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Chapter 2428: Very busy during the New Year

Chapter 2428: Very busy during the New Year
On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, after being busy for several days, Shen Lin got on the plane to Beijing.

Although Shen Lin didn't want to go, there were some things he had to deal with.

Especially this year is very important for MiKe Electronics. As the boss of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin naturally cannot be lazy at this time.

Accompanying Shen Lin were Lu Dongsheng and Shi Congyun.

Originally, Lu Xiaorong wanted to follow, but Xiao Guoke was unwilling to leave Dongzhou where the Chinese New Year atmosphere was stronger. In addition, his daughter was still young, so he finally stayed in Dongzhou to celebrate the New Year.

"Dongsheng, what have you been busy with during the Chinese New Year this year?"

After Shen Lin sat down in the business class, he casually chatted with Lu Dongsheng.

As the scale of MiKe Electronics grows, regulations have begun to be established for various levels of transportation such as airplanes.

For example, executives at the level of Shen Lin and Lu Dongsheng can basically sit in business class. As for secretaries like Shi Congyun, they usually choose ordinary class.

Lu Dongsheng smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, when I was a child, I used to look forward to the Chinese New Year very much."

"Because we can have a good meal during the Chinese New Year, and if our family has more income, we can also make some new clothes for us."

"But now, it seems like there is nothing else but food."

Shen Lin laughed loudly and said: "Me too, you have been drinking for the past few days."

"Hey, I drank too much the day before yesterday and had a headache for a long time."

Lu Dongsheng said in surprise: "Dr. Shen, how much more can you drink? Are there guests who have to drink?"

As the first employee of MiKe Electronics, Lu Dongsheng is now also successful.

Not only does he have shares, but he also earns the top annual salary in MiKe Electronics. It can be said that he is the envy of countless people.

He has the clearest understanding of his boss's status.

He knew that with Shen Lin's current situation, there were very few people who could force him to drink.

"Yes, my uncle came here and drank with some cousins ​​from the village. He drank too much all at once."

"I can't do it without drinking, because I'm afraid that others will think I'm looking down on them."

Shen Lin's words resonated with Lu Dongsheng. He smiled and said, "Dr. Shen, I have also encountered this kind of situation at home."

"They bring the wine, and if you don't drink it, you're looking down on them, hey!"

After a few sighs, the plane started to take off. In more than two hours, Shen Lin arrived in Beijing.

Liang Jialuo, who had received the news a long time ago, personally brought the personnel on duty from MiKe Electronics to greet him.

Although it was still winter in Beijing at this time, Liang Jialuo, who was wearing a red windbreaker, looked more and more tall and handsome.

"Shen Lin, how have you considered my proposal?" Liang Jiale asked directly when they met.

Shen Lin said: "I think your proposal is good, but we can't be too direct about the charges."

"So I'm going to let Dongsheng discover a new version."

Although Liang Jialuo didn't know what Shen Lin's new version was, when she heard Shen Lin say that he already had a plan, she smiled and said, "Just be prepared. You don't even know. Some people are so irritating now."

"They all know that our sales will be restricted, so they are all ready to compete for the market we leave."

"I feel like these guys are getting ready for a big party."

When Liang Jialuo finished speaking, he felt like he was gritting his teeth.

Shen Lin looked at Liang Jialuo who was gritting his teeth, waved his hand and said, "You don't have to argue about such a small matter, we can just do our own thing." After Shen Lin got into the business car, Liang Jialuo said: "Brother Zhong I knew you were coming, so I specially prepared dishes at home. Hehe, I am lucky this time to be able to have a good meal with you."

Shen Lin knew that Liang Jialuo was joking. During the Chinese New Year, Liang Jialuo could eat anywhere.

However, he didn't point it out and said casually: "Brother Zhong, is your job satisfactory now?"

"Is there something wrong?" Liang Jialuo said, "Although he seems to be more stable than before, I can still see that he is very happy now."

Shen Lin smiled and did not ask any more questions. Instead, he changed the subject and said, "How about the Chinese New Year?"

"It's very bad. I hate the Chinese New Year, especially the Chinese New Year when I'm being urged to get married."

Speaking of this, Liang Jialuo said angrily: "Everyone is urging me to get married, as if they can't survive if I don't get married."

"Humph, I just won't get married, let's see what they can do to me."

Lu Dongsheng and Shi Congyun sitting in the back seat lowered their heads and did not dare to speak. They could feel the resentment in Liang Jialuo's words, so at this time, they really did not want to be targeted by Liang Jialuo.

Fortunately, Liang Jialuo only vented his grievances and did not blame the two of them.

The car waited for half an hour before arriving at Zhong Tianyang's home.

Zhong Tianyang was reading a book in a gray sweater. When he saw Shen Lin and Liang Jialuo walking in, he smiled and said, "Shen Lin, you are finally willing to come over. May this journey go well."

"Thank you, Brother Zhong, it went very smoothly."

After exchanging a few New Year greetings, Shen Lin sat down on the sofa opposite Zhong Tianyang.

"Brother Zhong, if you take this step, it will be a smooth road from now on!" Shen Lin held tea and congratulated Zhong Tianyang with a smile.

Zhong Tianyang smiled and said: "Shen Lin, I look very beautiful now, but only in this position can I know how heavy the burden is on my shoulders!"

While talking, Zhong Tianyang started to talk about some issues and asked Shen Lin for his opinion.

Shen Lin gave Zhong Tianyang several suggestions based on his experience in his previous life.

Some of the suggestions coincided with what Zhong Tianyang thought, but some suggestions were something that Zhong Tianyang had never thought of.

After a discussion with Shen Lin, Zhong Tianyang sighed: "Shen Lin, I have always felt that you are a bit unqualified in business."

"Now, I still feel this way."

"By the way, how are you prepared to deal with the ban on sales?"

Shen Lin said: "Brother Zhong, we are not prepared to bow our heads to this ban on sales, otherwise we will have more troubles in the future."

"So our idea is to improve our shortcomings."

"But this kind of thing cannot be done by our MiKe Electronics family alone."

"The computer industry is very important for future development. I think this industry should be strongly supported to allow more scientific research and companies to enter this field. Only we have formed a mature supply chain. Only then can we be different from what we are now..."

Zhong Tianyang has considered this issue.

Listening to Shen Lin's analysis, he quickly wrote down some things in his notebook while thinking.

"Okay, everyone celebrating the New Year, please stop for a moment. It's time to eat. Let's continue talking after eating." I don't know when Zhong Qing walked in.

Wearing home clothes, he said to his brother: "The emperor is not afraid of hungry soldiers. How can you let people come over and not even get a meal?"

Listening to his sister's words, Zhong Tianyang hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, let's eat first. If anything happens, we can talk about it after dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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