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Chapter 245 I want to thank 1 person

Chapter 245 I want to thank a person
Feng Youwei also had a bit of a headache at this time. He wanted to make peace with the general and resolve the conflict, so as to make the work of the Iron and Steel Works smoother.

But he didn't expect that when he called Shen Xingye to the stage, Shen Xingye was impenetrable and still insisted on his point of view.

Feng Youwei didn't know whether he should believe Shen Xingye who was so stubborn, he pondered for a moment, and then simply said to the people beside him: "Do you all know Shen Xingye's qualifications?"

In the General Iron and Steel Plant, most people are familiar with Shen Xingye's qualifications, and someone introduced Shen Xingye's situation right away.

Hearing that Shen Xingye is a factory manager who grew up as a worker and had little contact with machinery and equipment, and several technicians from the general iron and steel factory were helping Lu Changyou to testify at this time, Feng Youwei had a conclusion in his heart.

He turned to Shen Xingye and said, "Old Shen, let's talk about this matter later, I invite you to come here, just to let you understand Director Lu, the reason why he dismissed you is not for his own sake , and it’s not about you personally, but for work.”

"President Feng, I have been in the factory for most of my life, and I have no objection to Director Lu."

Feng Youwei smiled and said: "That's good, old Shen, you are also a good comrade, let's talk later."

As Shen Xingye left the rostrum, Lu Changyou's face turned into a cockscomb flower with a smile.Although he felt that the vice president of the group was making a big fuss, what he said just now undoubtedly supported him.

Just when he was thinking about saying something at this time, a convoy of two jeeps and a Volga sedan drove over slowly.

Seeing the approaching convoy, Lu Changyou quickly ran to Feng Youwei, leaned down and said, "President Feng, the representative of Zhutian Club is here!"

Feng Youwei stood up slowly and said, "Let's go, since the guests are here, let's go over and welcome them."

Under the leadership of Feng Youwei, the person in charge of the group company, Lu Changyou and others quickly arrived at the location where the motorcade was parked. Lu Changyou was even faster, helping the distinguished guests of Zhutian Club, and opened the car door.

Shen Lin stood aside, watching Oda Kazusuke come out of the car, the smiles on his face grew more and more, while a few acquaintances standing beside him said with emotion: "Is that the person from the Takeda Club? Tsk tsk, why is it different from Tu Xingsun on TV!"

"It's almost the same, but the clothes are different."

Hearing this, Shen Lin didn't understand at first, but then he realized that what these few people were talking about should be the images of devils they saw on TV.

Regarding these discussions, Shen Lin was not in the mood to answer the conversation, he watched Oda Kazusuke silently, and walked up to the rostrum surrounded by everyone.

Director Li was the first to speak, talking about the significance of this signing, and then praised Director Lu for his contributions.

Afterwards, it was time to prepare for the signing ceremony, and when the contract documents held on the big red tray were about to be brought up, Kazusuke Oda, who was sitting on the side, suddenly stood up.

He said to Feng Youwei and Director Li very sincerely: "You two, I have something to say, but I don't know if it's okay."

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be stopped if the merchants who cooperate with him want to talk. Director Li was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Feng Youwei asking for instructions.

Feng Youwei nodded, and then Director Li said: "Mr. Xiaotian, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Oda Kazusuke knocked on the microphone in front of him, and then said in a deep voice, "For this cooperation, our Takeda Club is [-]% sincere."

"Speaking of which, your factory has been of great help to our Zhutian Club in this cooperation. Here, on behalf of our president, I would like to express my gratitude to this gentleman who has given us great help in this cooperation."

Hearing that Oda Yisuke wanted to thank someone on behalf of their president, Lu Changyou's chest involuntarily straightened up a bit.This Oda Kazusuke still knows etiquette quite well, but is it a bit too invasive to thank him at the signing ceremony with such a big fanfare?What an honor it is to receive special thanks from the president of Takeda Club in front of so many people, especially Mr. Feng.

From now on, he, Lu Changyou, will definitely be in the group and will definitely have a place.

Thinking of this, Lu Changyou couldn't help but his eyes lit up, what happened today, good luck can't stop it!

"This person's kind reminder to our Zhutian Club has allowed us to preserve the reputation and credibility of the company; this person's warning to us has allowed us to recognize our internal problems and shortcomings. This person..."

Kazusuke Oda's speech became more and more generous, as if otherwise, it would be difficult to express his gratitude.

And Kazusuke Oda's words also made many workers sigh with emotion: "Oh, this Kazusuke Oda's Chinese is quite smooth, and he is almost catching up with me."

"Isn't it? I thought I couldn't understand what he said!"

But more people looked at Lu Youwei with a strange look and said, "This old Lu, what did he do to make people thank him so much?"

"Isn't this guy who betrayed the interests of our steel plant?"

"Probably not. Although Lao Lu is a bit shady, this equipment is of great importance after all. He can't be so wicked, right?"

At this time, Lu Youwei was already a little ashamed. He felt that Mr. Oda was really interesting and capable of talking!

This time, he praised himself to the sky; although he still likes this kind of praise, he should keep a low profile!
Haha, but, wait a minute, I still need to say a few words, otherwise, Lao Li may have a problem with him in his heart, after all, this time, he is radiant and seems to have covered him a little bit!

Just when Lu Changyou was thinking about how to be humble, and if he dared not to this kind of praise, Zhong Tianyang and the others all fell silent.

Especially Zhong Tianyang, he couldn't help looking at Shen Lin at this moment, he really wanted to ask Shen Lin, is this the surprise you mentioned?
If that's the case, I might as well not come directly!
"Everyone, it's not uncommon to see refurbished machines in the market, but our Zhutian Club has never done this kind of thing from the beginning."

"However, due to negligence, we still have some black sheep. They used the guise of our Zhutian Club to renovate the old."

"For this kind of thing, our Zhutian Club has a clear attitude: we will never tolerate it. Therefore, after discovering this situation, we immediately dealt with the several managers involved in this matter to ensure that our club operates with integrity. ..."

Oda Kazusuke's voice became more and more generous, but in Lu Changyou's ears, he felt that this matter seemed to be getting more and more wrong.

what happened?

what on earth is it?

Mr. Kazusuke Oda, why did you mention the matter of refurbishing old equipment? What is he going to do?
"Everyone, I am here, on behalf of our president, to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Shen Xingye of your factory. It was his reminder that made us realize that in our club, some moths are digging corners of the club. tarnish the reputation of our club."

"If it wasn't for Mr. Shen Xingye's reminder, we might still be kept in the dark, we..."

ps: The third update is here today, please support me
(End of this chapter)

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