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Chapter 289 Dabiao, please save me from causing trouble

Chapter 289 Dabiao, please save me from causing trouble

In this wine session, the guests and the host had a good time drinking, but during the drinking process, Li Guoguo seemed to be smiling a bit forcedly.

After sending Li Guoqi away, Shen Lin staggered home. Although he controlled his drinking capacity, he was still a little bit drunk.

However, after today, the obstacle to his contracting a factory in Liyuan Village has been temporarily cleared away.

And my attention should also be turned to production and sales.

With all kinds of thoughts in his heart, he felt his head getting heavier and heavier on the way home. After returning home and talking to Lu Xiaorong who was writing, Shen Lin fell into a heavy sleep.

Shen Lin fell asleep, but Li Guoqi, who looked more drunk than him, couldn't fall asleep at this time.

He thought about the meal he had with Shen Lin. Although on the surface, Shen Lin respected him very much and yelled at the old village chief, but in fact, in this invisible game, he had completely fallen behind. downwind.

Not even the slightest effort to fight back.

Shen Lin doesn't need him at all for matters in the factory. As long as Shen Lin is willing, he can't play the slightest role in this matter.

"Hey, the back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the front waves hit the beach to death!" Li Guoguo, feeling emotional, walked home with his nephew, neither of them talking.

"Uncle, what do you think, what if I let Xiao Cheng work as a worker in Shen Lin's factory?" Li Ruijun said suddenly.

When Li Guoguo heard this, his already chilly heart became even colder.It seemed that even his own nephew was tempted!
After all, even Fat Aunt's salary is as high as 60 yuan, which is higher than the salary of ordinary workers in the factory!

In this case, isn't it normal for my nephew to want a share of the pie?

Xiao Cheng is the son of Li Ruijun, and he is eighteen or nineteen years old now. Although the young man is hardworking and willing to work, he has never been able to find any decent work.

Now, Shen Lin's factory is undoubtedly a good choice.

"I think it's good, you can mention it to Shen Lin."

Although he was unhappy in his heart, once he refused, it would be tantamount to cutting off his nephew's source of income. Can he do this!Li Guoguo hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to compromise.

"I'll go to Shen Lin when I turn around and tell him about it." Li Guoguo is a smart man, knowing that this matter cannot be stopped by himself, he simply came here to push the boat along.

Li Ruijun scratched his head and said, "Hey, I've made my uncle worry about it. But I don't need you to come forward for such a small matter. I'll go and talk to him."

Li Guoguo nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, then you go and talk about it first. If there is any difficulty, I will come forward."

Although Li Guoguo was smiling, he was moved by Shen Lin's tricks in his heart. This guy was really scheming, and even his nephew was kidnapped!
Looking at his nephew's expression, Li Guoguo understood that he might have already discussed this matter with Shen Lin.

When the two were silent, Li Guoguo saw Li Dabiao, who was wearing a vest, coming from the opposite side.

Normally, Li Guoguo would never bother with a bastard like Li Dabiao, but now, he was in a bad mood.

"Da Biao, come here!"

Li Dabiao dared to stick his neck to make fun of Shen Lin, but in front of Li Guoqi, he was very docile.After all, regardless of seniority or status in the village, he is far behind Li Guoqi.

What's more, now that Li Shuangzhu has just been arrested, he is like a bereaved dog, terrified all day long.

"Second Grandpa, what do you want from me?" Li Dabiao nodded and walked over, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and handed it over respectfully.Li Guoguo took the cigarette, and Li Dabiao immediately lit it for him. After taking a puff of the cigarette, Li Guoguo said, "Dabiao, I heard that you have been very busy following Li Shuangzhu these past two days, right?"

Li Dabiao's hands trembled a little when he heard Li Guoguo's words. Not only did Li Guoguo have a high seniority in the village, but he was also the head of the village.

In many matters in the village, his words are basically the weather vane.

"Second Grandpa, I'm just playing with Li Shuangzhu. I don't dare to do things that break the law." Li Dabiao waved his hands quickly, as if I was a good person.

Li Guoguo snorted and said, "Fortunately, you know that you can't do illegal things, or else you can still hang around here today?"

Having said this, Li Guoguo nodded towards Li Dabiao and said, "Dabiao, please remember that you did not offend Boss Shen Lin and Shen. Stay away from him in the future."

"Otherwise, if you are unlucky, don't come to me."

Li Dabiao let out a long sigh of relief. Although he was scolded, as long as there is nothing wrong.As for Li Guoguo's warning, even if Li Guoguo didn't say anything, he wouldn't dare to provoke Shen Lin.

Would he dare to provoke someone who could even send Li Shuangzhu in?
"Second Grandpa, don't worry, I will keep your words in my heart. I can't offend Shen Lin, and I will never provoke him again in the future."

Li Guoguo didn't say anything more, and quickly disappeared into the night with Li Ruijun.

Li Dabiao looked at the two leaving people, shook his head, and was about to go home, but before he had walked a few hundred meters, he ran into Cheng Zhenyuan.

Cheng Zhenyuan is a well-known figure in the village. According to the seniority of his neighbors, Li Dabiao should be called his uncle, so he took the lead in greeting Cheng Zhenyuan: "Uncle Zhenyuan, are you going out?"

Cheng Zhenyuan's face was a little red, not only because of drinking, but also because of excitement.

Ever since the light bulb factory closed down, Cheng Zhenyuan has been feeling a little aggrieved.Now Shen Lin has recruited him, and he is also the deputy director of the new factory in charge of production, which makes him a little excited.

What's more, just now, he drank with Li Guoqi and others.

"Da Biao, your father and I are old friends, so we can't watch your kid go on a detour without warning you."

"Look at what you have done in the past two years. You have mixed up with Li Shuangzhu, and you even hit Boss Shen's idea. You want to turn the world upside down!"

Cheng Zhenyuan pointed at Li Dabiao and said: "This time, Boss Shen is unwilling to pursue people like you, so I let you take advantage of it, but this kind of good thing doesn't happen every time."

"Remember, don't cause trouble recently, especially about Boss Shen."

With a bitter face, Li Dabiao repeatedly assured Cheng Zhenyuan that he would be a good person in the future, so he escaped from Cheng Zhenyuan's hands.

In the past few minutes, he was trained twice, and Li Dabiao felt bitter in his heart.

In the past, he would definitely find some brothers to drink some wine to vent his anger, but at this time, he doesn't have the courage.

go home and sleep?
Li Dabiao, who had made up his mind, had just arrived at the door when he saw a fat figure rushing over, holding half a steamed bun in her hand, and said, "Da Biao, my aunt has been waiting for you for a long time, I think your mother is my good sister." For the sake of this, let me tell you, don't cause trouble recently."

"Don't mess with Boss Shen!"

ps: The first update is coming, please support

(End of this chapter)

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