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Chapter 354: The turtle caught in the urn disappears into thin air

Chapter 354: Catching a turtle in a urn disappears into thin air
Yang Jun's birthday party!

He was naturally the well-deserved protagonist of this birthday party, and his words touched the hearts of everyone present.

Boss Shen Linshen, in the entire Dongzhou, is not an unknown person.Whether it is the founder of Paris Street or the owner of Redekuai Factory, they have attracted the attention of countless people.

Now, Yang Jun, who is the protagonist of the birthday, offered to Shen Lin to ask for double happiness. Will Shen Lin agree to such things?

Countless eyes, at this moment, all looked towards Shen Lin.

After all, this is not just a double happiness, but also a strong cooperation.

Under the gazes of countless people, the smile on Shen Lin's face became even brighter. He coughed heavily and said, "Old classmate, I originally wanted to discuss the cooperation after your birthday."

"But since you are so concerned about this matter, then I will give you an answer now."

"We are so hot that we are willing to cooperate with your team."

"From today onwards, both of us are partners."

Shen Lin's words made the smile on Yang Jun's face brighter and brighter. He knew that from today on, he was really in a position where he could attack and defend.

As for Shen Lin, it was unavoidable that he got entangled with himself.

As long as he is willing, Shen Lin doesn't have much retreat, as long as he is willing, Shen Lin...

"Hahaha, thank you my old classmate, thank you very much for supporting me, from now on, I hope we can fight side by side like brothers."

While Yang Jun was speaking, he raised his wine glass and came to Shen Lin's side. His voice was full of excitement and said: "I believe that as long as Shen Lin and I are given some time, our business will not only grow bigger and bigger, but also The relationship between our brothers will also become stronger and stronger."

"For me, this is the best victory gift I have ever received."

"Here, let us raise our glasses together and witness the cooperation between our team and Redekuai factory. I hope that in the future, we can be in the same boat through thick and thin."

Yang Jun's voice was particularly loud, and the scar on his face was filled with a trace of blush at this moment.

Shen Lin looked at the wine glass raised by Yang Jun, also smiled, and then raised the wine glass.

Dongzi, Guangzi, Lu Yueyao...

As long as they were present at this time, they couldn't help raising their wine glasses. In their view, they had witnessed a major decision.

But the moment they raised their wine glasses one by one, a pair of arms quickly grabbed Yang Jun's raised hand.

At this time, Yang Jun was in a state of great excitement. He didn't realize what happened the moment his palm was grabbed.

It was almost an instinct, Yang Jun wanted to struggle for a while, but unfortunately his struggle could not have the slightest effect at this time.


The wine glass in Yang Jun's hand fell to the ground, and with the falling wine glass, Yang Jun's hands were twisted heavily behind his back.

Not only that, but a shiny handcuff was directly on his wrist.

"What are you doing?" Yang Jun shouted!
Dongzi, who had been standing beside Yang Jun, also said loudly at this time: "You..."

Before Dongzi had time to rush towards Yang Jun, he was thrown down and pinned to the ground by two people dressed as waiters.

This movement was quite fast. Dongzi tried his best to struggle, but couldn't get away at all. "We are from the police station, Yang Jun. Don't you know what you committed?" Xu Ruibing, who was holding down Yang Jun, shouted loudly.

With the arrest of Yang Jun and Dongzi, some people with ghosts in their hearts were ready to find a place to escape, but at this time, they suddenly discovered that all the doors were blocked, not to mention that even the outer walls were covered. full of people.

It can be said that it is now a catch in a urn.

Yang Jun struggled for a while, and then he calmed down, but the scar on his face was now full of red, and he didn't know whether he was excited or frightened.

He looked around twice, and then his eyes fell on Shen Lin not far away.

Shen Lin was very calm at this time, standing calmly on the side, comforting some panicked classmates.

From Shen Lin's performance, Yang Jun felt that Shen Lin's performance was normal, but did Shen Lin really know nothing about this matter?

As each thought flashed, Yang Jun shook his head heavily. This sudden change made him feel a little dazed.

"Go!" Xu Ruibing didn't have time for him to think, so he pushed Yang Jun and walked outside.

Dongzi and a dozen others were taken away together.

"Shen Lin, do you know what Yang Jun committed?" When Yang Jun was taken out of the hotel, Lu Yueyao couldn't help asking Shen Lin.

Shen Lin glanced at Lu Yueyao, hesitated and said, "I don't know too well, but there should be an explanation later."

At this moment, a guest standing aside said with emotion: "The Skynet is well-established, and it is not leaked. This Yang Jun usually does a lot of evil, but he didn't expect that he would be arrested on his birthday."

"Boss Shen, speaking of it, you are the luckiest person. Tsk tsk, if the police hadn't arrived in time this time, if you cooperated with Yang Jun, maybe you would still be involved by him?"

When the man said this, there was a hint of emotion in his words; "Yang Jun has always been a man who eats people and doesn't spit out bones. In the past, cooperation with him has not had any good results."

"Boss Shen, you really escaped this time!"

Following the man's emotion, many people ran to Shen Lin and told him that Yang Jun was not a good person, as if none of them attended Yang Jun's birthday party.

After Shen Lin thanked these people for their reminder, he walked out of the lobby of the hotel with Photon. At this time, naturally no one was eating here.

As for Lu Yueyao and Xiaomei, they were both in a daze at this moment. When the two of them came out with the crowd and their thoughts cleared up, they saw Shen Lin's car roaring away.

"Yueyao, what you said about Shen Lin is really outrageous, why didn't he call us when he left!"

Xiaomei stomped her feet and said complainingly.

But Lu Yueyao said: "Okay, when Shen Lin is busy now, this time Yang Jun has such a big incident, he doesn't know what he has lost? How can he have time to take care of us?"

Xiaomei nodded, and then he said to Lu Yueyao: "Yueyao, do you think there is something shameful between Shen Lin and Yang Jun, otherwise, how could he run so fast?"

Looking at her curious companion, Lu Yueyao waved her hands and said, "Okay, we two are just making wild guesses here, I'm going to go to school after the holidays, so let's not get involved in the affairs of our classmates."

Even though he said that, in Lu Yueyao's heart, the smile on the corner of Shen Lin's mouth when Yang Jun announced the cooperation flashed across his mind.

That smile is so meaningful.

(End of this chapter)

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