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Chapter 352 From now on, we will reach the peak

Chapter 352 From now on, we will reach the peak
Watching Yang Jun leave, Shen Lin silently sat on his chair.

Regarding Yang Jun's proposal, Shen Lin was somewhat moved. After all, the fleet of more than a dozen large vehicles was also a considerable fortune.

What's more, the use of the team to Shen Lin can be even greater.

For example, now, it is the seller who comes to Shen Lin to pick up the goods, but if Shen Lin changes his method and supplies the seller directly from himself, then I believe that the relationship between them will be closer.

But no matter how good the things Yang Jun gave, in Shen Lin's view, they should be poisonous apples with poison.

Perhaps the current Yang Jun is very sincere, but Shen Lin believes that it is difficult for this kind of person to be kind. Once Yang Jun seizes the opportunity, he will almost 100% secretly attack himself.

I am making money, not guarding against thieves.

What's more, what Yang Jun did has already doomed Yang Jun's future.

As each thought flashed, Shen Lin thought of Yang Jun's convoy that would come by stealth if he was caught.

Although these assets can be issued to individuals, it will become a problem whether those big car drivers can still run sports cars.

If I can start as soon as possible, maybe I can take advantage of this opportunity to form a team of my own.

And just when Shen Lin made up his mind, Yang Jun had already got on Dongzi's motorcycle.

"Brother Jun, how are you doing?" Dongzi was not a person who could hide his thoughts, and asked Yang Jun before he had gone far.

Yang Jun smiled and said, "It should be close to ten!"

"Although Shen Lin shied away at the beginning, I felt from his expression that he was moved by this matter."

"I've inquired about it. It's a hot factory, and it only cost 20 million to sort it out. And our team, how much do you think it's worth?"

When Yang Jun said this, he coughed and said, "As long as we have 20.00% of the shares, we still don't participate in the actual management of the factory."

Dongzi was stunned for a moment and said: "Brother, if this is the case, aren't we too much at a loss?"

Yang Jun took out a cigarette and lit it silently: "I don't think we will lose money on this deal."

"Think about it, how fast Shen Lin's hot factory is developing now."

"Even if we only get a share, it's enough for our brothers to live a good life. What's more, as long as we hold shares in the hot factory, we have entered the hot factory."

Speaking of this, Yang Jun's eyes flashed a glimmer of gloom and said: "Who stipulates that if you become a shareholder, you will always be a shareholder."

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Dongzi's face. He felt that the brother Jun who said the last sentence was the brother Jun he was familiar with.

"Brother Jun is right, this shareholder might turn himself into a boss at some point!"

Speaking of this, Dongzi suddenly seemed to think of something and said: "Brother Jun, the day after tomorrow is your birthday. Didn't Shen Lin say to give us an answer the day after tomorrow? Why don't you take advantage of your birthday and invite him over."

"We can also let him see the strength of our brother. In this way, we can not only celebrate your birthday, but also achieve this cooperation. Let's have a double happiness. What do you think?"

Yang Jun has always been a low-key person. Hearing the proposal of Shuangxi Linmen at this time, he couldn't help being moved. After a moment of contemplation, he said to Dongzi: "In this case, let's make a high-profile one."

"You go back and discuss with the third child and the others, find a decent hotel, and let's have a good celebration."

"By the way, you must send the invitation from Shen Lin in person." Dongzi nodded and said, "Brother Jun, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter properly and make sure you have a good time." Happy birthday.”

Yang Jun nodded and said, "By the way, since I mainly want to invite Shen Lin, then my old classmates should also be invited by the way."

"Don't worry about that, I'll just ask."

Dongzi was very happy that Brother Yang agreed to his proposal. He had already made up his mind to handle this matter properly.

Because of Dongzi's good performance, Shen Lin had already received the invitation from Dongzi in the afternoon.

Looking at the formal invitation, Shen Lin was speechless for a while.This Song Institute is about to close the net, and Yang Jun is going to come out like this.

Although Dongzi knew that Shen Lin was not easy to provoke after being beaten by Yang Jun, but when he came to Shen Lin's office at this time, he still looked rebellious.

Seeing Shen Lin pondering, he felt that Shen Lin wanted to lose face, so he said in a low voice: "Boss Shen, you are our brother Jun's classmate, you won't even plan to attend such an important day as his birthday, right? "

Seeing Dongzi with a threatening look, Shen Lin sneered in his heart, but on the surface, he still smiled and said: "It's Yang Jun's birthday, how can my classmate not go."

"Please tell Yang Jun, I will be there on time."

"Boss Shen, that's right. Let me remind you again, Boss Shen, our military brother likes double happiness. This time he asked you to cooperate, it is enough to give you enough face."

"Tsk tsk, don't let him down, after all, this time, he invited quite a few of your classmates."

When Dongzi said this, he patted Shen Lin's table with his palm and said, "Boss Shen, don't you think so!"

Shen Lin didn't say a word, he looked at Dongzi coldly. Under Shen Lin's gaze, Dongzi lowered his head involuntarily, even though he was rebellious.

Although he secretly hated such a situation, Shen Lin's eyes really scared him.This made him feel a little aggrieved in his heart.

Why are you so unashamed?

After Dongzi was invited away by Guangzi and other people who heard the news, Shen Lin picked up the phone in his office and called Director Song.

After finishing all this, Shen Lin called Guangzi slowly and asked him to help him get a high-grade birthday present.

When Shen Lin was going to wait for Yang Jun's birthday, he would take care of himself and give this old classmate a big gift.

Time passed, and two days passed in a flash.

On this day, the transportation hotel located in the east of the city was busy early in the morning.From chefs to waiters, they ran around without touching the ground.

In the lobby of the hotel, ten banners with black letters on a red background were lined up in a row, filling the entire hall with a festive atmosphere.

Congratulations to Mr. Yang Jun on his birthday!

Colorful balloons clustered under the banner, and under the illumination of the lights, the hall became more and more radiant.

"Hahaha, Brother Jun, do you think the arrangement is satisfactory?" Dongzi pointed to the hall and said, "I dare say, this is definitely the most lively and grand birthday party here."

Yang Jun nodded reservedly, and now there was a faint smile on his face, which was gloomy because of the scar.

(End of this chapter)

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