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Chapter 335 The Changes Brought by Shen Lin

Chapter 335 The Changes Brought by Shen Lin

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Li Xueqiang walked into the house unsteadily.

This time he drank a little too much, but there were some wines that he had to drink, such as the wine poured by Boss Shen, such as the wine poured by professors who are very capable but will follow him in the future.

He can't let people say that he is insane when he is in power!
But today, even if he was drunk, he didn't worry about kneeling on the washboard at all, because he had already delivered the 1000 yuan bonus to his wife in the afternoon.

Moreover, he also told his wife that he went to dinner with Boss Shen this time, and Boss Shen attached great importance to himself as a backbone during this period.

Therefore, when he said confidently that Boss Shen invited him to the banquet, his wife kindly helped him tidy up his clothes and said angrily, "Why are you dawdling at home? Why don't you go and thank Boss Shen for his kindness?" Grace!"

"Are you back? Come, I prepared honey water for you, drink it quickly." Back home, the wife who was watching TV immediately brought a pot of honey water up.

Li Xueqiang felt that his mouth was dry, and he was not polite, so he took it up and gulped down the honey water.

"How much wine did you drink with Boss Shen?" The wife didn't ask Li Xueqiang how much wine he drank, but asked him and Shen Lin how much they drank immediately.

Li Xueqiang understands his wife's thoughts. These days, his family has undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only has he paid off all the foreign debts he owed before, he also bought a color TV.

Although it was a second-hand color TV bought from a student, it was the first one in the whole college.

Therefore, every day when my wife tidies up and watches TV, she is very happy.

Li Xueqiang covered his head and said: "Boss Shen said that his daughter-in-law is six or seven months pregnant, so he dare not drink too much."

"So, I had a glass of wine with each of us teachers who are symbolic." Li Xueqiang paused and said: "By the way, Dean Fu had a few drinks with me today and told me to do a good job. Get ready to take on a heavier burden."

Speaking of this, Li Xueqiang said a little excitedly: "I am afraid that Lao Fu thinks that if I am in charge of a laboratory that cooperates with Redekuai Factory in my current situation, it will be difficult to convince the public, so I am going to propose a position for me."

"That's really great." Li Xueqiang's wife hugged Li Xueqiang's arm and said, "In this way, we can increase a lot of points whether it is ratings or new houses!"

"Our family is today because of Boss Shen's help. Didn't you say that Boss Shen's wife is six or seven months pregnant? Then how about I ask our mother to buy some eggs from the village and send them to them?"

After a pause, Li Xueqiang's wife seemed to have made up her mind and said: "This alone is not enough, it's better to buy two more black-bone chickens and send them to Director Shen. A man must know how to reciprocate!"

Hearing what his wife said, Li Xueqiang immediately felt a little red on his face.Although he followed Shen Lin to do research, he still had an intellectual arrogance about him.

Let him flatter him, he can't do it.

Just when Li Xueqiang was about to say something, there was a hasty knock on the door from outside, and Li Xueqiang opened the door without saying a word.

In the family college of his own college, Li Xueqiang really didn't have too many scruples.

"Teacher Lu, what's the matter with you?" Seeing the middle-aged teacher in front of him who was not quite right with him, even when he first came to the academy, Li Xueqiang's expression became stiff. .

He had no conflicts with this teacher Lu at the beginning, but he was repeatedly targeted by this person.

After all, Li Xueqiang had just come to the School of Engineering, so in this situation, he could only swallow his anger and hold back his anger in his heart.The middle-aged man known as Teacher Lu's face twitched, and finally he showed a flattering smile: "Teacher Li, I have something here that I need to trouble you with."

While talking, Teacher Nalu walked forward and said, "Let's go into the room and talk about that."

Li Xueqiang is not a strong person. Hearing Teacher Lu's words at this time, although he was a little reluctant in his heart, he still let him into the room.

At this moment, Li Xueqiang discovered that this Teacher Lu did not come empty-handed. He was still carrying two bottles of wine in his hand.

"Mr. Li, I came here this time to apologize to you. In the past, I was blamed for eating lard and getting sick of my heart. This is why I have trouble with you. Your lord has a lot, you must forgive me!"

As soon as Mr. Lu sat down, he immediately criticized Li Xueqiang again and again. His sincerity was full of heart and soul.

In the past, Li Xueqiang thought about the scene where Mr. Lu apologized to him more than once, but he knew very well that this kind of thing, he could only imagine at most, but he didn't expect that such a scene would suddenly appear.

This made him a little confused, what the hell is this guy trying to do?
After being stunned for a moment, Li Xueqiang calmed down. This scene really surprised him, and immediately asked: "Mr. Lu, did you make a mistake? Do we have conflicts?"

"Haha, Teacher Li is right. We...we don't have any conflicts, just some small disputes, small disputes." Teacher Nalu responded incoherently: "Mr. Li, you have a lot of small disputes, and you will definitely not Take it to heart."

Speaking of this, Teacher Lu rubbed his hands together and said, "Mr. Li, I... I am not a bad person in nature, but I am a bit small-minded. Please don't be as knowledgeable as me, Teacher Li."

Who is Mr. Lu? He is someone who sometimes argues with the dean. He treats himself like this now, which makes Li Xueqiang even more uncertain.

"Mr. Lu, I understand your apology. I just drank a lot of wine and want to rest early. How about we talk about it tomorrow?"

"No, I just said a word, Mr. Li, my physics level is not bad, when the laboratory is established, you can add me."

"Don't worry, as long as your teacher Li says, I will unconditionally carry it out."

Looking at Teacher Lu who was full of expectations, Li Xueqiang's head was buzzing. At this moment, he suddenly understood a lot.

After politely sending Teacher Lu away and asking him to take the two bottles of wine away, Li Xueqiang suddenly turned to his wife with pride: "Daughter-in-law, take the time to go back to your hometown these two days."

"In addition to native eggs, you can help me find two black-bone chickens, no, no, two are too few, I remember Boss Shen has a refrigerator at home, you might as well get four, and then see if there are any small crucian carp the size of a palm ..."

Li Xueqiang's wife looked at Li Xueqiang strangely, and for a moment didn't understand why he became like this.

"I, Li Xueqiang, owe my success to Boss Shen. Teacher Lu just now let me know how lucky I am to meet Boss Shen."

"Without him, maybe it's time for me to go to Teacher Lu to come and apologize." Li Xueqiang pointed outside: "I don't know how many people are staring at my position now. In school, there are not many who support me."

"So, leaning against a big tree can enjoy the shade! I must win Boss Shen's long-term support."

"Research results are important, but other things cannot be relaxed."

(End of this chapter)

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