a smile on his face and said, "Director Shen, Boss Li, are everyone waiting for you?"

"I think Director Shen should say something to everyone at this cocktail party to express his gratitude to everyone for coming here."

"Boss Li, what do you think?"

Although Boss Li also had this idea in his mind, hearing Boss Chen bring it up at this time made him feel very uncomfortable.

But in the end, he still said: "What Boss Chen said is exactly what I am going to do."

"Dr. Shen, wait a moment. I must say a few words to everyone."

"After all, you, Mr. Shen, are the protagonist of this cocktail party."

Shen Lin glanced at Boss Li and Boss Chen twice, and then said with a smile: "Since you two said so, then I'd better obey them respectfully."

Having said this, he said to Boss Chen: "Boss Chen, I will return to Dongzhou in a few days. If anything happens in the future, I should ask Boss Li more for advice."

"I believe that you will be able to cooperate with Boss Li and take over the tasks I have assigned to you."

When Boss Chen heard what Shen Lin said, he immediately became energetic. He said decisively: "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I will definitely not let you down."

(End of this chapter)

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