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Chapter 337 Class reunion, big tree attracts wind

Chapter 337 Class reunion, big tree attracts wind

Just sitting down behind his desk, Shen Lin couldn't help but sneezed.Feeling the warm breath coming from the briquette stove in the room, Shen Lin felt that he was not blown by the cold wind.

This is someone talking about himself behind his back!

Thinking that at this time, Chen Hongying had already arrived at her home, Shen Lin vaguely knew who was talking about her behind this.

It's just that if Lu Xiaorong likes to complain, let her complain. Shen Lin will not make mistakes in such things.

If you can't go to work, you can't go to work. If the soles of your feet slip and fall, it's no joke.

Just when Shen Lin laughed secretly at Lu Xiaorong's pouting angry appearance, there was a knock on the door, Shen Lin said to come in, and Cheng Zhenyuan, the deputy director of the factory, strode in.

Cheng Zhenyuan was wearing work clothes, but the brand new leather shoes on his feet showed that the deputy factory manager's recent life was still very nourishing.

"Director, shall we introduce a new production line? Although we are already working overtime, the supply is still in short supply!"

While speaking, Cheng Zhenyuan took out a report and handed it to Shen Lindao: "This is the quantity required by the sales department for the next week, which is three times what we expected."

"In just over a month, our shipments are already one-fifth of their annual bookings."

Although Cheng Zhenyuan complained, Shen Lin could sense that Cheng Zhenyuan was smiling brightly at this moment.

This kind of excitement is naturally the joy brought by the best-selling products.

Although Shen Lin doesn't smoke, there are always cigarettes in his desk and pocket.

After taking out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer, opening it and handing Cheng Zhenyuan one, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Old Cheng, let's not worry about introducing a production line for now."

"I took a look, and the reason for the slow production speed is mainly because of the slowness of people and work clothes."

"Well, let's recruit ten more workers a year ago, what do you think?"

Hearing that Shen Lin said that ten people were being recruited, Cheng Zhenyuan couldn't sit still for a while. Although he said adding another production line was asking a lot of money, he would pay back the money on the spot. He was waiting for Shen Lin to bargain, but he didn't expect that Shen Lin would do this. as decisive.

Just recruiting ten workers is really a drop in the bucket for the supply volume.

For Shen Lin, although Cheng Zhenyuan was full of respect in his heart, at this time, he had to argue with reason: "Director Shen, these ten people are really too few."

"Now our products are selling so well that dealers from all over the world are running to ask for the goods. Yesterday, someone even came to my house to block me."

Cheng Zhenyuan felt both pain and happiness in this situation where the supply was short of demand.He stretched out his hands and said, "Director Shen, I think we need at least [-] workers."

"In this way, we can withstand this wave of production tasks."

Shen Lin knew that what Cheng Zhenyuan said was true, but he also had his own reasons for not recruiting so many people.

"Old Cheng, if we recruit fifty people at once, it seems to solve our current problem, but have you thought about the future?"

Shen Lin snapped his fingers and said, "We're recruiting them now, but if the factory's profitability declines..."

Shen Lin didn't say what happened next, but Cheng Zhenyuan understood what Shen Lin's concerns were.He hesitated for a moment, trying to persuade Shen Lin, after all, the sales situation is so good, but he felt that Shen Lin's words were not unreasonable.

After all, if you recruit more people, you not only need to pay wages, but also pay in other aspects.For example, the problem of the factory building, if these fifty workers are recruited, it seems that the factory building is not enough.

How to do it?Cheng Zhenyuan had a headache. He looked at Shen Lin pitifully and said, "Director Shen, what do you think we should do? Or we can allocate according to proportion. We can't just give as much goods to whoever wants them."

"That's not necessary." Shen Lin smiled and said, "Old Cheng, didn't you say that? Now many small factories have stopped production because of poor profitability."

Cheng Zhenyuan nodded, because there are many factories that have stopped production due to poor efficiency. Compared with those factories, the workers in the factory that are hotter are really happy.

Not only is there a full amount of work pay every month, but as long as you are willing to endure hardship, the bonus for overtime work is more than your salary.

Coupled with the three meals in the factory, a frugal worker can have a net surplus of more than 100 yuan a month.

"Yes, the products of many factories on site cannot be sold." Cheng Zhenyuan said with emotion: "The oil extraction factory in our neighboring village has not been able to pay wages for three months."

"Old Cheng, we can contact them and pack some auxiliary assembly work for them. We only need to focus on the quality inspection, and let them complete the rest."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "In this way, we have not only provided help to those brother factories, but have not increased our own operating costs, so we can kill two birds with one stone."

Cheng Zhenyuan was stunned!

In his work experience, his own affairs are his own affairs, and the affairs of other factories are other people's affairs.

It seems to be a matter of course for him to finish his own affairs by himself, but now, Shen Lin's words made him truly realize that his thinking has become wider!

According to Shen Lin's method, not only can it solve the problems in its own factory, but it can also help some factories to tide over the difficulties without increasing operating costs. This is killing three birds with one stone!

"Director Shen, I've always felt that I'm far behind you, but now, I realize that the gap between me and you is really not that big!"

Cheng Zhenyuan said with emotion.

Just when Shen Lin was about to be humble, Lu Xiaohai walked in, holding a note in his hand.

"Brother, the communication room of our factory received a call yesterday, saying that your old high school classmate invited you to the class reunion the day after tomorrow."

High school reunion!
When Shen Lin heard the news, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Some memories about high school quickly surged in his mind.

At this moment, in a dim room filled with heat and smoke, several people were playing mahjong.

Sitting on the north side was a young man who looked to be in his 20s and was wearing a black jacket. While touching his cards, he was talking to a young man who was watching the excitement on the opposite side.

"Have you called yet?"

"Brother Jun, don't worry, the call has already been made. The people there said that they will definitely notify their Factory Manager Shen." The expressions of the young people watching the bustle were full of respect.

The young man in a black jacket played out the worn cards, and then said with emotion: "My old classmate, it's amazing."

"I usually think he is not very good, but I never thought that he would make such a big scene."

"This time, we can't make any mistakes. After finishing this vote, we can wash our hands one by one."

While the young man was talking, the opponent played a red middle card. He pushed the card in front of him and said: "Red middle red middle, all hits, it is really a good omen!"

ps: Today's first update, please support.

(End of this chapter)

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