Chapter 2396

Lu Xiaorong couldn't talk to her mother, so she made her wisest choice, which was to remain silent.

No matter what Xu Hongying said, she remained silent.

In this way, Xu Hongying talked a lot, but gradually she lost interest.

In just over half an hour, with a gentle sound of brakes, the door of the villa was opened.

"Dad is back!"

Xiao Guoke, who was doing his homework, put down his pen and rushed out excitedly.

Lu Xiaorong also walked out with excitement.

Xu Hongying picked up her granddaughter and walked towards the door.

"Dad!" Seeing his father, Xiao Guoke rushed over quickly.

Shen Lin hugged Xiao Guoke and spun him twice in mid-air before letting go and saying, "Dad is not at home, are you obedient?"

"Dad, not only am I obedient, but I also study hard?"

Having said this, Xiao Guoke said proudly: "I got another [-] points in the exam the day before yesterday."

"Awesome." Shen Lin kissed his son on the face, and his eyes fell on Lu Xiaorong and Xu Hongying.

"Mom!" Shen Lin greeted Xu Hongying.

Xu Hongying said: "Shen Lin, stop standing in the yard and go back to the house quickly."

Shen Lin smiled and looked at Lu Xiaorong.

Lu Xiaorong smiled at him and said: "It's windy outside, don't blow it away Niuniu."

Shen Lin took his daughter from Xu Hongying's arms and walked quickly into the house.

The daughter who could not speak yet stared at Shen Lin with big eyes, looking curious.

"Dad, my sister only cries when she eats. You have to take good care of her when you come back." Xiao Guoke complained loudly.

Hearing his son's words, Shen Lin couldn't help but laugh again.

Lu Xiaorong asked: "The newspaper said that the stock market in Xiangjiang has changed drastically this time. Is everything okay now?"

"Basically nothing happened."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "You don't have anything to worry about."

"Although this trip to Xiangjiang was a bit tiring, the results were still very good. At least we didn't suffer any losses."

Lu Xiaorong glanced at Xu Hongying and said nothing.

After Xu Hongying was concerned about Shen Lin's outing for a few words, she changed the subject and said, "Shen Lin, how is Lao Cheng's health?"

"It's nothing serious. I should be able to leave the hospital in a week."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mom, you and Dad also need to check your health regularly. Don't be too careless."

"Mr. Cheng usually thinks that he is in good health, so he doesn't pay attention to many things, and that's why he suddenly fainted."

"You and my dad need to be more careful!"

Xu Hongying said with a smile: "I have been paying attention, but you have to say more about Dad."

"He is good at everything, but he has a stubborn temper."

"At this age, not only resting at home, but also going to the factory every now and then."

"I told him that all the machines in the factory have been replaced, but he just didn't listen."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I'll try to persuade you later."

"Shen Lin, Lao Cheng's health is like this. We can't let him stay so old and tired. He has recovered this time, and he may not have such a good opportunity next time."

Xu Hongying said: "Old Cheng has worked hard for so many years, and it's time for him to enjoy the blessings."

At this time, Shen Lin noticed that Lu Xiaorong blinked at him.

He felt that Lu Xiaorong had something to say to him, but at this time, he could only smile and say: "Mom, when I visited Mr. Cheng today, he also asked me to resign." "I'm going to let him He resigned as general manager and became the vice chairman of MiKe Electronics."

"The daily tasks of this position are not that many, and it is not particularly tiring. It is very suitable for Mr. Cheng."

Xu Hongying said with a smile: "It's best if Lao Cheng can take a rest."

"Is the general manager's job to be a young forward? He has good abilities, but I don't think he is as practical as Lao Cheng."

"You need someone to help you keep an eye on him!"

Shen Lin was a man of two generations, and when he heard Xu Hongying's words, he had some understanding in his heart.

He glanced at Xu Hongying and said, "Mom, I know."

"Xiaoshan has been with you for so many years, and there is no credit but hard work." Xu Hongying seemed not to sense the plainness in Shen Lin's words, and continued: "He is Xiaorong's younger brother. Let him serve as the deputy general manager. No one will do it. say what."

"I think he is a good candidate."

"At least he won't lie to you about his work."

Shen Lin thought about Lu Xiaorong's recent work situation and said with a smile: "Mom, I will consider this matter."

Xu Hongying was still going to speak, but Lu Xiaorong had already said: "Mom, my dad will be back soon. You go back and cook for him."

"Otherwise, my dad will eat randomly again."

Xu Hongying said a little impatiently: "It's not like your dad has never eaten randomly, so it's okay to let him eat randomly once."

"Shen Lin, you have to think about this matter carefully!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mom, don't worry, I will definitely consider the location of the hill."

Having said this, he said to Xu Hongying: "Dad can't eat carelessly. You'd better go home and take a look."

When Shen Lin said this, Xu Hongying was embarrassed to say anything else.

She stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go back and see your dad first."

"Come back later."

After seeing Xu Hongying off, Lu Xiaorong said: "Don't worry about what my mother said. Just choose whoever should be chosen as the deputy general manager."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I know this, but the hill is really good."

“In the development of an enterprise, you cannot rely on nepotism, but you cannot completely ignore your own people.”

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin with a smile on his face, and suddenly his eyes became red.

She said to Xiao Guoke: "Guoke, go outside and watch TV. I have something to tell your dad."

Xiao Guoke was playing with a lot of toys that Shen Lin brought him from Xiangjiang. After hearing his mother's instructions, he quickly took his toys to his room.

Seeing Lu Xiaorong's appearance, Shen Lin felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Just when he didn't know how to speak, Lu Xiaorong suddenly said: "You...were you in danger when you were assassinated?"

Shen Lin understood that the story of his assassination was only spread in Xiangjiang.In order not to worry Lu Xiaorong, he never said anything about it and arranged for Shi Congyun to keep the news secret from Lu Xiaorong.

But he didn't expect that Lu Xiaorong still knew.

"It's okay, it's just a fright. It's not as serious as it sounds." Shen Lin smiled and said, "Look at me, there's not even a single scar on my body."

"Why don't we check it carefully in the evening."

Shen Lin's last voice was a bit low, which made Lu Xiaorong feel a little embarrassed.

She glared at Shen Lin, and then said: "How old are you? You are not serious yet."

"Let me tell you, is the child still watching?"

Shen Lin glanced at his daughter who was wide-eyed and waving the small toy in her hand, smiled and said: "Niuniu doesn't understand now, what are you afraid of!"

"Shen Lin, what can I tell you about business?" Lu Xiaorong said: "I heard that Mi Yuan was injured on your behalf. Is she okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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