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Chapter 327 It’s too hard to keep a low profile and lose the limelight 2

Chapter 327: It’s too hard to keep a low profile, but the limelight is unparalleled
Shen Lin didn't need to manage the production by himself. After arranging the work and bonuses, Shen Lin pushed his car and rushed to the newspaper office in Dongzhou.

Lu Xiaorong has been working at the newspaper office for more than a week, but Shen Lin has been busy with busy things these days, so he has no time to find his way at all.

Now, the dust has settled and only production remains, so Shen Lin pushes a bicycle to pick Lu Xiaorong from get off work.

A three-story dark building, together with the bungalows derived from the small building, the long white signs that look mottled, and the rows of bicycles, all of them are full of the atmosphere of the times...

After seeing Shen Lin, a guard wearing yellow trousers that had been washed white, asked seriously, "Hey, comrade, what do you do?"

Shen Lin smiled and took out a pack of cigarettes, took out one and handed it over, "Master, I'll pick you up. My wife is working here."

The old man looked Shen Lin up and down, and said suspiciously: "Are you sure your wife works here?"

"Yes, she was transferred not long ago, and I specially picked her up from get off work, and I also recognized the door by the way."

Shen Lin's explanation made the guard's vigilance drop a lot, and a smile appeared on his face: "Then, young man, are you going to sit here and wait for a while, or go in and look for your wife?"

"Let me remind you that there are quite a few leaders with a temper in our newspaper office. Since your wife is new here, don't ask for trouble, lest the leaders see it and leave a bad impression on your wife."

"Anyway, there are only about ten minutes left before get off work."

Shen Lin originally intended to see Lu Xiaorong's working environment, but at this moment, listening to the old man's words, he also felt that it made sense.

What's more, he still doesn't know which office Lu Xiaorong is in.

"Haha, after all, the uncle is well-informed. Thank you for reminding me. Otherwise, if I came to pick up someone with good intentions, I might be reprimanded by my wife."

While talking, Shen Lin handed a bicycle, and then handed a cigarette to the doorman and said: "Then I will wait here for a while."

The doorman took the cigarette and said with a smile: "Young man, my surname is Liu, and I have been working here as a porter for more than 20 years!"

"Tell your daughter-in-law that if you need help with anything, it's absolutely right to ask Uncle Liu. I can't help her with big things, but small things can be solved in minutes."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that even our president, when he came to the newspaper, I helped him complete the reporting procedures."

For this enthusiastic Uncle Liu, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Uncle, I will have to trouble you in the future, so don't dislike me when the time comes."

While speaking, Shen Lin handed the big box to the front door and said, "Master, take it and smoke it. I don't smoke, and it's a waste to keep it in my pocket."

Uncle Liu looked at Shen Lin's fifty cents a pack of cigarettes, smacked his lips and said, "Young man, you should take such expensive cigarettes."

"Wait a minute, if you meet your daughter-in-law's colleague, you can also give up the cigarette, so as not to be said that you are not polite."

Speaking of this, Uncle Liu took a puff of smoke and said, "By the way, your wife is from our newspaper office. Which unit are you in?"

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, he really didn't know which unit he belonged to.After all, he had already been fired from the hardware machinery factory, so it would be inappropriate to say that he was from the hardware machinery factory.

As for Redekuai Factory and Lin Rong Electronics, although they are both their own industries, but when it comes to working there, it seems that their situation is a bit worse than that of Lu Xiaorong.

"What? Young man, you don't work at the unit, do you?" Uncle Liu looked at the hesitant Shen Lin and asked curiously.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Uncle, I work at the Redekuai Factory." In the end, the hesitant Shen Lin made a choice and positioned his work unit as the Redekuai Factory.

"It's a hot factory, I haven't heard of it, but young people, you have to make progress. Your wife works in a daily newspaper, and you work in a small factory. The two don't quite match."

Uncle Liu warned sincerely: "Everything in this world is said to be that the man is in charge of the outside and the woman is in charge of the house. If your wife is more capable than you, then your family will inevitably be in trouble."

"So, young man, you must make progress and try to find a good unit."

While Shen Lin was listening to Uncle Liu's warning, many people started to come out of the three-story office building, and some even talked while walking.

Shen Lin quickly found Lu Xiaorong among the crowd walking out.

Lu Xiaorong, who was wearing a light brown windbreaker, stood out from the crowd in the black and blue clothes, very eye-catching.

And Lu Xiaorong, who was discussing something with some female companions, looked up and saw Shen Lin who was talking in the guard room. She said a few words to her companions, then pushed her new bicycle, and quickly walked towards Shen Lin. Lin came.

"Master, my daughter-in-law is here, let's talk." Shen Lin didn't have time to listen to this Uncle Liu's teaching, so he greeted Lu Xiaorong while speaking.

Uncle Liu looked at Lu Xiaorong who was approaching, and sighed in his heart. As a guard, he had heard a lot about Lu Xiaorong's deeds.

The talented women specially invited by the newspaper seemed to publish a lot of things in the big newspapers. Some people even said with envy that Lu Xiaorong's monthly manuscript fee was more than their annual salary.

This young man is not bad, but with such a capable daughter-in-law, he will have to be suppressed to death in the future. No wonder he hasn't finished get off work yet, so he rushes here to pick up his wife.

According to Uncle Liu's simple psychology, those who can come here to pick up their wives are basically not as good as their wives.

"Master, let's go." Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong walked out of the cart at this time, and greeted Uncle Liu.

Uncle Liu was just about to speak when someone shouted, "Boss Shen, wait a minute!"

Following the shout, Uncle Liu saw Section Chief Qi, who was in charge of logistics, that is, his immediate boss, Lao Qi, trotting forward.

"Hahaha, Boss Shen, I saw you from afar. You are so mean. You came to our newspaper office to pick up your daughter-in-law, and you didn't go to my place for a drink." Shake hands and shake a few times.

Shen Lin already knew the identity of Chief Qi from Lu Xiaorong when Chief Qi ran over, so he exchanged pleasantries with Chief Qi and even agreed to have dinner together when he was free.

After saying hello, Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong pushed the cart away side by side, while Chief Qi waved goodbye with a smile, even couldn't help grinning when he watched them off.

Seeing that Section Chief Qi was overly enthusiastic, Uncle Liu couldn't help but said: "Section Chief Qi, who is this young man? Look at the way you smile, your mouth isn't tired!"

"Old Liu, have you been to Paris Street?" Chief Qi didn't wait for Uncle Liu to speak, and continued: "How is the hot water that was prepared for you yesterday? Can you drink hot water every day?"

"Let me tell you, this is Boss Shen from Paris Street and Redekuai Factory. He received an order payment of 50 yuan just for today's order."

"Tsk tsk, that's 50 yuan!" Chief Qi waved his palm heavily as he spoke, as if he wanted to tell Uncle Liu how much 50 yuan was.

As for the colleagues gathered around the gate, all of them looked up at the two figures walking side by side.

(End of this chapter)

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