Chapter 275
"Give me the money, if you don't settle our wages, don't even think about renting our venue!"

"Our salary has been delayed for a long time, Shen Lin must pay!"

"It won't work if you don't give money. If anyone doesn't give money, we will make trouble for him!"


Under Fat Aunt's instigation, these people were almost rehearsed. They were all excited, and they looked like they would never give up until they were paid.

Shen Lin looked at all this calmly, with a trace of coldness flashing in his eyes.

As the saying goes, when you shoot a man, you shoot the horse first, and when you capture a thief, you capture the king first.There are troublemakers behind these people. To solve this problem, the most important thing is to solve the troublemakers.

But at a time like this, it's okay if he doesn't speak!

"Auntie, you asked me to give you back wages. When will the wages be paid back?"

Fat Auntie can become the leader of the crowd, of course she is not someone who is waiting for nothing. When Shen Lin opened his mouth, she answered impeccably: "When is the salary? Of course it is our salary."

"Little Shen'er, let me tell you, my aunt has lived half her life, and we are not those messy people. What we want now is the wages that the factory has been in arrears with us for more than three years."

For more than three years, the wages that have been in arrears, hehe, this span is really not ordinary!

Shen Lin looked at the fat aunt who looked like I was determined to eat you, smiled and said: "Fat aunt, this salary was owed three years ago, right?"

"Yes, that's right. Do you know how our family has survived the past three years? We haven't even bought meat during the Chinese New Year. The child is as thin as a matchstick. Tell me, everyone is Isn't it a crime to be a parent!"

When the fat aunt said this, the flesh on her chin trembled twice.

At this moment, before Shen Lin could answer, Guangzi, who was standing by the side, felt that he was about to urinate, this fat aunt was too funny!
How did you come to be so fat that you are trembling all over, and you also said that your daughter is hungry like a matchstick!
It wasn't just him who laughed, those who came with Aunt Fat couldn't help laughing. Although everyone came to ask the big boss for money, what Aunt Fat said was too fake.

Fat aunt is really a talent!

"Aunt Fat, you want the salary from three years ago, I'm powerless here!" Shen Lin rubbed his nose, spread his hands and said, "Three years ago, I was still in high school."

"Yes, at that time, I should be in the second year of high school, and I was working hard for the university entrance examination, but unfortunately, I failed!"

The fat aunt looked at Shen Lin's distressed look because he didn't get into the university, and was a little at a loss for a while.At this time, she suddenly felt that it was a bit unreasonable for her to wait for someone to come to Shen Lin to ask for the salary of three years ago.

His child was still in high school at that time, so it seemed a little unreasonable to ask for this money from others!
Just when the fat aunt was hesitating and didn't know what to do, someone said loudly: "Fat aunt, don't care what he was doing at that time, since he is now contracting our factory, we have to find him and take away the work from the previous few years." The mess is cleaned up!"

After the fat aunt fell into silence, Shen Lin kept observing the people behind the fat aunt. Although this fat aunt was aggressive enough, he felt that this person's head was a bit too simple.

From this point of view alone, she is not suitable to lead this group of people to make trouble.

There must be a real leader here, so Shen Lin wants to find the person behind the scenes.The person shouting was a young man who looked less than 30 years old. He was wearing a light blue shirt and a pair of myopic glasses. He looked like he had been to school.

And when Shen Lin looked at that person, that person seemed to have sensed Shen Lin's gaze. He had already walked out of the crowd, and then retreated a lot.

"Yes, Shen Lin, what you were doing at that time has nothing to do with us. Now that you have contracted our factory, you have to pay." After being reminded, the fat aunt slapped her thigh heavily, pointed at Shen Lin and shouted. road.

Shen Lin looked at the fat aunt who was shouting, and was really speechless.Looking at Fat Aunt's rascally look, he said, "Fat Aunt, I want to ask, who used to pay you wages?"

"What's wrong in our village?" Aunt Fat almost jumped up at this moment.At this time, she looked aggressive, but she actually wanted to use this method to increase her aura.

The conversation with Shen Lin just now made Aunt Fat feel a little afraid of this young man in her heart. Look at him, he is not in a hurry or annoyed, talking and laughing, obviously he doesn't take himself seriously.

"Fat aunt, your grievances have their owners, and your debts have their owners. Shouldn't you go to the village to ask for the wages the village owes you? If the village didn't have the money to pay you wages before, then I can remind you now that the village has money. !”

"A few days ago, I just paid the rent of 5000 yuan to your village. It should be more than enough to pay you wages with this rent."

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Aunt Fat's face twitched. Shen Lin's words sounded reasonable, but how could she ask the village for money?
At the beginning, when the factory was disbanded, the village already had regulations, and it was simply impossible to get money.

What's more, if you ask for it from the village, firstly, whether you can come here is uncertain; secondly, if you want to come here, it is only a few dozen yuan.

This is far from what Li Shuangzhu and the others said.

"Fat aunt, don't let him lead you into a trap. From Nanjing to BJ, no one is good at doing business. Just tell him, stop talking nonsense. If he contracts this factory, then he should Give us the wages.”

The man wearing glasses is really in a hurry.Don't be afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.This fat aunt looks big and round, why is her IQ not online!It's exhausting!
The fat aunt heard the roar from behind and knew what she should do again. He looked at Shen Lin and said, "People say that you have a bad face and no good intentions. It's like a hornet's nest!"

"Tell me, you are so rich, why can't you help the poor and help us?"

I'm going, what kind of gangster logic is this, I'm handsome, is it my fault?I look good, should I give you money?
Shen Lin was helpless for a while, but if he lost his temper with fat aunts and other idiots, not only would it not solve the problem, but he would not know what jokes he would make.

So he smiled and said, "Oh, fat aunt, I really hate seeing you too late! It's the first time I've heard someone praise me for being good-looking when I grow up so old."

Fat aunt originally had her hips akimbo, and she gave off the feeling of an angry bullfight, but when she heard Shen Lin's words, she looked like a deflated ball.

This kid doesn't look young, he is like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, no matter what you say, he is not impatient, and he can answer fluently for any reason.

"Auntie Fat, can you see if this works? You go back first. I'll discuss it with the village to see who should pay the salary. I'll get back to you after the discussion, okay?"

ps: The first update today, please support

(End of this chapter)

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