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Chapter 2452 The best of everything

Chapter 2452 The best of all

In the conference room of Dai Le Computer, the TV screen has been turned off at this time.

But Schnaff, as the boss, did not leave, and naturally others will not leave either.

"Mr. David, do you think MiKe Electronics will hold a new computer promotion meeting next year?"

After a while, Schnauf asked David.

David gently put down the pen in his hand, smiled and said, "I admire this self-made Chairman Shen from the bottom of my heart."

"However, I feel that Director Shen is still too whimsical in some matters."

"Mike Electronics will definitely not be able to hold a press conference next year."

"They simply can't make it on core components such as the CPU."

At this point, David felt that he should describe the actual situation to his bosses, and said loudly: "I can tell you very responsibly, even if we give the latest drawings to MiKe Electronics, they will Nor can we produce the latest CPU."

“Not to mention, we still have technology patents in these areas.”

"I think Shen Lin may also know this, but in order to sell his own products, he tells lies with his eyes open."

"It's not impossible."

Listening to David's analysis, a smile appeared on Schnaff's face.

"Mr. David, I feel relieved to hear what you say."

"However, I think there is really no need for us to tolerate such deceptive things as MiKe Electronics."

"So, I'm going to ask you to come forward once."

Having said this, he glanced at David and said, "Tomorrow, I will contact a very influential media to conduct an exclusive interview with you."

"When the time comes, tell me what you just said again."

"At that time, we will let MiKe Electronics know that they are not worse than 01:30 in this regard."

David didn't expect that Schnaff had such a plan.

He was surprised for a moment and said solemnly: "Don't worry, boss, I will never let you down in this matter."

"Of course, I believe in your ability." Schnaff patted David on the shoulder and walked out of the conference room with a smile.

From Schnauf's expression, many people can feel that their boss is in a very good mood now.

But some people said to David: "David, are you telling the truth?"

"If there is a problem, your life may not be easy."

David smiled and said, "Of course I can be responsible for what I say."

"Don't worry, MiKe Electronics doesn't have this ability at all now."

"A computer's CPU is not a software system that can do things overnight."

"In this regard, Mi Ke and the others are still far behind."

Schnaff kept his word, and on the second day of the Mihu electronic product launch conference, David's exclusive interview spread quickly.

Liang Jialuo was the first person in MiKe Electronics to get the news.

The moment he saw the news, Liang Jialuo felt extremely angry.

Because what she felt from David's words was a kind of contempt.

An undisguised contempt.

Liang Jialuo felt very uncomfortable with this kind of contempt, but after calming down, Liang Jialuo felt a little worried.

If Shen Lin said that he must release new products next year, it was a promise.

So David's current words are equivalent to hammering home this promise.

Once Shen Lin's promise cannot be fulfilled and David's words come true, it will be a very big blow to both MiKe Electronics and Shen Lin.

So this problem suddenly became serious.After thinking for a moment, Liang Jialuo dialed Shi Congyun's phone number.

"Cong Yun, is Director Shen free now? I have something to contact him about."

Shi Congyun has a very clear understanding of Liang Jialuo's position in the company.

She said without hesitation: "Sister Jialuo, Director Shen is reading in the study. I'm going to tell him right now."

"Wait a moment. I have something to fax to you first. You can take this fax and report it to Director Shen."

"Okay." Although Shi Congyun didn't know how important the fax was, she knew that something serious had definitely happened if Liang Jialuo was so serious.

Soon, Shi Congyun received a fax from Liang Jialuo. After taking a look at the content of the fax, her expression changed.

As Shen Lin's secretary, with this period of study, Shi Congyun has become very clear about what is important.

She quickly came to Shen Lin's office and said to Shen Lin: "Director Shen, this is the fax from Mr. Liang. She said she would call you right away."

Shen Lin glanced at the content of the fax handed over by Shi Congyun, smiled and said, "Dele Company looks down on us!"

"I'll call Mr. Liang back."

While talking, Shen Lin picked up the phone and dialed Liang Jialuo's mobile number.

Liang Jialuo had been preparing to call Shen Lin for a long time. After the call was answered, he said with a hint of urgency: "Shen Lin, take a good look at what David said. I think he said these things against you."

"If our new computer cannot be released by then, Delo Company will never let this opportunity pass by."

"They will work hard to ruin your reputation."

Hearing the urgency in Liang Jialuo's words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "It's okay, I have an idea about this matter."

"Don't worry, we won't lose."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Liang Jialuo couldn't help but ask: "Do we have any plans for CPU development? I heard that even if we imitate, it will be difficult to develop a 286-level CPU."

Shen Lin said calmly: "In terms of processors, there haven't been any big breakthroughs yet."

"But based on our technology accumulation and the research in the computer industry at Taiyu Group, a 286-level CPU is not a problem."

Liang Jialuo was undoubtedly dissatisfied with this answer. She couldn't help but said: "Shen Lin, are you going to use this level of CPU to produce new computers? If so, who are you going to sell the product to?" ah?"

"After all, this product is too far behind."

Listening to Liang Jialuo's urgent words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Don't worry, there are always more ways than difficulties."

"I believe we will be able to solve the problem."

"What's more, we are not fighting alone now. We have our own support behind us. We have a large number of talents to support us. It is impossible for them to block our way!"

"Do not worry!"

While talking, Shen Lin put down the phone.

Liang Jialuo wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

As Shen Lin said, MiKe Electronics does not fight alone. MiKe Electronics is not only strong, but also has its own technical support. The possibility of banning them is very small.

Everything will go well!

And just as Liang Jialuo was muttering softly to himself, Shen Lin put down the phone and looked out the window.

The sunshine outside the window was just right, and Xiao Guoke was running happily. Lu Xiaorong, who was holding his daughter, looked at Xiao Guoke with a smile on his face.

She had no idea that she was also a sight in Shen Lin's eyes.

A scenery that will be remembered forever and be beautiful forever!

Everything looks its best!
Everything is what he expected!

- The whole book is over!

(End of this chapter)

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