Chapter 28 Storytelling

"Then I'll tell you what a sci-fi story is." Shen Lin turned his head and thought of the Wandering Earth he had seen before crossing.

At that moment, Shen Lin began to tell Lu Xiaorong the story of wandering the earth in his memory through his drunkenness.

At the beginning, Lu Xiaorong didn't think that Shen Lin could tell herself any good science fiction stories, but when she heard the beginning of what Shen Lin said, she was stunned.

The sun is about to be destroyed, and humans are building boosters on the earth, what's going on...

This opening, from the very beginning, attracted Lu Xiaorong, and when Shen Lin unfolded the plot according to the memory of the movie, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but put his hands on his cheeks and stared at him closely. Shen Lin's mouth.

In the middle of the talk, Shen Lin's spirits started to get a little stronger. Before he said that he would talk again tomorrow, Lu Xiaorong quickly poured him a glass of water and said, "Hurry up and finish the talk."

Under Lu Xiaorong's insistence, the helpless Shen Lin could only finish telling the plot he knew at a faster speed while drinking water.

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin who was about to leave, and asked persistently, "Where did you read this... this story?"

"Where did I see it? This is all my own imagination." Although Shen Lin drank alcohol, his head was still very clear.

Lu Xiaorong couldn't believe it and said, "You really came up with this?"

"If you don't believe me, go check it out and see that the story I told is in that book." Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Okay, I'm going to rest, you should go to bed early too."

Seeing the staggering Shen Lin walking towards the bedroom, Lu Xiaorong sighed helplessly.

Back in her bedroom, Lu Xiaorong was planning to take a rest, but at this moment, all her mind was filled with the stories of Wandering Earth.

Although Shen Lin spoke very casually, for example, he couldn't remember the name of the main character, so he directly replaced it with a handsome guy...

But the context of the story, he told it very clearly.This story, like a window, suddenly opened up a different world for Lu Xiaorong.

After lying on the bed tossing and turning for a while, Lu Xiaorong got up from the bed, turned on the lamp in the bedroom, and started writing on a piece of manuscript paper.

It would be a pity if such a good story, especially the one that Shen Lin thought of, was not shared with others.

After writing the four words Wandering Earth, Lu Xiaorong, who directly threw away the code name Xiaoshuai, started to write like a tidal wave. In a quarter of an hour, Lu Xiaorong wrote a full three pages. .

I don't know how long it took to write, but Lu Xiaorong, who felt his wrist was sore, put down the pen in his hand.Flipping through, there are ten full pages, but the story is only a small half of the novel, and a sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously.

Pushing open the door, Lu Xiaorong came to Shen Lin's room gently, and by the dim moonlight, he saw Shen Lin lying on the bed and sleeping soundly...

Lu Xiaorong, whose complexion changed rapidly, closed the door gently, and lying on the bed, after reading the story carefully by the light of the desk lamp, there was only one thought in her mind, that was this story, maybe Can it be published?

Lu Xiaorong, who hazily didn't know when she fell asleep, was awakened by the movement in the kitchen. She picked up the watch she had placed by the bed and looked at it, and saw that the hour hand on it had already pointed to seven o'clock.

How did I sleep until now? In the past, no matter how late I was busy, I would get up on time, but these days, why do I always feel that I can't wake up!Lu Xiaorong, who got up in a hurry, saw Shen Lin coming out with a pot of rice.

"Xiao Rong, hurry up and wash your face, let's eat something." Shen Lin said while putting the bowl on the table.

Lu Xiaorong nodded and said, "I was supposed to cook, but suddenly I went to bed late."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Whoever cooks is different, I cook when I get up early, and you cook when you get up early."

The breakfast was very simple. Apart from steamed buns and rice, Shen Lin just cut a plate of pickles. However, Lu Xiaorong's mind was not all about eating. After she had a few mouthfuls of rice, she still couldn't help asking Shen Lin: "The story you told me last night was really what you thought?"

story, yesterday i...

Shen Lin, who was sleepy and staring, suddenly reflected after hearing Lu Xiaorong's words, as if he had told Lu Xiaorong about the Wandering Earth.

I don't drink too much alcohol myself, so why do I let myself go a little bit when I get drunk?
"I figured it out by myself, that is, I usually just think about it." Shen Lin insisted. At this time, he had no way out.

