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Chapter 255 Is Shen Lin giving me a blow?

Chapter 255 Is Shen Lin giving me a blow?

When Shen Hai heard someone calling him brother, he felt happy. It wasn't because he finally met his ineffective younger brother, but because the luggage in his hand was finally being carried by someone!
Along the way, being tormented by my girlfriend is really exhausting me!

However, when he turned his head, he found that it was not Shen Lin who came to greet him, but Guangzi and Qiangzi, two neighbors who used to fool around with Shen Lin.

Of course, Shen Hai didn't like these two boys, let alone had any good feelings for them. How could such two people who have never seen the world have anything to offer!

Of course, compared with the current self, it is no longer in the same world.

"Why are you two here?" Shen Haiya nodded without showing his teeth, maintaining a kind of reserve that a person returning from a big city should have.

Photon had a better look than Qiangzi, stepped forward to take Shen Hai's bag, and said affectionately: "Brother Hai, we are here to pick you up!"

"Pick me up? Don't you two go to work? You came here to pick me up. Where's Shen Lin?" Shen Hai took the bag from Guangzi and accepted it with peace of mind.

In his opinion, being able to pick him up is a great honor for Photon and Qiangzi, at least it can prove that he thinks highly of them!

"Brother Lin has a big contract to sign, and I'm busy right now, so I can't come here temporarily, so I sent the two of us to pick you up." Qiangzi smiled and said, "Brother Hai, the car is waiting outside, let's go quickly." .”

When Shen Hai heard Guangzi's words, he immediately became angry.Isn't it a little crazy for my younger brother to pretend to be face-saving?

It’s fine to ask two acquaintances to come here to help pick it up, and you have to brag, saying that you have a big contract to negotiate, you are an expelled gangster, you are at home every day, what big contract do you have?

Collecting big tattered contracts on the street?
"Let's go!" However, Guangzi and Qiangzi are outsiders after all, Shen Hai was unhappy, but it was not easy to explode on the spot.

However, when walking out, Li Xuemei chuckled and said, "Shen Hai, did your brother come here just to show me?"

"He wants to give me, my sister-in-law who just came in, a show of authority?"

Seeing that his girlfriend was unhappy, Shen Hai hurriedly coaxed: "Mei, I told you, my younger brother is just out of tune. After he was fired from the factory, he was a little out of his mind. It's probably okay for him to be so contrived. Malicious, maybe I want to make a good impression on you!"

"Hmph, Shen Hai, this is another two people who are here to pick us up, and they have a big contract, and there is also a car, which is quite a big deal!"

"Wait a minute and I'll talk to these two people, don't interrupt, otherwise, I'll go back to Sijiu City now."

"I tell you, I don't want to lose my temper, but don't push me."

Hearing Li Xuemei's words, Shen Hai frowned, and complained more about Shen Lin in his heart.

Will you die if you don't pretend?How many catties and taels do you have in your mind?You have to fix so many moths here.

Shen Hai didn't dare to let Li Xuemei go back to the capital, so he hesitated for a while, and threw the younger brother Shen Lin aside.

Since it was Shen Lin who was making himself uncomfortable, it was no wonder that he did not want to save him.

"Okay, just say what you have to say, I promise not to interrupt." Shen Hai promised: "But let's just play around, don't let people down."

"I know." Li Xuemei rolled Shen Hai's eyes, and followed Qiangzi out of the train station.

It was very lively outside the train station. Most of the people were wearing mainly black and blue clothes and carrying various large and small things in their hands, but their expressions were full of happiness. "The road to this train station is actually paved with bricks. It's so ugly!" Li Xuemei looked at the dust on her leather shoes and frowned.

Li Xuemei, who was wearing a dress and had her hair permed, walked among the women in blue underwear and with big rustic braids or haircuts, looking very well dressed.

Neither Qiangzi nor Photon said a word, both of them felt that the brick paved road here was quite good, much better than the dirt road in the vegetable market.

"We have this condition here, how can we get into the capital, Mei, I really wronged you, please bear with it!" Shen Hai comforted softly.

While the four were talking, Qiangzi and the others had already arrived in front of a tricycle.This tricycle was exactly the one Shen Lin remodeled, this time Shen Lin arranged for Qiangzi to drive it over.

"Brother, you and sister-in-law get in the car first, and I'll take you back." Qiangzi put Shen Hai's big bag on the tricycle while speaking.

Looking at this ugly and clumsy tricycle welded with steel pipes, Shen Hai said to Li Xuemei: "Sit just make do, you'll be home in a while."

Li Xue frowned and said, "Don't you have buses and trams here?"

Guangzi smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, we are a small city here, where are there any buses and trams, our bus is very fast, hurry up, we will be home in a while."

Li Xuemei got into the car with a look of disgust. When Qiangzi pedaled the tricycle heavily, she felt that this car was too rustic.

Before she could complain, the tricycle suddenly let out a low roar, and Guangzi, who was pedaling vigorously, put his legs on the pedals leisurely.

"Hehe, this car has been remodeled, it's not bad!" Shen Hai said with a smile as he looked at the obviously faster tricycle.

Qiangzi smiled and said, "Brother, Brother Lin modified it myself, and I think it's very useful."

"What kind of car is this? It's too slow. It's far worse than a real motorcycle. My cousin owns a motorcycle, so the speed is fast!" Li Xuemei said disgustedly.

Seeing that his girlfriend was unhappy, Shen Hai hurriedly comforted him: "That's for sure, this is a remodel after all, compared to the real motorcycle, nothing else, at least the noise is too loud!"

Qiangzi smiled without looking back: "My brother Lin also said the same, he doesn't want this car anymore, he is planning to change to a motorcycle."

"When Brother Lin changes his motorcycle, he will give this bike to me!"

Li Xuemei sneered silently, and quickly glanced at Shen Hai.

Shen Hai shook his head helplessly, people who treat themselves too much are usually very good at pretending to be foolish, this incompetent younger brother is really becoming more and more unreliable.

Just when he was about to interrupt Qiangzi, Li Xuemei had already said: "Oh, Shen Lin is not bad, he can afford a motorcycle at such a young age? Tsk tsk, his brother, a top student, is still riding a bicycle!"

This Qiangzi was honest after all, he didn't hear the meaning of these words at all.Immediately he smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, buying a motorcycle is a piece of cake for Brother Shen!"

Li Xuemei was always very strong, upon hearing this, she felt even more unhappy, she pouted at Shen Hai.

ps: The first update is coming, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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