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Chapter 252 Shen Lin: I just used a little trick

Chapter 252 Shen Lin: I just used a little trick
Bringing appetizers to Shen's house to drink at this time, in the eyes of many people, it is really normal!

Therefore, upon hearing the greeting, Shen Xingye and the others didn't feel that something was wrong, but Shen Lin, who was sitting on the small bench, immediately stood up.

He recognized that the person who spoke was Zhong Tianyang!
Shen Lin was very surprised that Zhong Tianyang came to find his father, after all, he was the one who usually went to find Zhong Tianyang.

"Zhong Chang, why are you here?" Shen Lin said as he warmly greeted him.

Zhong Tianyang was still dressed in the daytime, with a paper bag in his hand, and said with a smile: "What, you guys are so mean, you didn't call me for stealing roast chicken!"

In Zhong Tianyang's capacity, roast chicken is not a rare item, so it seems approachable.

"Zhong Chang, your arrival really makes my house flourish." Shen Lin said with a smile while taking the paper bag from Zhong Tianyang.

Shen Xingye and others quickly greeted them. Although they had contact with Zhong Tianyang, it was the first time that they drank in private at home.

After all, it is normal for subordinates to report to their leaders, and it is a pleasure for the leaders to find their subordinates. There are not many such opportunities.

Zhong Tianyang looked at the people who came up, greeted him, and sat down without hesitation under Shen Xingye's humility.

"Haha, man, I really admire you for what happened today!" Zhong Tianyang picked up his glass and said, "Come on, let me toast you."

"Thank you Zhongchang, I just did what I should do." Shen Xingye said with a smile while raising his glass.

While the two were talking, Lao Qin and the others also sat down.Zhong Tianyang laughed and drank two glasses of wine with the others, and then said to Shen Xingye: "Brother, you have taught a lot of people a lesson this time!"

"At today's meeting, Mr. Feng told us to learn from you. He even mentioned that a veteran comrade like Dude should continue to shine."

Speaking of this, Zhong Tianyang said with a full smile: "I don't think it will take long before the appointment of my brother will come down. This appointment is not from our main factory, but from the group..."

Appointment from the group!
Lao Qin and the others looked at Shen Xingye in a different way. Although Shen Xingye didn't have any position now, Shen Xingye's rank was not low.

In the next step, if the group appoints Shen Xingye, it almost means that Shen Xingye will soar into the sky.

In Shen Xingye's eyes, a rare excitement flashed. Although he has seen many things clearly in these years, it is his pursuit for many years to be able to go further.

Originally, he was already desperate for this kind of thing, but he didn't expect that now there is another village with a bright future!
Shen Xingye glanced at his son subconsciously. He thought of what Shen Lin said before, and he always felt that this matter was closely related to his son.

Shen Lin is very low-key and very busy. After all, this is his father's moment, and he just serves tea and water honestly.

"Come on, let's toast my brother." Zhong Tianyang raised his glass again.

In the relationship between Zhong Tianyang and Shen Lin, although Shen Lin was the benefactor of Zhong Tianyang's nephew, more often than not, Zhong Tianyang was like a big tree protecting Shen Lin's family.

But now, Zhong Tianyang has completely felt the rise of Shen Lin.After this turmoil, Shen Xingye's status will not be lower than him, and Shen Lin's development potential is even more important to him.

So after drinking a few cups with Shen Xingye, Zhong Tianyang turned to Shen Lin and said, "Shen Lin, I have something to ask you, let's go for a walk in the yard."

Shen Lin agreed, and walked to the courtyard on the first floor with Zhong Tianyang. Although Zhong Tianyang drank a few glasses of wine, his expression did not change much.

"Shen Lin, what method did you use to get Kazuki Oda to admit that his equipment was refurbished equipment?" Because they were familiar with each other, Zhong Tianyang asked straight to the point.

"Clock Factory, I can't do anything, just tell Kazusuke Oda straight to the point, if he sells us the refurbished equipment, I will tell their competitors the news of their sale of refurbished equipment."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "For Zhutian Club, this transaction is only a small part of their group's huge industry. Of course they are not willing to pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon, ruining the reputation of their entire company." gone."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin continued: "I said Kazusuke Oda at the time, this is a small matter, if they sincerely apologize for this unfaithful incident that has not yet happened, then they can turn the danger into good luck and change their minds." Good things come from bad things."

"I didn't expect that this guy actually did it."

Zhong Tianyang is not an ordinary deputy factory director. He is also learning in terms of management. Although Shen Lin is joking, he has already heard several meanings from Shen Lin's words.

First of all, Shen Lin grasped the weakness of Zhutian Club, which forced Zhutian Club to succumb.Then, he provided the best solution to Zhutian Club.

This method not only made the Zhutian Club's handle in Shen Lin's hands suddenly disappear, but also further established the public image of the Zhutian Club.

It can be said that this is simply the best solution.

Zhutian Club, who didn't want to bury hidden dangers for himself, and didn't want to leave any excuses, and wanted to establish his own image, had no other choice at all in this matter.

In a flash, Zhong Tianyang looked at Shen Lin with a more serious look, and said in a deep voice: "Shen Lin, I think, at your level, starting a business by yourself is too inferior."

"Come to the General Iron and Steel Plant. I think you will be the pillar of the entire Iron and Steel Plant in less than 20 years."

Shen Lin smiled at Zhong Tianyang and said, "Uncle Zhong, there are too many restrictions in the General Iron and Steel Factory, and I can't stand that constraint. It's better to earn a little money by myself."

Zhong Tianyang pondered for a moment and said: "Shen Lin, although it is very affordable for you to earn money, but if you want to realize your responsibility and value, I think the Iron and Steel Factory is more suitable for you."

"Of course, if you still want to go to other places, such as the group, I can also help you."

Shen Lin looked at the solemn Zhong Tianyang, and knew that no matter what he said, in Zhong Tianyang's view, doing business was a small way.

Under such circumstances, he could only say, "Uncle Zhong, let me think about it again."

Zhong Tianyang went back to continue drinking, while Shen Lin went to the kitchen to serve the dishes. As soon as he reached the entrance of the kitchen, Zhao Honglian came out with a smile on his face.

"Mom, why are you so happy?" Seeing Zhao Honglian's happy face, Shen Lin asked with a smile.

"Your brother called and said he was going to take his girlfriend home. Oh, it's all good now. Your brother has found a partner."

Brother Shen Hai was about to come back, and in Shen Lin's mind, the scene of Shen Hai's return back then was instantly reflected.

Some very unpleasant pictures!

ps: The second update is coming, please support
(End of this chapter)

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