"I think the story is pretty good. I've sorted it out for you. See how I sorted it out?"

While speaking, Lu Xiaorong put down the bowl and took out the manuscript he had written.

Shen Lin read it quickly, and found that the context of the story was carried out according to what he said, but a lot of details were added.

Although it can't be said that the literary talent is brilliant, it is also very comfortable to watch!
"It's pretty good. I didn't expect you, Xiaorong, to have the potential to become a writer." Shen Lin put down the notification and said with a smile.

Lu Xiaorong said seriously: "I just recorded it, and you should be the writer." "No, no, no, I just thought of a story, but I couldn't write it." Shen Lin said modestly.

"Your story is more important." Lu Xiaorong said solemnly: "Without your story, I can't write anything, but without me, no matter who it is, can write your story."

Seeing Lu Xiaorong's earnest expression, Shen Lin patted his head, thinking, what am I arguing with him at this time.

"Since this is the case, it might as well be considered as our joint creation."

Shen Lin thought of the situation in later generations, and casually gave a characterization of this situation.

Lu Xiaorong looked at the manuscript paper that Shen Lin put down, raised his head gently and said, "Even if it is a union, you are also the first author."

"I don't want to take advantage of this."

After breakfast, Lu Xiaorong went to work, while Shen Lin continued to collect trash.But from today onwards, his tool has changed from Aunt Chen's flatbed car to a fuel tricycle modified by himself.

"Beep beep..."

As the old engine was started, there was a chug sound, leading Shen Lin to move forward at lightning speed in the hot and dry air.

In the entire residential area, many people secretly passed Shen Lin's smoky tricycle, basically showing envious expressions.

After all, in that era, a motorcycle was almost everyone's dream.

"Shen Lin, your tricycle is pretty good, where did you buy it?" An old man who knew Shen Lin took the initiative to greet Shen Lin.

While slowing down, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Master Feng, I modified this myself."

"That's right, oops, I also want to modify this thing so that it doesn't need pedals to drive."

Looking at Uncle Feng's shaky walking body, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Master, I'm just playing around."

After saying hello four or five times, he had already arrived at the gate of the factory area. Shen Lin saw a middle-aged man wearing a denim jacket and a girl who looked about eighteen or nineteen with a round face walking towards them.

The girl is bouncing and jumping, full of youthful vitality.

"Brother Shen Lin, your tricycle is interesting. It's a motorcycle. It shouldn't run fast. It's not a motorcycle. It doesn't need to be pedaled when it starts." The girl looked at Shen Lin's motorcycle carefully, her face full of envy.

Shen Lin looked through his memory and remembered the identity of the girl. This was Luo Xiaoyue, the daughter of the deputy chief engineer of the machinery factory he had been expelled from, and the only one in the factory who was admitted to university this year.

"Luo Gong, Xiaoyue, what are you doing here?" Shen Lin had a good impression of Luo Xiaoyue, so he greeted with a smile.

Luo Gong smiled and said, "Isn't Xiaoyue starting school soon? I'll go buy her some school supplies."

"Dad, what are you doing buying those things? It's not that I can't buy them when I get to school. If I buy them now, it's just a waste of time when I'm catching the train."

Luo Xiaoyue pouted, looking angry.

Looking at the situation of the father and daughter, Shen Lin suddenly had a thought in his heart, the time for the start of the university is coming, should he take advantage of this opportunity to earn another sum of money?
After saying goodbye to Luo Xiaoyue, Shen Lin silently thought about his chances, and before he knew it, Shen Lin came to an office building in a factory area.

With previous experience, after Shen Lin parked his tricycle, he walked towards the office building with ease.

But when he knocked on the office door and asked if there were old newspapers for sale, he got no response.

One office so, two offices so...

When Shen Lin knocked on the seventh office, the people inside told Shen Lin impatiently that the waste products in their office had already been taken away yesterday.

The people in the office told Shen Lin impatiently that he would not come here, because their waste products had already been contracted to other people, and they would come to collect them when the time came.

Walking down the office building silently, Shen Lin walked towards his second goal.

But just when he came downstairs to the second target, he was stopped by the doorman. After he took a cigarette from him, the doorman told him that the old newspapers in their office building had already been packed .

All the waste collectors like Shen Lin can't go in now.

(End of this chapter)

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