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Chapter 2424 Intention to Acquire

Chapter 2424 Intention to Acquire

"Shen Lin, you seem to have lost weight!" Chen Hai saw his brother with a smile on his face.

And sister-in-law Li Xuemei, who was standing next to Shen Hai, was even more concerned and said: "Shen Lin, although work is important, your body is more important."

"You can't make enough money. If something goes wrong with your body, no one can take the blame for you."

"So, you must pay attention to your health."

Li Xuemei was wearing a Chanel brand women's clothing. Although it was winter, she looked full of nobility.

For Shen Lin, her heart was not only filled with gratitude, but also with awe.

She knew very well that the reason why she was successful was inseparable from Shen Lin.

It was precisely because of Shen Lin that she was able to transform from an ordinary employee to a boss with an income of tens of millions.

When discussing business with people, as long as they say she is Shen Lin's sister-in-law, no matter who they are, they are basically in awe.

Some things that are not so easy to talk about with others are basically easy to get as long as Li Xuemei takes action.

And these are mainly due to Shen Lin's influence.

Shen Lin smiled at Li Xuemei and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law, for your concern. I will definitely pay attention to it in the future."

While talking, Shen Lin sat down next to Shen Xingye and listened to the chat between his father and his eldest brother.

The main reason here is Shen Xingye's concern for his eldest son's work.

Li Xuemei interjected: "Dad, you don't know how low-key Shen Hai is. People want to transfer him to be the vice principal of a school. It would be better for him to just let them do it."

"Although that school was not as famous as the current school, it was the vice principal after all."

"And people have also said that if you make a transition there, you can transfer here in two or three years."

"But he just thanked me for the kindness and didn't want to say anything."

Shen Hai said: "I feel that my ability is not enough, and it's not because of Shen Lin that he asked me to go there."

"For this kind of thing, it's better for me to do my job honestly than to let Shen Lin owe me a favor."

"It's pretty much the same anyway."

Shen Xingye said: "Boss, you have considered it well. Didn't you say that you have made many breakthroughs in academics?"

"Since you have chosen academia, then just concentrate on it."

Chen Hai said: "Dad, I know this."

Although Li Xuemei did not agree with Shen Xingye's opinions, at this time in the Shen family, in front of Shen Lin, she naturally could not object to Shen Lin's father.

So in the end, she said nothing.

Shen Xingye said: "While you are young, you should do something when you should. You can't be like Chu Feng, who only knows how to drink every day."

"Look at how his stomach is now drunk."

Chu Feng was sitting and listening to the chat with a smile, but he didn't expect that the incident would hit him directly on the head.

For a moment, he felt as if he was sitting at home and a pot came from the sky.

But he didn't dare to say anything about his old father-in-law's accusations, so he could only scratch his head and said, "Dad, I will definitely change it when I look back."

Shen Hong snorted and said, "Can you change this? You are about to become the person in charge of your reception."

"No matter what it is, as long as it is a reception, their leader will arrange it for him."

"That's not because I have a good wife. As soon as people say that I am Shen Lin's brother-in-law, everyone is in awe." Chu Feng said with a smile: "Seeing how useful I am, how could they not use it. "

Chu Feng's words caused a burst of laughter.After chatting for a while, Shen Xingye went back to his bedroom to rest.

Chen Hai and other people gathered around them had almost left, and then he said: "Shen Lin, someone found me two days ago."

Seeing Shen Hai's serious expression, Shen Lin knew that what he was going to say was not ordinary, so he solemnly said: "Brother, who is looking for you."

"A classmate, but he now runs a trading company."

Chen Hai frowned slightly and said, "But he seems to be entrusted by someone."

"He asked me to tell you that someone wants to invest in the computer company of MiKe Electronics."

"As long as you can give up 50.00% of your shares, they can guarantee that the development of the computer company will not be affected by the ban."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Didn't your friend tell you who the person who entrusted him was?"

"No!" Shen Hai said in a deep voice: "But I think the person who entrusted him should be Lao Mi's company."

"Once they control 50.00% of Mihu Computer's shares, the future development of Mihu Computer will be in their hands."

"However, their joining can also protect Mihu Computer from being hit."

"Once the sales of high-end parts are restricted, the consequences..."

Shen Lin said: "Brother, please reply to your friend for me and say that I thank him for his kindness, but we will never sell 50.00% of our shares in Mihu Computer."

"By the way, since he is engaged in trading, you might as well talk to him and ask him to ship some high-end computer parts to me."

"Just say the price is negotiable."

Shen Hai looked at Shen Lin's solemn expression, nodded in agreement, and said worriedly: "Shen Lin, I basically can't help you with your company's affairs, but since you want to research computer core components yourself, I can help you in this regard. , and some friends.”

"I will contact them later and ask them if they are willing to come back to work."

Shen Hai has the experience of studying abroad and has made many friends in the past.

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "Brother, please contact me for this. If they are willing, money is not an issue."

"But if you find someone for me, you must have real talent and learning."

"I don't want those who pretend to be fake."

Chen Hai smiled and said: "Don't tell me you don't want it if you don't want it. Don't worry, I still know who has the ability and who doesn't. Your brother."

Shen Lin picked up the cup and took a sip of water. He suddenly thought of something and said, "Brother, when you do this, you must be a little secretive and don't attract attention."

"What, are you afraid of any obstruction?" Shen Hai immediately understood what Shen Lin meant.

Shen Lin said: "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens."

Just as the two brothers were happily chatting, Shen Lin's phone suddenly rang.

He answered the phone, and a calm voice came from inside: "Hello, Director Shen, my name is Mu Yi, and I am now the person in charge of Aurora Group."

Shen Lin had not heard much about Mu Yi, but he was no stranger to the Aurora Group.

Aurora Group is backed by a big tree. It not only has strong scientific research capabilities, but also has very sufficient funds. Coupled with very good connections, it can be said that business has been booming since its establishment.

Although they don't have much competition with MiKe Electronics, the two sides do have a competitive relationship in some matters.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Hello, Mr. Mu, could you please call me at this time? Do you have anything to do?"

"Director Shen, I have something that I want to discuss with Director Shen. I wonder if you have time now?" Mu Yi asked still smiling.

Shen Lin said: "Of course there is time. What does Mr. Mu Yi want to talk about?"

(End of this chapter)

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