Chapter 347 Suicide

Liyuan Village is a village in the city, and the whole village is in the urban area of ​​Dongzhou City, but Xujia Village is different, it is a village on the outskirts of the city.

In this village, most people grow vegetables for a living. After all, growing vegetables here is much better than growing food.

In Shen Lin's previous life, he also came to this village, but at that time, it was just in time for the demolition of Xujia Village, so the whole village gave people a feeling of sudden wealth.

At this time, Xujia Village was no different from other villages except for the two roads in the middle of the village.

When Guangzi came to the village in his jeep, he saw a large Jiefang truck pulling goods parked on the side of the road, and several children were running around the car.

In the cab, three young men were playing cards.

Photon looked at these fancy-dressed young people, and his heart became more and more angry. He had already deeply realized that these young people should deliberately find fault with this matter!

In Photon's perception, if these people make trouble for those who pull goods, they are making trouble for their own factory.

Photon, who was upset in his heart, went directly to pat the car and said, "Which one of you is in charge, come over and talk to our factory manager about what's going on!"

The three young men who played cards had already heard the arrangement, and when they heard what Photon said, none of them responded without raising their heads: "Speak to your factory manager? Your factory manager is a fart! I can't tell him. !"

"Let me tell you, his truck has hit people in our village, and if he doesn't give an explanation, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes today, his truck won't be able to get away!"

Photon was very annoyed when he was reprimanded. Just as he was about to reprimand this guy, Shen Lin had already stepped forward and said calmly: "Where did the person hit by this car go? Can you take us to see it?" see?"

The leading young man looked Shen Lin up and down, and said with a sneer, "Who are you, why should I take you there?"

"Let me tell you, let the driver come over with the money to solve the problem, otherwise, this matter will never end!"

The smile on Shen Lin's face was still faint, but his voice became cold: "You impound other people's trucks without reason. If you say it nicely, it's picking quarrels and provoking trouble; if you say it badly, it's blocking the road."

"Since you feel that you have nothing to say, let the police station do the talking."

Having said that, Shen Lin said to Photon: "Let's go, let's go to the office and call the police first."

Having said that, Shen Lin walked towards the jeep without looking back.

Although the three young men spoke aggressively, they actually felt guilty when they saw Shen Lin stepping out of the jeep.

After all, in this day and age, it is not ordinary people who can ride in a jeep. Now when Shen Lin said that he was going to the police station, they immediately panicked.

"Uh... uh, wait a moment, I'll call someone right away." The young man who had just played cards didn't care about his arrogance at this time, threw his cards and ran towards an alley.

Photon looked at the young man who ran away, and the judgment in his heart became more and more certain.Immediately said to Shen Lin: "Brother, these people should just want to extort money, look at how fast their rabbits are running..."

Shen Lin smiled, he was very sure that this was Yang Jun's way of playing.And at this time, Shen Lin, who had already laid out the overall situation, was naturally not afraid of Yang Jun jumping around here.

In just 2 minutes, a familiar face appeared in front of Shen Lin.

This was Dongzi who followed Yang Jun to see Shen Lin and was severely reprimanded by Director Yang.

The moment he saw Shen Lin, a smile appeared on his face, but the smile looked a little dry and cold. "Oh, who do I think you are? Isn't this Director Shen? Director Shen, you are so busy every day, why do you have time to come to my brother to guide the work today?"

Dongzi still has opinions on Yang Jun's actions.

Among them, the most objectionable thing is Yang Jun's attitude towards Shen Lin. In his opinion, a rich man like Shen Lin is not polite at all, just do whatever he likes.

But Brother Yang put his hot face on Shen Lin's cold butt time and time again. Now that he's all right, Shen Lin finally found him.

Shen Lin looked at Dongzi, and said coldly: "Dongzi, we Ming people don't talk dark words, is this something you did?"

Dongzi never expected that Shen Lin's words would be straightforward, and he would question himself about this as soon as he came up, which made him feel guilty for no reason.

But immediately, a wave of anger rose from his heart, this guy surnamed Shen actually pretended to be garlic for him here!

"Haha, brother Shen, this has nothing to do with me. I'm here to help. My family belongs to this village."

In the end, according to Yang Jun's arrangement, Dongzi gave Shen Lin a one push, two six five, and he said with a smile: "Brother Shen, the suffering master is still lying in the village room, do you want to go and see?"

Shen Lin looked at Dongzi who had nothing to do with me, and felt more and more in his heart that this was an opportunity.

Director Song and the others are investigating Yang Jun, and what they want is to wipe out the gang.Judging from Yang Jun's performance these days, Shen Lin felt that his old classmate was also a cautious person.

Once there is any trouble, he will be alert soon.Now that he is taking the initiative to pick things up, he might as well let their energy focus on his own.

"Dongzi, it's hard to say whether the sufferer you're talking about touches porcelain or not. You'd better remind them that our Dongzhou city is law-abiding. If they touch porcelain here, they will be punished by law."

Shen Lin, who made the decision, pointed to the driveway of the big truck: "Since you know me, then I won't force you too much, and I'll have someone send the car to my factory right away, so it's okay to pretend that this incident never happened. "

"Otherwise, I will ask the police station to handle this matter."

When Dongzi heard Shen Lin mentioning the police station, not only was he not afraid, but he smiled and said, "Brother Shen, what you said is meaningless. If you say you are a good friend of Brother Yang, we can discuss anything."

"But when you came up, you yelled at me to be beaten and killed. Do you think it's my Dongzi who is afraid of you, or that our village is afraid of you?"

"Let me tell you, I can't make the decision on this matter. What you want to do is your own business, and I can't interfere!"

"Besides, this is not Li Yuan Village. When you speak, Director Shen, you'd better be more polite. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, I don't care about it!"

Listening to Dongzi's words, Shen Lin's expression didn't change, as if he didn't hear it, but Guangzi clenched his fists tightly and couldn't hold back.

And Shen Lin pulled Guangzi's hand, and then said to Dongzi: "Okay, since Dongzi you said so, then I'll let the police take a look, is it true that you were hit by a car! "

"Let me tell you Dongzi, if this matter is true, it can't be fake, and if it's fake, it can't be true."

While speaking, Shen Lin got into the jeep and drove away.

Dongzi looked at Shen Lin who was walking away in the jeep, and spat hard on the ground, his face full of disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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