After Cheng Zhenyuan became the full-time vice chairman, Lian Shaofeng became the general manager of MiKe Electronics.

Although the ranking is still behind Cheng Zhenyuan, in fact, he is already No. 1 after Shen Lin of MiKe Electronics.

On many matters, everyone must pay attention to Lian Shaofeng's opinions.

Just like today's situation, Lian Shaofeng's opinion cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, no one thinks that Lian Shaofeng's opinions are very pertinent.

After all, the person we have to face is unusual.

If the relationship becomes too rigid, it may not be very good.

When everyone left with different thoughts, Shen Lin smiled and said: "President Lian, how do you think our ban came about?"

"It's not because people thought we were too powerful and not easy to control, so they suppressed us directly."

Having said this, he continued: "Did the other party not take action against us because we had to be gentle?"

Hearing this, the entire conference room fell into silence.

Lian Shaofeng hesitated and said, "Director Shen, I'm afraid that if we have to confront each other, we will further anger each other, which will be detrimental to Director Shen and our work."

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "Let's not face it forcefully. Those are the only methods they can come up with."

"Let's face it tough, and those are the methods they can give us."

"Even if people want to pinch us because we are soft persimmons, they will pinch us twice."

"So my opinion is that when it's time to fight back, we must not give in."

"Whatever is coming, He will always come."

"Just face it!"

Lian Shaofeng looked at Shen Lin's calm expression, full of determination, and couldn't help but sigh.

He understood Shen Lin's character and knew that Shen Lin's expression basically meant that he had made up his mind.

In this case, basically no one can change Shen Lin's decision.

"Director Shen, how about we change someone for this press conference?"

Lian Shaofeng said: "You are the person in charge of our MiKe Electronics. If you come to hold this press conference, it will seem a bit too direct."

"Why don't you let me or Dongsheng and the others hold this press conference?"

"If anything happens in the future, we will have a way out."

Shen Lin knew very well that Lian Shaofeng's advice was for his own good.

But in this matter, Shen Lin was no longer ready to retreat.

He smiled and said: "We are holding this press conference to tell our customers our company's attitude towards this matter."

"I used to hold this press conference."

"Now that there is a sudden change of people, doesn't it tell those who support us that we, MiKe Electronics, are not confident enough in this matter?"

Having said this, Shen Lin didn't wait for anyone else to speak again, and said firmly: "Okay, I will decide this matter myself, it's up to me."

"You guys, please keep your opinions to me."

After hearing what Shen Lin said, Lian Shaofeng and others stopped talking...

Mu Yi, who can't find a job, has been paying attention to the changes in MiKe Electronics.

He knew that the reason why he couldn't find a good job was entirely because of Shen Lin.

As long as something goes wrong between Shen Lin and Mi Ke Electronics, then his job might be settled.

It was almost certain that MiKe Electronics would have problems. He had known about it before.

But he didn't know when this matter would come to fruition.

Therefore, he tried every possible means to find out the information.

"Beep beep..." A phone ringing broke his silence.

After taking a look at the caller number, he smiled and said, "Junior brother, is there any good news?"

The person on the other side of the phone said: "Brother, I have received the exact information. The restriction order on MiKe Electronics has been made and will be released today."

"Thank you, junior brother!" Although she knew it would definitely appear, Mu Yi still felt ecstatic when she heard the news.

He said loudly: "Junior brother, when will you come back? I will treat you to a nice meal."

"Senior Brother Mu, you are too polite. With our relationship, we need to say thank you for helping you with a little thing."

"But senior brother, I think MiKe Electronics is actually quite a pity."

"They had the opportunity to fly higher, but they didn't expect..."

Listening to his junior brother's words, Mu Yi said calmly: "Shen Lin from Mi Ke Electronics is narrow-minded and intolerant of others."

"Even if he lets them pass this time, he won't have a good life."

"Junior brother, you don't need to worry unfounded. Without Shen Lin, there will be more people stronger than him."

Although the junior brother who called him didn't like Mu Yi's statement very much, he and Mu Yi had a very good relationship, and the two of them could never break up because of this kind of thing.

So the junior brother pondered for a moment and then said with a smile: "Senior brother, how do you think MiKe Electronics will respond to this matter?"

"Haha, how can he deal with it? I think even if he says he insists, he will have no choice but to give up in the end."

"Junior brother, you are also learning this. Tell me, is it possible for them to build a top-notch CPU?"

There was a hint of mockery in Mu Yi's words: "It's not that I'm being harsh, in fact, even if Lao Mi's company gave the drawings to Mi Ke Electronics, they wouldn't be able to produce it."

The junior brother on the phone sighed. Although Mu Yi's words were unpleasant, the meaning behind them was also the actual situation.

MiKe Electronics still has a huge gap in terms of computers.

Whether it is graphics cards or memory, there is an insurmountable gap. After being banned, it is really difficult to break through.

"Brother, if there is nothing else, I will hang up the phone."

"Long distance calls are quite expensive."

Mu Yi smiled and said: "Thank you, junior brother, for the news. We will contact you later."

"Just wait, wait until MiKe Electronics' computer products are beaten to the ground, senior brother, my good days are coming."

The other end of the phone said some kind words and hung up.

Mu Yi could feel the displeasure in his junior brother's tone, but he didn't take it to heart.

Facts are not subject to human will.

Junior brother, even if he is unhappy, he cannot change the reality.

After walking a few steps back and forth in her room excitedly, Mu Yi dialed a friend's phone number and said with a hint of arrogance in his voice: "I got the exact news about the ban on Mihu computers. Coming down."

"Soon, we will no longer see computers from MiKe Electronics."

"If you, brother, want to make a big article, why not interview Shen Lin now and ask them what they are going to do next?"

The acquaintance on the other end of the phone said in surprise: "Mr. Mu, is your news accurate?"

"It's absolutely true, I would lie to you about this kind of thing."

"There should be definite news soon."

"But by then, if you want to interview Shen Lin, I'm afraid you won't be able to do so."

The acquaintance smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Mu, for your advice. After this incident, I will treat you to dinner." '

Mu Yi didn't pay attention to the gratitude of his acquaintances. He turned on the TV and quietly waited for the news to arrive.

He very much wanted to see what Shen Lin's expression would look like under this news.

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