Chapter 314 The Han and the traitors are not at odds with each other

"Manager Zuo, if you come to visit me as a friend, then I welcome you with both hands, but if you have other intentions, please go back wherever you came from."

Shen Lin said calmly, "I don't like being threatened, and I don't like being threatened."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin has already said to Lu Xiaohai: "You and Uncle Lin make an appointment, and then invite the next wave of guests to come to my place."

This is clearly a eviction order!
Facing Shen Lin's expulsion order with Zuo Haiyang some time ago, there was no difference between the expulsion order.

Hearing Shen Lin's plain and unquestionable voice, Zuo Haiyang felt his face twitch.

It's embarrassing, the current him is really embarrassing and embarrassing.

Not only did his own threat not work, but Shen Lin rebuffed him so unceremoniously, which made Zuo Haiyang feel extremely uncomfortable.

Even at this moment, a nameless evil fire burst out of his heart.

He smiled and said, "Boss Shen, you are really imposing, please, please, I have finished my business, let's go now."

"But before I leave, I have one more thing to say."

"I've heard it just now. Aren't you going to hold some kind of hot regional distribution rights auction? I think our non-staple food company can also participate."

"When the time comes, I will definitely come. Here, I first wish you, Boss Shen, good fortune."

Such a sentence seems to be congratulatory, but it has a different taste in the ears of everyone present.

Lin Rongfang couldn't help sighing at this moment. As a middleman, he felt that at this moment, he was really not a human being.

But now, the development of the situation has exceeded what he can do, no matter how many thoughts he has in his mind, it is useless.

But in Lu Xiaohai's heart, there was more apprehension.What the non-staple food company represented, he knew very well in his heart, not to mention that behind this non-staple food company stood a larger grocery store!
Just when Lu Xiaohai regretted bringing Lin Rongfang and the two of them in, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you, Manager Zuo, for your kindness. Please rest assured, Manager Zuo. Our business will definitely get better and better."

Zuo Haiyang didn't speak any more, but walked straight to the door.This time, there was a fire in his heart, and this fire made him very uncomfortable.

Although he had already thought about what to do next, he was holding back his breath quite uncomfortable, and even at this moment, he had an urge to growl.

But Lin Rongfang hesitated for a moment, and followed Zuo Haiyang. After all, he was Zuo Haiyang's subordinate, and at this time, he must not make mistakes.

After the two of them left, Lu Xiaohai said worriedly, "Brother-in-law, what if this Zuo Haiyang makes trouble for us?"

"Cold salad!" Shen Lin smiled disapprovingly and said: "Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up. Then just play with him."

Lu Xiaohai looked at Shen Lin who didn't take it seriously at all, and couldn't help saying anxiously: "Brother-in-law, this Zuo Haiyang seems to be a bad person!"

"If you take it lightly, maybe we will suffer a lot."

Shen Lin patted Lu Xiaohai and said: "The non-staple food company can't cause us any trouble. Some people still can't recognize the reality and feel that everything should be controlled by them. It's time to teach them a lesson." .”

"Don't worry about this, just think about your next job."

Despite Shen Lin's arrangement, Lu Xiaohai's heart was still full of worries about this matter.When he went to work in the afternoon, he received a secret phone call from Lin Rongfang.Lin Rong put it on the phone and told him in a low voice that Zuo Haiyang was very upset about being humiliated by Shen Lin.

So after returning, I contacted the person in charge of non-staple food companies in various places, and made an agreement, that is, not to allow fast-heating products to enter their counters.

Not to mention, Zuo Haiyang even asked people to spread the news.

Lu Xiaohai felt a little sad when he heard the news.During this period of working with Shen Lin, Lu Xiaohai knew very well how much money and energy Shen Lin had invested in the matter of getting hotter.

Now, the harvest time is about to come, in Lu Xiaohai's view, those who want to become agents almost come together to give money.

As long as we wait until tomorrow, not only can the money invested by Shen Lin be recovered immediately, but the accumulated products can also be shipped out.

Everything will be very perfect, but now, Cheng Yaojin happened to be killed halfway.

"Uncle Lin, what should I do?" Although Lu Xiaohai had learned a lot from being the sales chief for the past two days, he was still a young man who hadn't experienced much in the world after all.

I just encountered this situation and really don't know how to deal with it.

Lin Rongfang sighed and said, "Xiao Hai, if Manager Zuo hadn't gone to your factory, there was still room for maneuver, but now, there may be no room for maneuver at all."

"You don't even know that when he came back, Manager Zuo not only dropped his teacup, but also said that traitors and traitors are not equal."

"Think about it, how much resentment is there. Faced with such a big resentment, do you think it can be resolved with just one or two sentences?"

Listening to Lin Rongfang's sentence that Han and Thief are not equal to each other, Lu Xiaohai knew this contradiction, and it became extremely difficult to resolve it.

"By the way, at a time like this, you should persuade Boss Shen that it is best to settle the regional distribution quickly. In this way, although there may be some losses, it is better than not being able to sell tomorrow."

Lin Rongfang seemed to sense the tension in Lu Xiaohai's heart, and couldn't help giving Lu Xiaohai such an idea.

After Lu Xiaohai hung up the phone, he quickly ran to Shen Lin's office to report the matter to Shen Lin.

But when he came to Shen Lin's office, he found that General Tie was guarding Shen Lin's office.

"Where's Director Shen?" Lu Xiaohai asked excitedly when he saw a worker in charge of back office passing by.

"Boss Shen has gone home. He asked someone to buy a black fish. He said he was going to make some delicious food for your sister today. Why, Chief Lu, do you want to follow me to eat some delicious food?"

How could Lu Xiaohai have time to listen to such useless words, he said thank you, and then quickly pedaled his bicycle and rushed towards the hardware machinery factory.

Along the way, the more Lu Xiaohai thought about Lin Rongfang's words, the more he felt that the matter was urgent, so he pedaled faster.

When he came to Shen Lin's house, he was already out of breath, even feeling like he couldn't breathe.

But he didn't care so much, so he went up and smashed the door. After a while, Shen Lin, who was wearing an apron, opened the door.

Seeing this situation, Lu Xiaohai became a little angry.He said angrily: "Brother-in-law, quickly think of a way, Zuo Haiyang is playing tricks on us!"

(End of this chapter)

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