Chapter 2400
"Director Shen, I can't think of anyone for the deputy general manager at the moment."

"I think this matter should be decided by you and the board of directors."

After Lian Shaofeng hesitated for a while, he finally recommended this candidate to Shen Lin.

The qualifications of the candidate he proposed were too poor and there was no way he would be approved.

Moreover, it is impossible for Director Shen not to inspect the powerful deputy general manager.

In this case, why not accept Director Shen's arrangement honestly?

Hearing what Lian Shaofeng said, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Why, are you afraid that I think you have all the power?"

"No, I really don't have a suitable candidate."

Lian Shaofeng spread his hands and said: "This matter is difficult to handle. Instead of making things difficult for me, why not leave the problem to you?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "You, you, are really lazy."

"As for this suitable candidate, I was a little undecided for a while, so I listened to your opinion."

"You also know that the threshold of my office was almost trampled down today."

"These people all hope to become deputy general managers."

"Their abilities are obvious to all, so I want to ask your opinion."

"But now, you kicked the ball to me again."

Lian Shaofeng smiled but said nothing.

He still believed Shen Lin's words. First of all, there was really no need for Shen Lin to lie to him.

Although his status is not low, compared with Shen Lin, he is far inferior in every aspect.

Secondly, this matter was originally a matter that Shen Lin could decide with one word.

Seeing that Lian Shaofeng was silent, Shen Lin did not dwell on this issue, but changed the subject and said, "What suggestions do you have for the company's future development?"

"Dr. Shen, the most important thing for the development of MiKe Electronics is excellent products."

"I think that in future work, we must still be based on products, but appropriate marketing methods are still needed."

"Especially for products such as electrical appliances, with the influx of more and more foreign electrical appliances, we must have a sense of crisis in this regard."

"Our quality not only has to compete with domestic manufacturers, but we also have to compete with foreign manufacturers."

"We need to make our advantages stronger, and for our weaknesses, we need to speed up replenishment..."

"Of course, I think proper marketing, especially brand building, is also very important. So next, I am going to make appropriate efforts in this aspect."

"Only by establishing our brand can we attract more talents to join our MiKe Electronics..."

Lian Shaofeng was well prepared for the future development of MiKe Electronics, so after Shen Lin asked questions, he spoke a lot of his thoughts in one breath.

Shen Lin listened to Lian Shaofeng's thoughts and smiled in his eyes.

He said to Lian Shaofeng: "President Lian, please go back and prepare a detailed plan. Let's discuss it carefully."

Having said this, Shen Lin picked up a piece of fish meat and said, "In these ideas of yours, I think talents should be placed in a more important position."

"With the continuous development of the economy, more and more talents will surely flow into the enterprise. And if we want to attract these talents, in addition to providing higher treatment, we must also make people feel that in our MiKe Electronics provides peace of mind when working.”

"Building the effectiveness of our brand is a long-term issue."

"We absolutely cannot relax on this front."

Lian Shaofeng said: "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I will definitely focus on this aspect."

Shen Lin talked with Lian Shaofeng for more than an hour.Lian Shaofeng has a broad mind and rich experience. It can be said that he is the best choice to replace Cheng Zhenyuan.

However, after parting ways with Lian Shaofeng, Shen Lin began to think about the candidate for deputy general manager.

Guangzi was directly rejected by Shen Lin. Although Guangzi, who was used to being domineering, was good at his job, if he was made to be Lian Shaofeng's helper, he might not be able to do things well and would have the opposite effect.

Lan Weidong is not bad, but in terms of seniority and age, Lan Weidong may put pressure on the young forward.As for Lu Xiaoshan, everything else is perfect, but his special status, if he serves as deputy general manager...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Shen Lin felt a little headache.


A phone ringing broke Shen Lin's thoughts.

Picking up the phone and taking a look, Shen Lin found that the person calling him was actually Liang Jialuo.

Over the years, Liang Jialuo has always had a good relationship with him.

So Shen Lin simply put aside what he was thinking about, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Liang, what are your instructions?"

Liang Jialuo smiled and said, "Boss Shen, please stop joking. I'm just a water seller, and I don't dare to be the boss in front of you."

"It is now rumored in many places that you, Director Shen, are ruthless and will directly ruin the reputation of anyone who dares to kill you."

"Tsk, tsk, it sounds very majestic!"

Shen Lin knew who Liang Jialuo was talking about. Since Lu Xiaorong could know about this matter, he could not hide it from Liang Jialuo.

He said casually: "Mr. Liang called me during his busy schedule, isn't it just for this?"

Liang Jialuo smiled and said, "I'm just concerned about my former boss's health."

"Anyway, I'm your secretary, too."

"If the boss encounters such a crisis, if I don't care, wouldn't it look like I'm too ignorant!"

Hearing what Liang Jialuo said, Shen Lin smiled and said, "I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

"I'm busy here. If you don't have anything important to do, I'll hang up."

Liang Jialuo hurriedly said: "Director Shen, don't hang up yet. I'm calling you at this time, so of course there is something going on."

At this point, she paused and said, "Are you worried about the position of deputy general manager now?"

Shen Lin was not surprised by this. Although Liang Jialuo had been gone for many years, she had many friends within MiKe Electronics, so it was normal for her to know the news.

"Yes, the deputy general manager's matter is indeed quite annoying." Shen Lin said in a deep voice, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

"I called you just to talk about this."

Liang Jialuo smiled and said: "I will recommend someone to you. As long as she serves as the deputy general manager, your worries will basically be solved."

"And no one dares to be unconvinced."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Hurry up and tell me who this person is? Why didn't I think of it?"

"This person is far away, but he is calling you right now." Liang Jialuo said with a hint of mischief in his voice: "Now, can you guess who this person is?"

When Shen Lin heard what Liang Jialuo said, he was immediately stunned.

He never expected that Liang Jialuo would recommend herself.

Looking at Liang Jialuo who didn't look like he was joking, Shen Lin couldn't help but said: "You are such a good general manager, why do you want to become my deputy general manager?"

"Director Shen, can we compare with MiKe Electronics? People say that if you go to MiKe Electronics as the deputy general manager, you will be promoted to a high position." Liang Jialuo said: "I don't know if you will give me this opportunity."

(End of this chapter)

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