Chapter 2392 Sudden Accident
Both Boss Zheng and later Boss Li and others were extremely polite to Mi Yuan when they saw Shen Lin bringing Mi Yuan to greet her.

The names they called Mi Yuan also became extremely close without realizing it.

It can be said that this cocktail party is a recognition of Mi Yuan's identity.

Although this kind of admission cannot be made public, it has become a tacit understanding in the hearts of Boss Li and others.

Mi Yuan's heart was filled with excitement for the scenes arranged by Shen Lin.

For her, she doesn't need Shen Lin's family property, what she needs is recognition.

However, this meeting also gave Mi Yuan a lot of benefits. Whether it was the compliment from Boss Chen or the meeting gifts from other bosses, it added up to a large number.

Apart from anything else, if Mi Yuan relies on these to live on in the future, it will basically be more than enough.

Shen Lin did not specially arrange the food for this banquet.

After everyone sat down, Shen Lin said with a smile: "I should go back to Dongzhou in a few days."

"After all, there are still a lot of things to do over there. MiKe Electronics' business in Xiangjiang needs you to take care of it."

When they heard that Shen Lin was going back, Boss Li and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Shen Lin had always been personable when interacting with them, as Shen Lin's prestige became higher and higher, they all felt a sense of pressure when facing Shen Lin.

This kind of pressure makes them feel very uncomfortable.

Now that Shen Lin is gone, although he has left behind Boss Chen as his spokesperson, Boss Chen is not qualified enough after all.

Even if he could compete with himself and others with Shen Lin's support, he would not put pressure on himself and others like Shen Lin did.

"Director Shen, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"Now that the crisis on our side has been resolved, I also told Boss Zheng and the others to invite Director Shen to go fishing and relax for a while?" Boss Li asked with a smile.

Although only he knew how sincere Boss Li's attempt to stay was, Shen Lin still smiled and expressed his gratitude for this kind of effort: "Boss Li, I appreciate your kindness."

"It's just that now, there are too many things in the company."

"Well, when I'm not busy, I'll definitely bother you all."

"Haha, we have a long way to go."

When Boss Li saw what Shen Lin said, he picked up his wine glass and said, "Dr. Shen, since you have made up your mind, I won't try to persuade you to stay."

"Anyway, the transportation is convenient now. If you want to come back, it can be done at any time."

"Come, let's raise a toast together and wish Director Shen a safe journey."

Boss Chen, Boss Zheng, York Hansen and others raised their wine glasses towards Shen Lin, and then everyone drank it down.

For Boss Li, Shen Lin's departure made him feel a little relieved.

For Boss Chen, Shen Lin's departure made him a little uneasy and excited.

What worried him was that Shen Lin had sent him to his current position, but he had no idea whether he could master this position.

What he was excited about was that the mountain that was pressing on him finally left for the time being.

Next, he will start competing with Boss Li and others as Shen Lin's spokesperson.

Although he had no confidence in such a situation, thinking about it made people feel extremely excited.

At the banquet that night, Shen Lin did not continue to talk about business matters, but talked about some small family matters. For a while, the guests and the host were enjoying themselves.

After sending Boss Li and others away, Shen Lin met Mi Yuan's eyes like water.

Looking at Mi Yuan standing not far from him, Shen Lin's heart slowly warmed up...

Originally, Shen Lin's plan was to stay in Xiangjiang for four or five days and then return to Dongzhou. However, on the third day after he hosted a banquet for Boss Li and others, Shen Lin received a phone call that shocked him.Cheng Zhenyuan fainted when he was at work.

After hearing the news, Shen Lin immediately asked Shi Congyun to prepare arrangements for his return trip. He wanted to return to Dongzhou as soon as possible to take charge.

Although there were Lian Shaofeng and others in Dongzhou, Shen Lin was very aware of Cheng Zhenyuan's role.

Now that Cheng Zhenyuan has fainted, it will have a big impact on the hearts of Mi Ke Electronics.

Mi Yuan also worked at MiKe Electronics, and she was very clear about the role of Cheng Zhenyuan, an old senior.

Knowing that this incident would have a great impact on Shen Lin and MiKe Electronics, she did not try to persuade Shen Lin to stay, but silently prepared a salute to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin knew very well what Mi Yuan was thinking at this time, but he had to deal with Cheng Zhenyuan's matter.

So after saying goodbye to Mi Yuan and the children, Shen Lin returned to Dongzhou in just half a day.

It was Lian Shaofeng who came to greet Shen Lin.

After Cheng Zhenyuan was hospitalized, he was basically in charge of Dongzhou's work.

Lian Shaofeng's ability is very strong, and before Cheng Zhenyuan fell ill, he had actually presided over a lot of work at MiKe Electronics.

So many things can be handled with ease.

Shen Lin looked at Lian Shaofeng and said, "Shaofeng, how is Mr. Cheng's current condition?"

"Director Shen, Mr. Cheng had a slight stroke, but he has begun to recover now."

"According to the doctor, as long as you keep exercising, it won't have any big impact."

Lian Shaofeng solemnly said: "Now Mr. Cheng has started rehabilitation training. Within half a month, he should be able to recover almost fully."

Shen Lin nodded and said in a deep voice: "We must do our best to treat Mr. Cheng."

"We can hire experts from Beijing if we don't have them here."

"If you have any difficulties, I will just coordinate."

Lian Shaofeng said: "Okay, Director Shen, I will definitely convey your opinions to the hospital."

The car drove quickly, and within half an hour, it had arrived at Dongzhou City Hospital.

Originally, according to Cheng Zhenyuan's status, he had to go to the provincial hospital for treatment at least, but with his kind of disease, the doctor advised not to move easily, so the final choice was Dongzhou City Hospital.

"Mr. Shen!"

Because they knew Shen Lin was coming, the person in charge of the city hospital waited at the gate of the hospital early.

Although Shen Lin has no affiliation with him, he still hopes to make friends with a big boss like Shen Lin.

After all, MiKe Electronics’ strength is really too strong.

"Hello, Dean Ma, thank you for your hard work this time." Shen Lin shook hands with Dean Ma and said with a smile, "Mr. Cheng's condition will still require your care in the next period of time!"

Dean Ma quickly said: "Mr. Cheng is hospitalized here, which is our biggest responsibility. Don't worry, we will do our best."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Dean Ma, if you need anything, just ask."

"If I can't do it, I can help you apply. Let's work together to ensure that Mr. Cheng gets the best treatment."

While the two were talking, they arrived outside Cheng Zhenyuan's ward.

The ward was open at this time, and Cheng Zhenyuan's eldest son was standing at the door waiting. When he saw Shen Lin, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Mr. Shen!"

(End of this chapter)

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