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Chapter 318 The fierce competition from the very beginning

Chapter 318: Fierce competition from the beginning

Sanyun area!

Zuo Haiyang is no stranger to this place, because this area is the poorest area in the whole province.

Shen Lin used the Sanyun area to start filming. Zuo Haiyang thought that this approach was good. After all, the first and the second are the best, and then step by step to hype the popularity. This is a good idea.

But Zuo Haiyang felt that his chance had come.

"In the Sanyun area, [-] are hot quickly. How can this be sold? The per capita income in the Sanyun area is not high!"

In Zuo Haiyang's voice, there was a hint of emotion: "Hey, I'm not going to be the regional agent of this place."

Although his voice was not very loud, it was not low either. It could be said that what he wanted to hear, he could basically hear Zuo Haiyang's words.

For Zuo Haiyang's voice, which had just started and was obviously against the tune, Photon couldn't help but rushed over and pulled him out.

But Shen Lin waved his hand at Photon. He knew very well that pulling Zuo Haiyang out at this time was a pleasure, but it might disrupt his plan.

If Zuo Haiyang was noisy here, it might disrupt the entire auction.

What's more, from Shen Lin's point of view, Zuo Haiyang's words were like dying, so he didn't have to take them to heart at all.

Because he is confident in his own marketing, and even more confident in getting hot soon.

"The 3-minute countdown begins. Those who are interested, please hand over your kraft paper envelopes to the staff around you as soon as possible."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Please seize the time."

Although Zuo Haiyang was still speaking in an emotional tone, he still saw someone handing the written kraft paper to the staff around him.

When the first phenomenon occurred, Zuo Haiyang's heart skipped a beat, but when the second phenomenon occurred, his expression became a bit ugly...

His disturbing words suddenly became silent.

One, two, three, four...

As more and more kraft paper envelopes were handed in, some people even began to ask the staff around them for the kraft paper pockets they had just handed in.

"There are still ten seconds left. Let's count down. If the countdown is over and you haven't handed over your offer to the staff, it will be automatically regarded as giving up."

"Ten, nine, eight..."

As the counting began, a tense atmosphere suddenly emerged among the crowd. Even at the beginning, there was no one who wanted to compete. At this moment, everyone's faces became serious.

They suddenly had a heart-wrenching feeling, as if an extremely important item had been snatched away by others.

This kind of feeling is extremely uncomfortable, this kind of feeling makes them feel very uncomfortable.

Zuo Haiyang also had this feeling, which made Zuo Haiyang feel extremely uncomfortable in his heart. A feeling of decadence rose in his heart, and even at this moment, he wanted to turn around and leave directly.

When the last one was counted out, Zuo Haiyang breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know what was going to happen next, at least, this time was finally over.

"Everyone, I have received a total of eleven kraft paper envelopes. In other words, eleven friends competed for the distribution agency rights in the Sanyun area." "Now, we are going to announce the results of this competition. Which one is out?" The person with the most sales will get this opportunity.”

"Finally, we would like to remind you that everyone has paid a deposit. If you fail to make a 30.00% deposit within three hours after bidding, your deposit will be confiscated."

When Shen Lin said this, his voice was full of sternness: "So, now everyone regrets, there is still some time."

"If it's time to open the results, then everything will be too late."

Although Shen Lin's words were very clear, no one chose to take back the kraft paper he handed over.

According to Shen Lin's arrangement, the person who announced the investment results this time was Cheng Zhenyuan.

Although Cheng Zhenyuan's focus was on production, but at this time, Shen Lin counted as one person, and they all directly grabbed them and used them first.

Cheng Zhenyuan held the thick kraft paper envelope in his hand, and his mood was full of tension.Although these kraft envelopes only determine the distribution agents in the Sanyun area, in Cheng Zhenyuan's view, they also determine whether this hot factory can continue to operate, whether...

"Everyone, I'll start reading the results. The first person, Mr. Shi Luoxin, has a confirmed sales volume of [-] per year."

After reading out the number, a smile appeared on Cheng Zhenyuan's face.The Sanyun area is the most backward area. In such a place, there are still people who have set a sales volume of [-], which makes Cheng Zhenyuan feel endless hope.

The factory is so hot that there is a lot to do!

A short black man who looked to be in his 40s and wore a black denim jacket had a smile on his face.

He was Shi Luoxin, and he was moved and excited from the bottom of his heart when the number he determined this time shocked the people present.

If it weren't for the ten envelopes in Cheng Zhenyuan's hand at this moment, he would be able to jump up at this moment.

"Second place, Mr. Cheng Zidong, he confirmed that the sales volume is [-] pieces." Cheng Zhenyuan, who was standing by the side, said in a deep voice again.

The appearance of the second number made Shi Luoxin, who was a little complacent just now, sweat with embarrassment on his face. He felt that the situation just now was really dangerous for him.

If the opponent adds a thousand heats quickly, then he will lose this time.Cheng Zidong is a tall and thin man in his 30s. In fact, after reading Shi Luoxin's bid, he couldn't help but slapped his thigh.

"The third one, Mr. Liu, his sales volume is..."


Cheng Zhenyuan also kept calling out the sales price given by a bidder. Although there was no more than [-], the minimum was [-].

Such a situation almost made everyone feel that these people were full of confidence in the fast sales.

After all, even a place like the Sanyun area can pay [-] yuan, so other places are definitely even crazier.

Shi Luoxin, who was still ranked first, was already a little nervous at this moment, and he stared closely at the last kraft paper in Cheng Zhenyuan's hand.

For him, the kraft paper now determines his fate.If this one is lower than the sales he gave, then the dealer in the Sanyun area will be him, and once the other party is higher than him, then the suffering he has suffered before will be in vain.

"Everyone, the sales rate given to us by the last competitor is..."

(End of this chapter)

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