Chapter 291

After a quick calculation, Shen Lin turned to Cheng Zhenyuan and said, "Director Cheng, please check the situation of each workshop and make sure that everything is complete before starting production as soon as possible."

"By the way, I give you full authority over the use of workers in the factory. If someone fails to abide by the production discipline, you can act according to the system and deal with it seriously."

"Also, I don't care about other things in production, but you must take care of the safe production for me."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said solemnly: "Although our production heats up quickly and it seems that there is no danger, you must remember that there is no room for negligence in such things as production."

"Everyone comes to my factory to make money and to live a good life for themselves. If you put your life into it, the responsibility will be great!"

"I'm here, and I'm not afraid of bad words. If anyone violates the red line of safe production, no matter who his relatives or friends are, he will be expelled."

"I'll leave the words here in advance, and none of you need to intercede with me. Once a safety accident occurs, I find that it is your responsibility, Cheng Zhenyuan, and I will follow our punishment and discipline. You should be fined, downgraded, and fired. "

Shen Lin's words were full of murderous intent, even Li Jiashun felt his heart tightening at this moment.

Cheng Zhenyuan said solemnly: "Boss Shen, you let me take on a big responsibility, and I absolutely dare not take it lightly."

"Don't worry, I, Cheng Zhenyuan, will never embarrass you when it comes to safe production."

Shen Lin nodded and said: "There are rewards and punishments. You also tell our comrades that in this matter, as long as everyone strictly abides by the production discipline, I, Shen Lin, will never be stingy with money."

"Old Cheng, I'll give you a tentative one thousand for your one-year safety production award!"

Cheng Zhenyuan's eyes lit up!
1000 yuan. In the past few years, all the family assets he has worked so hard to save are counted, which is only 2000 yuan. If he can do a good job in the safe production that Boss Shen told him, then he can win this prize. A reward of 1000 yuan.

Calculated in this way, after working for a year, his salary plus various bonuses, three to four thousand yuan, is possible!

"Boss Shen, if something happens in the factory, you can ask me."

After Shen Lin encouraged, Guangzi, who was in charge of the factory's logistics, said: "Director Shen, Director Cheng, and everyone, now we still face a problem, that is, we are going to start production, should we have a Trademark!"

"I think we should register a trademark so that when people buy our things, they can find us faster."

Cheng Zhenyuan was the first to respond to Photon's proposal: "I also think that the trademark should be registered. Take matches as an example. Now we sell three kinds of matches here, but everyone likes to buy bright matches from the Second Match Factory."

"Because their matches are easy to use."

"In our factory, the production heats up quickly to ensure the quality and quantity. In this case, we will suffer a loss if we don't register the brand trademark."

Li Jiashun also said: "Photon's proposal is very good, Boss Shen, I think we should register a trademark."

Photon was very happy to be praised by everyone. He grinned and said, "This proposal was actually made by Lu Dongsheng to me. I think this proposal is very good."

"Photon, what do you think we should name?" Shen Lin looked at Photon and asked with a smile.

Since Guangzi raised the issue of trademarks, he also thought about the name. He hesitated and said: "Brother Shen, our heat is fast, mainly boiling water. I think it is better to call it Sai Boiler Heat Fast." Listen. After Guangzi's proposal, Shen Lin had the feeling of covering his forehead and slowly thinking that Guangzi's proposal was too... too down-to-earth.

Shen Lin felt that if he named his first brand such a name, it would be a lifetime of shame.

Seeing Shen Lin shaking his head, Guangzi felt that the name he had racked his brains to come up with was not favored by Brother Shen. Although he was a little disappointed, he was not angry.

After all, this matter of naming is the business of Shen Lin, the boss. What he has is the right to propose.

Cheng Zhenyuan hesitated when he saw that Photon's Sai Boiler was directly rejected by Shen Lin.However, when Shen Lin looked over, he still made up his mind and said, "Brother Shen, or let the red sun heat up quickly."

For this name, Shen Lin still nodded. After all, this trademark is not only easy to remember, but also used.

But at this moment, Shen Lin, who already had a plan in mind, didn't speak immediately, but said to Li Jiashun and the others: "Brother Li, what do you think is a good name?"

"I'm really not good at this, Boss Shen, I think this matter is up to you." Li Jiashun quickly waved his hand.

In this matter, Li Jiashun really did not lie, he is really not good at this, not to mention that although he has a good relationship with Shen Lin, he is not a member of the factory, and he has never worried about this aspect. .

Shen Lin looked at Li Jiashun who was waving his hands again and again, and didn't make things difficult for him, but continued: "I'm here, and I've thought about it too, how about you listen to it."

"I think we might as well call it hot."

Li Jiashun, Cheng Zhenyuan and the others were stunned. We call it Redekuai. We are here to discuss the trademark with you. What do you mean by calling Redekuai?

But soon, Cheng Zhenyuan came to his senses. He was full of surprise and said: "Boss Shen, what you mean is to use it to heat up quickly and use it as a trademark of our products."

"Brother Shen, aren't we going to call Re De Kuai Pai Re Heat Fast?" Photon hesitated for a moment and asked in doubt.

"No, it should be a hot water heater." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Of course, everyone can still call it a hot water heater."

"But other manufacturers, after we register the trademark, their products can't be called fast heating, but can only be called water heaters."

Shen Lin's explanation made Cheng Zhenyuan and the others feel that things were okay. Although they felt a little unbelievable, they felt that there was nothing wrong with Shen Lin's doing so.

It heats up quickly, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

"Brother Shen, if you do this, even if someone produces something like ours, they won't be able to make it so hot. I think this trademark is great!" Photon gave Shen Lin a thumbs up while speaking.

At this time, Cheng Zhenyuan really admired Shen Lin. This kind of head is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.Go the way of others, let others have no way to go!This unique trademark, in terms of occupying the market, this vision and thinking is absolutely superior to others.

Boss Shen has such an industry at such a young age, which is quite reasonable!
"Since everyone has no objection to this trademark, let's act as soon as possible. Director Cheng is in charge of production, and Photon is in charge of trademark registration and logistics. Let's push the product to the market within a week."

ps: The third update is coming, please support

(End of this chapter)

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