Chapter 295
Lu Xiaohai blushed!

Lu Xiaohai's eyes widened, and he didn't know what to say for a while!

He felt very angry, but for a while, he couldn't find any words to refute his opponent. This situation made Lu Xiaohai feel extremely uncomfortable.

Angry, angry, sad...

At this moment, he wanted to smash Xiao Yifei's face that seemed to be for your own good, but he knew he couldn't do it.

In that way, not only would I have to be responsible, but I would also lose the chance to be with my beloved girl.

So Lu Xiaohai knew he couldn't do such a stupid thing.

"Hehe, what this comrade said is very good!" Shen Lin said lightly: "I think what you said is very reasonable."

Xiao Yifei coughed and said, "What I'm saying is just words from the bottom of my heart. I think that no matter how beautiful words are said, they are not as good as actions. What do you think?"

Although Xiao Yifei was still laughing, the meaning of expulsion in these words was already very obvious.

That is to tell Lu Xiaohai, you'd better roll as far as you can now.

Lu Xiaohai clenched his fists, but he finally let go, while the Lin family's parents, who were sitting by the side, watched all this with a smile.

Obviously, they were very satisfied with Xiao Yifei's words.

"I think it's the same." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Brother, you can go."

Xiao Yifei was taken aback for a moment, the meaning of what he said just now was actually to let the other party leave, but he did not expect that this strange young man actually wanted to let him leave.

This made him feel extremely absurd!

How could he leave, how could he ask himself to leave, what did he mean by what he said.

"What do you say?"

Xiao Yifei finally stopped being polite, his voice was full of anger.

Shen Lin said with a smile: "You should be two years younger than me, so I call you brother, how much is your monthly salary?"

Hearing that Shen Lin and himself raised the salary, Xiao Yifei showed a trace of confidence on his face, and he said with a smile: "My salary is 56 yuan."

56 yuan, which is higher than the salary of ordinary workers, so Xiao Yifei was full of pride when he reported his salary.

He looked at Lu Xiaohai who was standing silently at the side almost with contempt.

Shen Lin didn't end his questioning, he said indifferently: "Brother, let me ask you one more question, do you have a house?"

"Although not, but as long as I get married, the factory should allocate two houses for me as wedding rooms?" After Xiao Yifei said this, there was still a trace of reserve on his face.

Obviously, he is very proud of his position in the factory.

Just when Xiao Yifei was full of complacency, Shen Lin continued: "My brother is not bad, no wonder he dared to say such things."

"However, your conditions are much worse than mine."

When Shen Lin said this, he turned to Xiao Yifei and said, "I don't earn much a month now, which is 500 yuan. Although there is no place to live, the main body of my house has been built, and it's also worth it. Even the four lobby rooms and the yard have also started to be tidied up."

"I think I can make this girl happy." "As for you, according to you, you should hide to one side, bless us silently, and then find a place to have a glass of wine and shed your sad tears. Swallow this bitter wine into your own stomach.”

At the end of Shen Lin's words, there was a hint of ridicule. Listening to Shen Lin's words, Xiao Yifei felt that the veins on his forehead were about to twitch.

Too much deception, this guy, is really deceiving too much, he... How could he talk to himself like this, how could he say these things.

Just when Xiao Yifei felt extremely angry but helpless, Shen Lin's voice rang in his ears again.

"Why, is what I said wrong? I followed what you said just now."

"Brother, what I said is polite. According to what you said, I should go to your father and tell him that he can't give Lingtang happiness. I can. He should bless us. There is nothing wrong with it."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin smiled and said to Father Lin: "Uncle, do you think what I just said is based on Xiao Yifei's brother's meaning?"

"Is there something wrong with what I said?"

The veins on Xiao Yifei's face were throbbing and his eyes were burning at this moment. He wished he could rush up and beat Shen Lin up, but unfortunately he didn't have that strength.

Lu Xiaohai, on the other hand, looked at his brother-in-law with great admiration. He originally thought that in his current situation, he seemed to have no other choice but to swallow his anger.

But he didn't expect that his brother-in-law would slap Xiao Yifei heavily in the face directly with Xiao Yifei's words.

And it was a very loud slap.

"You talk nonsense, let me tell you, my feelings for Xiaoyu can't be bought with money, talk nonsense, don't blame me for being rude." In desperation, Xiao Yifei pointed at Shen Lin, roared loudly.

At this moment, his face was a bit ferocious, and there was a huge difference from the gentle and gentle just now.

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Brother Xiao, I admit that I am talking nonsense. No matter how rich I am, it is impossible for Lingtang to talk to me. Tell me, right?"

"After all, she and your father have been in love for so many years, how could she change her mind just because of a few money?"

"But what I said is based on your theory, brother. Don't you think that because your conditions are good, Lu Xiaohai should give up his beloved girl to you? Isn't this nonsense?"

When Shen Lin arrived, his voice was so severe that Xiao Yifei felt a little fear when he heard it. He looked at Shen Lin and didn't know what to say at this moment.

Lu Xiaohai, who was standing on the side, said excitedly: "Xiao Yifei, why don't you say what my brother-in-law said, aren't you pretty good at talking?"

Father Lin looked at Xiao Yifei whose face changed drastically, coughed and said, "Okay, this is my house, not a place for you to quarrel. If you quarrel, please go out and quarrel."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Shen Lin and said: "Young man, if you earn four or five hundred a month, you can brag yourself, so don't talk nonsense here."

In Father Lin's words, he was very rude to Shen Lin.From this sentence, it actually means that Father Lin's attitude is biased towards Xiao Yifei.

Xiao Yifei also calmed down at this moment. Looking at Shen Lin who was dressed in ordinary clothes, he suddenly felt dizzy.

How could such a young gangster like Lu Xiaohai earn four or five hundred a month? Are you kidding me? His annual income is only four or five hundred.

"Hehe, people nowadays really dare to brag, but bragging is nothing to eat." Xiao Yifei answered Shen Lin directly.

ps: Make up for the third update yesterday, please support me!

(End of this chapter)

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