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Chapter 357 Shen Lin Who Wants to Move

Chapter 357 Shen Lin Who Wants to Move
In the living area of ​​the hardware machinery factory, with the arrival of off-duty time, bicycles began to gather from all directions.

The sound of bicycles, people talking, children singing, and sighing...

"Hey, the fucking logistics really don't care about it. How many times have I told them that the sewer is blocked, so I just won't come to fix it."

The speaker was a middle-aged worker in his 40s. He was tall and his words were full of emotion.

And the complaints of the middle-aged worker immediately attracted countless responses.

"Isn't that right? Our sewer is full of sewage all day long. Although it is winter, the smell is not too strong, but if someone slips and falls, what should we do?"

"Hey, those guys in logistics have swollen lower eyelids, and their eyes are so big! Except for being busy flattering the leaders every day, how can they think of doing something practical for ordinary workers like us?"

"Hey, there's no use in mumbling here, if you have the ability, go to the logistics department tomorrow and scold Lao Li."

While everyone was talking, a young man in overalls on a bicycle passed by quickly.

Hearing these words, he stopped the car directly and said, "Uncle Huang, I know that the sewer is not repaired, and you have an opinion, but you can't just rely on my father for this kind of thing!"

"Yes, my father is in charge of logistics maintenance, but the finance department doesn't approve the money, how can he do the maintenance!"

When the young man said this, his voice became a lot louder: "You are talking nonsense here, and you can't just listen to the wind and the rain."

The middle-aged man called Uncle Huang suddenly blushed a little.As a man who often deals with steel, his emotional intelligence is not high, but his hands-on ability is very strong.

"You little bastard, there is sewage here every day. Your uncle and I muttered something. Even if your father is here, he won't say anything."

While speaking, he slapped the young man directly on the head.

The young man became anxious right away, if he was ten years younger, he would hit him if he hit him, but how could he bear it now in this situation!

"Huang, you dare to hit me!" While speaking, the young man was about to rush forward.

Uncle Huang looked at the furious young man, although he felt that he was a bit too much, but as an elder, he would never bow his head in this kind of matter.

"You bastard, what's the matter, do you still want to fight me? Let me tell you, let alone you, including your father, I have also dealt with it!"

"Come here, let me educate you well."

Seeing that this posture was about to explode, the neighbors around surrounded him, and some even rushed over and grabbed the young man!
"Tianbao, your old Uncle Huang is a fool. Why do you have the same knowledge as him? Let me tell you, if you fight with an elder like him, your reputation in the factory area will be ruined in the future."

"Old Huang, don't be as knowledgeable as a child, hehe, this kid still has a tiger spirit, much stronger than his father."

"Xiao Li, calm down."

Generally speaking, the fights in the factory area are basically impossible to fight, and when everyone was pulling Lao Huang and others, they saw Lu Dahai walking over.

Lu Dahai glanced at Uncle Huang and said, "What are you doing? How old are you, and you are still fighting with a child?"

Uncle Huang, who was just being a bit stubborn, lost his impulse when he heard Lu Dahai's words. He came to Lu Dahai and said, "Master, this kid is a bit aggressive. I'm afraid he will suffer in the future, so I'm going to replace the old man now." Huang educates me."

Lu Dahai patted his apprentice on the shoulder and said, "Old Li's son, he knows how to educate himself, so it's your turn to tickle with six fingers, why don't you add it!"

"What's more, is repairing sewers just a logistical job? You don't move your head. Don't you know what's going on in our factory?" Lu Dahai's words suddenly made Uncle Huang's face darken.As someone who has worked in the factory for more than 20 years, he can best feel the changes in the factory.

Among other things, although wages are still being paid, they have already begun to decrease, and various bonuses such as production awards in the past are now gone.

As for other benefits, not to mention, it was already New Year's Day, and there was no sign of benefits. The reason why he targeted Lao Li, who was in charge of logistics, was probably because of this.

"Hey, I heard that our factory will not distribute anything on New Year's Day this time."

"I've heard that too. Some time ago, they said they were going to post something, but now they don't post anything."

"I remember that a lot of apples were released last year, but now it's not as good as every year."

Listening to these discussions, Xiao Li lost the interest in doing it. Although he knew that the non-distribution of these things had nothing to do with his father, he still felt ashamed.

Just when everyone was a little sad, Chen Hongying walked over from the side with a happy face.

Seeing that my old man and a bunch of colleagues were there, I couldn't help but said: "The big guys are here, that's just right, so I won't have to notify you one by one."

"This New Year's Day, Shen Lin is going to move, the big guy will be free then, do me a favor and go have a wedding drink."

For the workers, moving to a new home is definitely a big event, even a more eye-catching event than the holidays.

Whoever moves to a new house has to notify relatives and friends to help out, and even find someone to cook for them, and there is a ceremony of burning the bottom of the pot.

Chen Hongying attaches great importance to her daughter's moving. She has already seen the new home. In her feeling, even the big hotel is nothing more than that!

After seeing her daughter's new home, she had an urge to live in it.And she, who always likes to share this kind of happiness with others, didn't need Shen Lin to say, she started to invite her.

Chen Hongying's words made the crowd who had been discussing a lot quiet down all of a sudden.

Many people already knew about Shen Lin's move to a new house. After all, many young people such as Guangzi and Qiangzi were working in Shen Lin's factory, so they had already got the news.

But getting the news in secret is different from Chen Hongying's face-to-face notification.

Everyone at this time couldn't help but think of Shen Lin's previous situation.The former Shen Lin was expelled from the factory and lived in a rented house.

At that time, in their opinion, Shen Lin's life was basically over.

But in only half a year, Shen Lin not only opened a shop, but also created a Paris street, and now he even created a hot factory.

I heard that 50 yuan was collected in one day!
The former matter sounded normal to them, but the latter matter, in their feeling, was no different from a dream.

So at this moment, they all have a feeling of trance.

"Haha, Master, don't worry, I will definitely help Shen Lin move this time. I happen to be fine." Uncle Huang, who was beaten by Lu Dahai, said immediately.

And as Uncle Huang started, the others followed suit: "I'm free too, I'm strong, I'm here to carry furniture and the like, don't be afraid!"

"Haha, this is a happy event for our factory. I happen to be off work too, so I'll go too."

(End of this chapter)

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