Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 2421 This is a Laughing Chapter

Sitting at the negotiating table again, Surik's face looked a little ugly.

If he felt that everything was under his control in the last negotiation, then in this negotiation, everything is under the control of his opponent.

This situation is really uncomfortable.

What's even more uncomfortable is that the two negotiations were only a few minutes apart.

Although he was full of reluctance, he still let a smile appear on his face.

"Mr. Lu Dongsheng, I think we can still discuss some issues." Surik tried to keep his voice calm.

At this time, Lu Dongsheng also received a call from Shen Lin.

Lu Dongsheng was not clear about the changes here, but he knew one thing, that is, Director Shen told him to talk boldly.

This is actually enough.

"Mr. Surik, I believe you still remember my conditions. My conditions will not change during this negotiation."

"As for your requirements, I can't do it at all."

Surik's face twitched. If he followed his plan, some things could still be achieved.

However, Lu Dongsheng suddenly became so tough. He naturally knew the reason for this.

Feeling that there was no point in wasting any more words, he pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Lu Dongsheng, we can all agree to your conditions."

"As for the price, I think we still need to discuss it."

"After all, we transferred orders from other companies to our MiKe Electronics first, and there were some losses in this regard. Let's see if the price can be increased."

When Lu Dongsheng came to negotiate with Surik, Shen Lin had already said that the price could be adjusted appropriately.

In fact, during the last negotiation, Lu Dongsheng was ready to make concessions on price.

But Surik didn't give him a chance to express his price at all. As soon as he came up, he blocked all Lu Dongsheng's options.

You must let Lu Dongsheng set the price according to his price.

In this case, Lu Dongsheng had to suppress his thoughts.

Now, it has become a matter of Surik talking down to him about the price.

As a fairly qualified negotiator, Lu Dongsheng naturally would not directly let the other party get what he wanted.

He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Surik, as far as I know, doing this will not cause any loss to you and your company."

"In the history of your company, contracts have been broken not once or twice."

"But you have not received any punishment for breaking the contract."

"You will neither compensate nor apologize. How can there be losses now?"

"I think you should support us more because of our large purchase volume."

"After all, it's not easy for us either!"

Surik's anger suddenly rose in his heart.

This young man is really hateful. I just told him to increase the price a little, but he was so nice that he directly lowered the price for me.

Hateful, really extremely hateful.

What he did was... just taking advantage of the situation!

Surik wanted to tell Lu Dongsheng directly and straightforwardly, just like before, to get away as far as he could and stop daydreaming.

But he can't do that.

Because his boss has given him an order to complete this cooperation as soon as possible.

Otherwise, he would be in trouble. "Mr. Lu Dongsheng, we understand your company's situation very well."

"To be honest, I also feel that I should give you some discounts."

"But if we do this, we need to ask for instructions step by step, which is a waste of time."

"Moreover, when we transfer orders from other companies to your company, we do bear certain risks."

"I think you still need to understand us."

Lu Dongsheng said: "Mr. Surik, we have a saying that every family has its own difficulties. I am not in your company, so naturally I don't know about your company's difficulties."

"The way I see it, it's useless for the two of us to continue to stalemate on this matter. It's better to sign an agreement at the previous price."

"I believe we will still cooperate in the future."

Seeing Lu Dongsheng take the initiative to say that he will follow the previous agreement, Surek breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Lu Dongsheng would open his mouth and give him a big price reduction. In that case, he really had no way to go back and explain.

"Mr. Lu Dongsheng, I also believe that we can cooperate in the future."

While speaking, Surik took the initiative to extend his palm towards Lu Dongsheng.

After the two people shook hands tightly, Surik suddenly said: "Mr. Lu Dongsheng, I don't understand. What are you trying to do?"

At this point, he saw that Lu Dongsheng's expression was wrong, so he pondered for a moment and said: "I know that my choice of words may be wrong, but I definitely have no other meaning."

"I just don't think you need it at all."

"Your computer hardware industry is not a top-notch product for the entire MiKe Electronics."

At this point, he coughed and said: "You continue to sell at the risk of a ban. The profits you make are very small, but the price you pay is very high."

"I think it's completely unnecessary for you to do this."

"You...why are you doing this?"

Lu Dongsheng looked at Surek, who looked like you are all using a mantis as a cart, and said with a smile: "Mr. Surek, we are not stubborn, nor do we know how to advance and retreat."

"The main reason why we do this is that we don't want to admit defeat."

“We don’t want people to have their necks stuck in the future.”

Surik hesitated for a moment and then said: "Mr. Lu Dongsheng, what you said may make sense, but this matter is really very difficult."

"Even if we give you ten years, you still won't be able to reach our current level."

"But what level we can reach in ten years is something you can never imagine."

"So, you are really completely unnecessary."

"If you ask me, you might as well give up. This will be a good thing for everyone."

Lu Dongsheng looked at Surek who looked like we are friends, smiled and said: "Mr. Surek, I believe you have good intentions, but we have our own choices, so we are very sorry."

"Also, I believe that soon, we will be able to catch up."

"By then, we will have more cooperation."

While talking, Lu Dongsheng said goodbye and left.

After all, he didn't say anything. Although he wanted to sign an agreement, he didn't have to kowtow to Surik here.

Looking at Lu Dongsheng leaving, Surik's face showed a hint of sarcasm.

Although Lu Dongsheng's words were very pleasant, Surik absolutely did not believe that Lu Dongsheng and the others could catch up with the level of his own company.

Catching up, this joke is not a good one at all.

I really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!

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