Chapter 299 Eighty-two accounts: The store bullies customers
The rules of the non-staple food company!
Although Shen Lin felt bad in his heart, he still smiled and said: "Manager Zuo, although I know Uncle Lin, this is the first time dealing with our non-staple food company. I don't know what rules we have here!"

Although Zuo Haiyang heard Shen Lin talking about Lin Rongfang, he didn't look at Lin Rongfang at all, and said with a trace of indisputability in his voice: "If you want to go through the channel of our non-staple food company, you must understand our business. rule."

"The rule is that the profits from the sales will be shared between us."

Eighty-two points, which seems to be pretty good.Just when thoughts were surging in Shen Lin's mind, Zuo Haiyang continued: "You are two and we are eight!"

This is the way to split the accounts eighty-two!

Shen Lin looked at Zuo Haiyang who was sitting there, and felt a wave of anger rushing directly into his heart.

However, he was here to discuss business. Before the discussion collapsed, Shen Lin suppressed his temper and said, "Manager Zuo, isn't it too harsh to divide accounts in [-]? I'm working for you for nothing."

Zuo Haiyang glanced at Shen Lin calmly and said, "Xiao Shen, let me tell you, even if this is the case, this kind of opportunity is not available to everyone."

"If it wasn't for Lao Lin's introduction, do you think your stuff could be sold here?"

Lin Rongfang didn't speak at the moment. Although he and Shen Lin could be regarded as relatives, he was from the non-staple food company after all. At this time, if he talked nonsense, it would be difficult for him to be mixed in the unit in the future.

Shen Lin held the hot one in his hand, and the thoughts flashed in his mind quickly. The cost of one raw material for his hot one is one yuan. If he sells it for five yuan, it means that his profit is four yuan. .

As for the [-] cents, that is to say, if he sells a hot one quickly, he actually earns [-] cents. Leaving out the rent, labor costs, and taxes, he is basically doing nothing.

The non-staple food company, on the other hand, just sat there and made all the money away.

He smiled at Zuo Haiyang and said, "Manager Zuo, my product is very popular. It is a new product. As long as it is withdrawn from the market, it will definitely be very popular."

"And according to the sharing method you mentioned, Manager Zuo, I don't think I actually have any profit to make?"

"So let's discuss it again."

Zuo Haiyang saw that Shen Lin handed it over quickly, and snorted: "Xiao Shen, do you know how many people come to us with so-called new products every day and ask to cooperate with us?"

"Hehe, here, even if it's something from a large state-owned factory, the share they should give is not less than a cent."

"Otherwise, some of the things they produced would not be sold."

"It's not that I look down on you, it's not easy for you to sell without us."

Looking at Zuo Haiyang who was in control of everything, Shen Lin knew that there was no need to talk any further. He smiled at Zuo Haiyang and said, "Since Manager Zuo said so, let's not talk about it."

"However, Manager Zuo, I can tell you clearly that if I become popular quickly, not only will the sales be very good, but you will also regret rejecting my sincerity."

While speaking, Shen Lin turned to Lin Rongfang and said, "Uncle Lin, thank you for your introduction, I will take my leave first."

Lin Rongfang smiled awkwardly and said, "Xiao Shen, our situation here is like this, there is no righteousness in buying and selling, haha."

Just as Shen Lin and Lin Rongfang left, Zuo Haiyang's mocking voice came from the office; "It's so hot, what is it, it's no wonder it can be sold?"

Hearing this, Shen Lin suddenly stopped in his tracks, and Lin Rongfang beside him suddenly became a little nervous.

Just when Lin Rongfang wanted to speak and comfort Shen Lin, Shen Lin turned around and came to Zuo Haiyang's office.Zuo Haiyang looked at Shen Lin who suddenly walked in and was suddenly shocked. After all, what he just said was a bit excessive.

But he is the leader in the non-staple food company, this is his territory, if Shen Lin does something to him, he is really not afraid in his heart.

"Shen Lin, what do you want to do?" Zuo Haiyang shouted towards Shen Lin with a trace of majesty in his voice.

Lin Rongfang also ran over quickly, and he heard Zuo Haiyang's words just now, what he was most afraid of at this moment was that Shen Lin was young and vigorous, and would conflict with Zuo Haiyang, then he would be a little out of character.

So he quickly said: "Shen Lin, this is a non-staple food company, we heroes don't suffer from immediate losses."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Uncle Lin, where do you want to go, the so-called business is not righteous, how can I make it difficult for you, uncle."

"I just came here to tell Manager Zuo that my hot product will not only sell, but also sell well. I dare not say anything else, but there is one thing I want to explain to you, Manager Zuo."

"In the future, the counter of your non-staple food company will also ask us to buy hot food quickly."

While speaking, Shen Lin turned around and left without giving Zuo Haiyang time to speak.

Shen Lin can leave, but Lin Rongfang can't leave at this time. He turned to Zuo Haiyang and said, "Manager Zuo, Shen Lin, a young man, is a little more youthful, haha..."

Zuo Haiyang snorted and said, "Lao Lin, remember from now on, you don't need anyone, just lead them to me."

"His thing is hot, if it can be sold, I will take his surname."

When Shen Lin walked out of the non-staple food company, the bad breath in his heart dissipated. For Shen Lin, the channel of the non-staple food company was just an assistant. He thought it was a matter of profit, but he didn't expect that, How domineering.

It seems that Manager Zuo still feels that everything is inseparable from him?

Back in the factory, Shen Lin found that Guangzi and Cheng Zhenyuan were waiting for him, especially Cheng Zhenyuan, who looked more nervous than Photon.

"Director Shen, how's it going?" Cheng Zhenyuan asked Shen Lin immediately without waiting for Photon to speak.

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, and then reflected that what Cheng Zhenyuan asked was about the non-staple food company, and he casually told Cheng Zhenyuan about it when he was taking the heat to the non-staple food company.

He smiled at the moment and said, "Their temple is too big to accommodate us."

Hearing Shen Lin's answer, Cheng Zhenyuan's face changed, and he said hurriedly: "Then...then what should I do?"

"Director Shen, we have been in production for ten days, and now there are more than 3000 pieces that are heating up quickly. If we can't find a market and pile up..."

Cheng Zhenyuan didn't say what he said later, but the meaning in it was very clear, that is, if the product cannot be sold, the most important result of the factory is only one.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "It's okay, our products are heating up quickly, so you don't have to worry about sales at all. You can rest assured to produce, and I will take care of the sales. In five days at most, I will find sales for all the products we have piled up. "

ps: The new chapter asks for support

(End of this chapter)

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