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Chapter 273 The Lion's Big Opening

Chapter 273 The Lion's Big Opening

"I don't know how to call the two of you?" Shen Lin knew from the appearance of the two of them that these two were punks messing around in society.

Although he looked down on this kind of person, before there was no formal conflict, Shen Lin would not tear his face apart.

"My name is Li Dabiao. This is my brother Li Cunren. We are both from Liyuan Village." It was still a tall young man who spoke.

He took a deep puff of his cigarette, and said with a smile: "We two were going to work in the factory, but Boss Shen, you bought the factory all at once, which cut off our brother's way of life!"

Li Dabiao, Li Cunren!
Shen Lin thought quickly in his mind, but in his memory, there was no memory of these two people at all.

It seems that these two people are not well-known in later generations.Now that they jumped out so directly, there should be other people behind them.

Shen Lin smiled calmly and said, "You two are joking, even if I hadn't bought your factory, you two wouldn't be able to work in the factory. After all, the light bulb factory hasn't opened for the past two years."

Li Dabiao's expression changed, he looked at the smiling Shen Lin, and thought that this guy was really rude when he spoke.

But since he's here, it's natural that he won't be kind this time.

"Boss Shen, this factory belongs to our village after all. As long as the factory is here, we have hope of working. Once you come now, we will lose the factory. This will cut off our hope of working!"

In Li Dabiao's words, there was a trace of mockery: "Boss Shen, do you think what I said is right?"

Shen Lin looked at Li Dabiao and sneered in his heart, this Li Dabiao is really unscrupulous, he is not reasoning at all, he is playing a rascal for himself.

"My brother's words sound very reasonable, but when I was contracting, I heard from your village chief that your light bulb factory has absolutely no money to open in the past five years."

"After five years, I won't be contracting here, so your hope is still there, brother, but it will be five years later."

Shen Lin said slowly: "In the past five years, my brother will never work here anyway, so there is nothing to hope or not to hope for."

Li Dabiao was a little tongue-tied, he had played a rogue just now, but he didn't expect that Shen Lin would use a rogue to a rogue.

Tell him clearly that it is impossible for him to work here, which makes him feel that now he has a feeling that he can't exert his strength.

The short Li Cunren stood up straight away and said, "Boss Shen, it seems that you don't even give our brothers a chance to survive!"

"The two of you don't have to go around here. What do you want to do? Why don't you talk about it openly, so that we don't have to go around here and make each other feel uncomfortable."

Shen Lin looked at the two of them and said calmly.

After Li Cunren and Li Dabiao looked at each other for a while, Li Cunren finally said: "Okay, since Boss Shen is happy, then we won't play around with Boss Shen."

"This piece of factory building occupies our family's land. If you hand it over to the village, it is regarded as the village's money. Those of us are now empty-handed."

"And we also have feelings for this factory, so we hope that we can cooperate with you, Boss Shen, in this factory."

"We don't have too many requirements, just divide the bill for four or six."

Working in this factory together, and having to divide the bills four or six times, a trace of coldness flashed in Shen Lin's eyes.

These guys seem to be treating themselves as a piece of fat!

"Split the accounts between four and six, how can you two split the accounts between four and six?" Shen Lin had already made up his mind, so he was not in a hurry at the moment and still asked calmly. "Haha, if we work together, the profits will naturally be divided." Li Dabiao smiled and said: "Of course, we are six and you are four. After all, are you in our village?"

"How much did those people invest?" Shen Lin still looked at Li Dabiao calmly.

"We have invested a lot. For example, a few of us can help you, Boss Shen, manage the factory. For example, we can also help you, Boss Shen, with the security work in this factory. What's more, we can also help Boss Shen Do other inconvenient work."

Li Dabiao said a lot in one breath, but in fact, what he said was nothing at all.

Shen Lin looked at Li Dabiao calmly. From Li Dabiao's words, Shen Lin felt a kind of great confidence.

He knew where Li Dabiao's confidence came from, but the anger in his heart rose directly at this moment.

This is clearly treating oneself as a piece of fat, and it is also a piece of fat that can be swallowed in the mouth at any time.

This level of contempt made Shen Lin very unhappy.

He looked at the smiling Li Dabiao, and said calmly, "Old Li, I can do what you said by myself, so I don't need your help."

Li Dabiao and Li Cunren's expressions changed. When they came, they had guaranteed their tickets, but they didn't expect that Shen Lin would just reject it directly. In the eyes of the two, they just didn't give themselves face.

Just when the two were about to talk, Shen Lin waved his hands and said, "I don't know who sent you two here, please tell him that I rent this factory because I hope to get along well with our Liyuan Village .”

"I also hope that we can be good neighbors, not lose-lose."

Li Cunren said loudly: "Shen Lin, who do you look down on? Let me tell you, we came here by ourselves."

"Brother, it doesn't really matter if you look up to me or look down on you, because you can't make the decision, right?"

Shen Lin looked at Li Cunren with a smile, and said flatly: "You have brought your words, and you have brought my answer. If you want me to say, the task of the two of you has been completed, why don't you go back first?"

"Whether we are friends or enemies, I think it is still up to the people behind you to decide."

The short Li Cunren wanted to speak, but was held back by Li Dabiao, he looked at Shen Lin twice and said: "Boss Shen, I always think that you are a smart person, so I don't want you to do stupid things. "

"I hope that the next thing can surprise you, Boss Shen."

While speaking, Li Dabiao pulled Li Cunren and strode away. Before leaving, Li Cunren even kicked the door of Shen Lin's office heavily.

As these two people left, Guangzi walked in quickly and said: "Brother Shen, I just asked about these two people, and I heard from Chen Kai and the others that these two guys have been hanging out around Liyuan Village all the time." day."

"Why don't we let Chen Kai and the others come over and have a good talk with them."

Shen Lin could naturally hear the meaning in Photon's words.Although this method sounds very pleasant and is very practical now, it will cause endless troubles.

Shen Lin didn't want to use this method to solve the problem.

"It's okay, it's just a small problem. You call Li Jiashun over, and I'll ask him to see if he knows what's going on?"

ps: Make up for the third update yesterday, please support me

(End of this chapter)

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