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Chapter 248 He seems to know more than me

Chapter 248 He seems to know more than me
"Mr. Li, hello!" Shen Lin, who was guilty in his heart, stepped forward, warmly extended his hands to Mr. Shen, and held each other tightly: "I have been planning to visit you at school for a long time, and I have been busy all this time. , I didn’t make time, so I asked you to go there yourself.”

Shen Lin explained sincerely: "I also ask Teacher Li to forgive me a lot, and don't be offended."

Teacher Li had already known Shen Lin with Lu Dongsheng on the way here.He was completely shocked when he knew that a young man in his thirties had led the construction of a highly anticipated commercial street with a few months of hard work, earning RMB 20 million in one year's rent alone.

In his mind, such a capable person must have eyes above the top and full of personality.

But I didn't expect that although Shen Lin was young, he was so humble and enthusiastic, which is quite rare!

In today's society, there are many capable people, but such low-key people are rare.In addition to emotion, I can't help feeling a little bit of goodwill in my heart, and the original restraint has completely disappeared.

"Oh, Boss Shen, I should be the one who should say don't take offense. You quietly provided work-study jobs for a dozen of our poor students, and helped our school solve such a big difficulty. I thank you before it's too late. Woolen cloth!"

"Mr. Li, does our school also engage in scientific research?" Shen Lin asked straight to the point after chatting for a few words.

Engaging in scientific research, Teacher Li's heart twitched.Although they are colleges and universities, they are only junior colleges, and the annual funds are barely enough for these teachers to eat and wear.

As for scientific research funding, although there is, it is really pitifully small.

However, facing a young man who has never been to college and is full of infinite favor for college, he feels that he cannot spread negative energy.

"Haha, of course we are engaged in scientific research. Our physics group produces some works every year and has won many national awards."

After saying this, Teacher Li felt that his face was a little red, but for the sake of the school's reputation, he still had to say it.

Standing behind the teacher, Lu Dongsheng also felt a little blushing.As for Shen Lin, he knew that although this young boss was lacking in theory, he was much better than himself in the practice of electronic products.

When he was in school, he already knew something about the school's situation, and there was no research funding or research materials at all.

"Your school's scientific research strength is really admirable." Shen Lin boasted with a smile: "I was planning to go to your school these days, and I wanted to cooperate with your school to research some household appliances."

Teacher Li was a little embarrassed at the moment, studying household appliances?They can repair it well, but if they want to engage in technological innovation, it is more complicated.

After all, the research on household appliances involves too many things.

However, it would be too embarrassing to say that this bullshit that has just been boasted can't be done.Teacher Li felt a little regretful at this moment.

Teacher Li's name is Li Yongqiang, he is 42 years old, and he is a physics teacher, but his education is a bachelor's degree.

It's okay to teach students book knowledge at school, but for others, he is really powerless!
"I don't know what household appliances Boss Shen wants to produce?" Although Teacher Li was a little apprehensive, he didn't want to show his timidity in the current situation, so he insisted on asking.

"I'm going to produce a water-boiling appliance." While speaking, Shen Lin raised the teacup in his hand and said, "Ms. Li, we merchants can only bring hot water from home if we want to drink it, which is very inconvenient."

"There are still some government units, although there is a boiler room, but if the thermos pot does not keep warm, or the hot water in the boiler room is boiled for a long time and the temperature is not enough, it is a bit reluctant to use it to make tea."

"Based on the needs of this market, I plan to produce an item that uses electricity to heat water, so that everyone can use electricity to boil water anytime, anywhere." Li Yongqiang touched his Mediterranean hairstyle, and a trace of surprise flashed on his face : This young man is indeed extraordinary. Look how fresh his creativity is!

In the office, if he wants to drink water, he not only needs to go to the boiler room, but also has to queue up.Although he doesn't use the water very much at his age, he still knows the hardships of opening the water.

But how to boil water with electricity?Do you use an electric stove?Then you have to buy an iron pot, and the electric stove is inconvenient. The use of electric stoves is prohibited in the school.This alone is difficult to implement.

"Boss Shen, what kind of electrical appliance do you have?" Li Yongqiang, who was already confident in persuading Shen Lin, immediately relaxed.

Shen Lin didn't know Li Yongqiang's thoughts, he pondered for a while, and said solemnly: "My idea is, let's build a water boiler, and this water boiler can be directly placed in the thermos to boil water!"

Put the water heater in the thermos, what should I do?
Do you use a heating wire? But the heating wire is conductive. Don't say that the water cannot be boiled, it will also electrify people, and even cause danger.

Thoughts flashed in Li Yongqiang's face, and he said more and more complacently: "Boss Shen, your idea is good, but it's not very operable. I'm afraid you forgot that water can conduct electricity. The consequences of your doing so are still very serious." serious……"

"So, I think it's better to produce other electrical appliances. Although this idea is good, it is difficult to implement."

Lu Dongsheng didn't speak, but he felt that his boss would not make such a mistake. After all, Shen Lin was good at repairing various household appliances, so he shouldn't be unaware that electricity can spread in water.

Shen Lin looked at Li Yongqiang who looked like you were doing something wrong, smiled and said, "Mr. Li, I know this water can conduct electricity."

"We can prevent the heating wire from directly touching the water. My design is to put the heating wire into a metal tube that can conduct heat."

Li Yongqiang said with a chuckle: "Boss Shen, this metal pipe is still conductive. I think your idea is very good, but in practice, it..."

"Ms. Li, magnesium oxide powder and other items are insulated. As long as magnesium oxide powder is poured into the metal tube, we can get a heater that can heat and insulate."

"I believe that by then, the problems Mr. Li worried about will no longer be problems."

While talking, he took a piece of paper and directly drew a figure of fast heating: "My idea is that this thing can be called fast heating, and it looks like this."

"Now I need your laboratory to help me experiment, it is..."

Shen Lin was drawing and talking at the same time, while Li Yongqiang, who was standing aside, had only one sentence in his mind at this time.

Magnesium oxide powder can be insulated, as long as it is insulated, it can make this kind of heat quickly!

This... Is he the physics teacher, or am I the physics teacher? Why do I feel that I don't know as much as him?

ps: The second update is coming, please support, there will be more later.

(End of this chapter)

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