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Chapter 339 Classmate Young Yun Danfengqing

Chapter 339 Classmate Boy Yun Danfengqing
It was still the same classroom as before, and even the arrangement of the stools in the classroom hadn't changed much.

On the blackboard, which is full of spots and even has a huge crack, the words welcome students back are written in chalk at this time.

And on the podium made of bricks, there are three or four thermos pots, one of which is so hot that it is working.

More than a dozen people were dressed in different clothes, but they all looked like good classmates. They were talking. After Shen Lin walked in, someone looked at Shen Lin suspiciously.

"Student, we are a class reunion, did you go to the wrong place?" A young man turned his head to see Shen Lin and said softly.

The moment this person turned his head, Shen Lin found that this person looked familiar, but for a while, he couldn't think of this person's name.

"It's not wrong, I also attended the class reunion."

While Shen Lin was talking, a young man who was sitting on the side and was a bit out of place with the crowd said, "Old Jia, that's right, this is the classmate in our class."

"You forgot, that Shen Lin who sat in the penultimate row of our class."

The man called Lao Jia nodded, he glanced at Shen Lin and said, "Shen Lin, I remembered, you dropped out of school in the first grade."

"Haha, find a place to sit for a while, the teacher will come later."

Speaking of this, Lao Jia seemed to be very casual and said: "If you don't want to be casual, you can sit in your previous seat, which is also very meaningful."

From these words, Shen Lin couldn't hear the meaning that Lao Jia didn't want him to sit in front.

Hearing these words at this time, Shen Lin's feeling for this class reunion unknowingly faded by three points. He even wanted to laugh at this time, because he was blinded by eating lard, and unexpectedly came here to participate in the class reunion.

If he had known this earlier, he might as well not have come.

However, looking at the familiar figures in his impression, Shen Lin still walked towards the last row.

Going back to the past, the old man was still a teenager. In such a situation, even if he observed silently, it seemed to be quite good.

After he sat down in the last row, Shen Lin's eyes began to look at those students who could still remember their names.

Just when Shen Lin was thinking about these people and what they would look like next, he felt someone stab his arm.

Looking down, I found that it was a former classmate with a good relationship, but since I dropped out of school, I haven't had any contact with him.

So much so that now, Shen Lin couldn't even remember the name of this classmate.

"Shen Lin, you came here, is it because Lu Yueyao proposed this gathering, so you want to meet the person you've been thinking about so much?" The classmate said with a smile

"No, I'm just here to take a look." If Shen Lin was still in his mind back then, maybe he would follow the other party's words.

But now, Shen Lin is no longer the Shen Lin of the past, he has said a few words of the truth very sincerely.

"Hey, you, you, you still want to save face and suffer, even if you say that you are here for Lu Yueyao, so what?" The classmate laughed and said, "I heard that Lu Yueyao didn't have a boyfriend after she went to college."

Does this have anything to do with me?Shen Lin looked at his side, looking like a classmate we had a good relationship with, so he lost interest in talking.

Just then, another person walked in.The people who were talking in twos and threes all responded to that person.

"Yan Lai, I heard that you have been admitted to a key university." "Yan Lai, how are the universities in Sijiu City? I heard that they are different from ours!"

"Yan Lai, if you have nothing to do at noon, let's have a good chat."

Hearing these flattering words, a slight smile appeared on the young man's face.He greeted people and looked around.

"Shen Lin, I bet you that this guy must be looking for your goddess. Let me tell you, you can't bear this matter!" The classmate who sat with Shen Lin had a provocative look Said.

Shen Lin is very familiar with this kind of provocation. He knows that these provocateurs are either for profit, or they are born too bad.

The person standing next to him should be the latter.

"I'm already married." Shen Lin replied to that classmate, and silently began to look at the faces of those classmates in the past.

The classmate saw that his provocation was useless, and he felt a little unhappy in his heart. After all, he wanted to watch some good shows just now.

But the current Shen Lin really disappointed him.

Just when the classmate was about to speak, he saw Lu Yueyao and a few classmates walking in, like stars holding the moon, accompanied by a gray-haired teacher, and several brothers and girls.

With their arrival, bursts of laughter also sounded.

"Mr. Shen, I haven't seen you for several days, but your body is still so tough."

"Haha, Mr. Shen, I thought you had retired? I didn't expect that you are still working."

"Mr. Shen, it's really nice to meet you."

Teacher Shen kept saying hello to the students. For a while, the huge classroom and the house began to feel a little warm.For those students who took the initiative to greet her, Teacher Shen behaved very well, not only related to the students' work, but even cared about the students' health.

It can be said that Teacher Shen at this time is amiable!
Although Shen Lin was ignored by no one, but there was no anger in his heart. He looked at the people around him silently, and decided to go back after a while.

"Students, I am very happy to see everyone here this time. It is fate that we can become teachers and students. It is also fate that we meet here now."

Under the applause of everyone, Teacher Shen started his speech.After he finished speaking, there was a burst of applause.

Shen Lin partly agrees with his teacher's words. It is indeed fate that they can get together again.

"Of course, in addition to fate, we also want to thank the students who ran back and forth for this matter and paid a lot."

While Teacher Shen was speaking, he pointed in Lu Yueyao's direction: "First of all, we would like to thank classmate Lu Yueyao. If it wasn't for classmate Lu Yueyao's organization, we wouldn't have this gathering today."

Lu Yueyao hurriedly stood up to speak, but was interrupted by a burst of applause. At this moment, Teacher Na Shen continued: "Also, we also want to thank another classmate, thank this classmate for providing us with this Food for the next party.”

Speaking of this, Teacher Shen said with emotion: "When this student was in school, although his studies were not outstanding, his achievements still made the teacher proud."

"I think that with his own efforts, student Yang Jun has embarked on a business path that we all admire."

(End of this chapter)

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