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Chapter 264 East Wind and West Wind

Chapter 264 East Wind and West Wind

When Shen Lin got up in the morning, he felt that his head was a little heavy. He rubbed his temples, thinking that these teachers were too good to drink.

However, when his eyes fell on the simple and hot top, Shen Lin couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Although he drank a bit too much this time, he still felt that the wine this time was worth it.With the technology, there is also a factory. Next, it is time to start the factory.

While Shen Lin was planning how to open the factory, Lu Xiaorong came over in a loose pajamas: "I just made millet porridge, so hurry up and wash up, we have something to do after eating."

"Daughter-in-law, I don't want to do anything today, you rest first, and I'll just cook in a while."

"My sister-in-law asked me to go shopping, and my mother said that I want you to accompany me and my eldest brother." Lu Xiaorong said with a smile: "Our mother said, if you don't go, let me tell her."

Going shopping, and going shopping with two women, Shen Lin was depressed even thinking about it.

"By the way, my mother gave me 200 yuan back, and said that sister-in-law likes, so I can help you buy something." Lu Xiaorong said with a smile: "Sister-in-law said that at nine o'clock, let's go to Paris Street to gather. It's ten past eight now."

To Paris Street?Shen Lin was shocked immediately. If he remembered correctly, today is the first day of his whole Paris street profit promotion.

Although Shen Lin didn't know how many people there would be on Paris Street this time, he had an intuition that this person would definitely be indispensable. After all, this was the first big sale in Dongzhou.

"Daughter-in-law, don't you have any idea what's going on in Paris Street? Let's not join in the excitement. How about we take Li Xuemei and the others to visit the scenery?" Shen Lin took Lu Xiaorong's hand and begged for mercy: "Or go to an apple orchard and pick something?"

In future generations, going to the apple orchard to pick apples would definitely be a suitable tourist item, but now, Lu Xiaorong stared and said: "Husband, why are you doing this, let me remind you first, you must not I came up with an idea to deliberately cheat my sister-in-law."

"What about picking? It can't be that you took money from others and wanted your sister-in-law to work for free."

Hearing Lu Xiaorong's doubts, Shen Lin almost had a conscience. Although he didn't like Li Xuemei, his proposal could really relax his mind.

"Oh my daughter-in-law, I am more wronged than Dou E. By the way, you have been in contact with Li Xuemei these two days, what do you think of her?"

Seeing her husband's seriousness, Lu Xiaorong tilted his head and thought for a while, and then said: "I think my sister-in-law is very good. She is very filial to her parents at home."

"By the way, she not only helped our mother with the housework yesterday, but also helped my mother wash her feet!"

"Looking at my sister-in-law doing this and that, I feel that my daughter-in-law is a bit unqualified!" Lu Xiaorong wrinkled his nose and said coquettishly: "Husband, tell me, my mother can't do it." Dislike me for being lazy?"

"Fool! My sister-in-law thinks that she hasn't entered Shen's house yet, so she has no idea, so she needs to show it. You are different, you are a giant panda now! Of course, this is all thanks to me, so I will Don't take the credit and be proud!" Shen Lin said with a smirk while teasing Lu Xiaorong.

Lu Xiaorong was ashamed and anxious, pretending to hit Shen Lin.However, Shen Lin refused to hide, fearing that Lu Xiaorong would not be able to stand firmly and something would happen.

In the memory of Shen Lin's previous life, this Li Xuemei didn't even wash her mother's feet, even when she spoke in normal times, she was condescending and the princess was getting married.

The reason for this now, it seems, is that the tricks he used to deal with her had the desired effect.The inherent pride in his bones has disappeared.

It is estimated that this snobbish person has already deeply realized that this family is not something she can control at will.

Either the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind!
Because Lu Xiaorong insisted on coming to Paris Street to buy things, Shen Lin was still uneasy after all. He hurriedly grabbed a few mouthfuls of food, then rode his bicycle and carried Lu Xiaorong to Paris Street.Shen Lin was very familiar with this street he had built himself, but when he came here today, he was still shocked.

Because at the intersection of Paris at this time, it can be said to be crowded with people. Not only are there many people shopping, but there are also many small vendors walking in with their things.

When the two brothers Shen Lin and Shen Hai met, sweat was already on Shen Hai's head, and he said with some emotion: "Shen Lin, why is this street so lively? Look at this person, there are too many people here." gone."

Looking at the turbulent crowd, Shen Lin felt dizzy for a while. He said to Lu Xiaorong, "Xiaorong, sister-in-law, why don't we go back first, there are really too many people here."

Li Xuemei has seen the promotional posters several times, and she has been looking forward to this shopping for a long time.However, when he saw Lu Xiaorong with his belly puffed up beside Shen Lin, he immediately smiled and said, "Okay, then let's not go shopping."

"No need, sister-in-law, you can just go shopping. I'm inconvenient. After I go in, I'll rest in Shen Lin's shop and wait for you."

"Just let Shen Lin accompany you to go shopping." Lu Xiaorong knew what Li Xuemei was thinking, and with her mother-in-law's advice, he hurriedly said to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin still wanted to find a reason, but facing Lu Xiaorong's pursed mouth, he had to compromise and said: "Okay, let's go shopping, but it's agreed, daughter-in-law, you can only rest in my shop."

Li Xuemei knew that Shen Lin had opened a shop, but the exact location was not very clear.Hearing that it was on this street, he immediately said with emotion: "Shen Lin, no matter what business you do in this place, you can get rich."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, I just do a small business to earn money to support my family."

While the four were talking, they came to the gate of Paris Street. At this time, in addition to the old shops in Paris Street, the shops of the Cotton and Linen Company have also opened today, and each new store is full of flowers. , beaming.

"Shen Hai, we must take a photo here tomorrow. Take a look at the Arc de Triomphe, it looks quite similar to what I read in the book." Li Xuemei said excitedly.

Shen Hai knew that Li Xuemei wanted to travel to Europe very much, but it was a pity that he never had the chance, so now that he saw it, he was naturally happy.

At this time, Shen Hai felt sincerely that his hometown had undergone a big change, and he actually created such a fashionable shopping street.

"Okay, let's come over early tomorrow morning!"

While Shen Hai was speaking, a police officer who was maintaining order suddenly walked towards Shen Lin.

Shen Lin also saw this person, and said firstly: "Brother Xu, thank you for your hard work this time!"

"Boss Shen, I feel angry when I see you now. Tell me, it's almost the holidays, and you've found me another job!"

"I guess, I'm afraid this Mid-Autumn Festival will be spent here." Xu Ruibing blamed with a smile.

Shen Lin smiled, thinking about how to comfort Xu Ruibing.Just when he took out the cigarette and was about to pass it to Xu Ruibing, he suddenly heard a noise coming from a distance.

ps: The second update is coming, please support

(End of this chapter)

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