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Chapter 362 Some people are happy and some are sad

Chapter 362 Some people are happy and some are sad

A day of welcoming and seeing off made Shen Lin exhausted.

On this day, he felt like a machine, constantly dealing with all kinds of guests.

There are friends of my own, people I have heard of but never met before, partners, and some old neighbors...

No matter who he is facing, Shen Lin must maintain enough politeness. He must not let others say that he is a little drifting now.

So at the end of the day, Shen Lin felt his mouth was sore from laughing.After sending the last relative away, Shen Lin collapsed on the sofa.

"Shen Lin, take a quick look, those merchants on Paris Street have given us gifts, and each of them has given us a hundred yuan!"

Compared with Shen Lin, Lu Xiaorong was much more relaxed. As a pregnant woman who was more than seven months pregnant, there was basically nothing for her to do.

Originally, she wanted to do some work of entertaining guests, but in the end she gave up to Zhao Honglian and Chen Hongying under Shen Lin's insistence.

Lu Xiaorong, who ate a little by himself at noon, had a good night's sleep, and is now sitting on the large sofa, looking at the list of gifts.

Among other things, this list is really thick.

Shen Lin's eyes were twitching. He closed his eyes and said leisurely: "Isn't it normal for these merchants to pay you a hundred gifts when my landlord moves?"

"If you feel sorry, you can write it down in the notebook, and when one of them has something to do, we'll return it."

Although Lu Xiaorong felt that Shen Lin's statement was too simple, he finally agreed.

After all, people have already taken the money with them, so if you give them back, it will be a bit ugly.

However, Lu Xiaorong's shock had just begun, and after she turned another page, she became more and more unsteady and said, "Shen Lin, those regional dealers seem to have more accompanying gifts, and some of them actually brought five hundred yuan with them. "

"This... this is too much."

Shen Lin, who was about to snore unknowingly, opened his eyes suddenly at this moment.

Now a worker's annual income is 800 yuan, and some of these regional dealers actually give [-] yuan as a gift, which is really a lot.

"Are there many who come with the gift of five hundred?" Shen Lin asked Lu Xiaorong.

"It's not too much, only two or three, but these dealers will give you at least two hundred." Lu Xiaorong said with emotion: "All these alone add up to more than 4000 yuan."

More than 4000 yuan, which is almost the savings of an ordinary worker's family, but now these figures are just gift money from some dealers.

Shen Lin knew that those who could become regional distributors were not weak in economic strength, so it was natural for them to please their boss this time with a gift.

But this kind of thing, even if he doesn't like it in his heart, he can't refund the money bluntly, because once the money is refunded, it will be a serious matter.

As each thought flashed, Shen Lin smiled and said, "When the Chinese New Year comes, I can give each of these dealers a gift."

"We don't take advantage of this."

Lu Xiaorong nodded, she was still looking at the gift book, and when she saw the last number, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but exclaimed.

Six months ago, I only had a few dollars in my pocket, but now, just by moving, I actually have assets worth ten thousand yuan. This... this is really a bit dreamy.Although Lu Xiaorong couldn't believe it, she knew that all of this, the stars holding the moon today, were all because of Shen Lin.

If it weren't for Shen Lin's sudden change, she, Lu Xiaorong, would not be able to live such a happy life.

Just when he was about to express his emotions, Lu Xiaorong heard a snoring sound. Shen Lin, who was lying on the sofa, fell asleep exhaustedly.

Although the homemade heater in the room was emitting heat, Lu Xiaorong was still afraid that Shen Lin would catch a cold.

Lu Xiaorong, who didn't want to disturb Shen Lin's deep sleep, hesitated for a moment, took a thick quilt from upstairs, and covered Shen Lin's body.

Under the illumination of the crystal lamp, the sleeping Shen Lin let out a slight snoring sound. Lu Xiaorong looked at the sleeping Shen Lin, thinking about the things in life, and felt a warm current surging in his heart.

Fang Boyuan drank some wine today, which made his face a little red.Although he was in the factory area, what he heard more was the news that Shen Lin had moved today.

Shen Lin's banquet served a total of twelve dishes, and most of them were meat dishes.Not only fish, meat and chicken, but also fat elbows!
Some people said that the wine on Shen Linshang was good, and the top Dongzhou alcohol cost three or four yuan a bottle, so they could drink it with their stomachs open.

Some even said that Boss Shen definitely didn't make any money this time, Shen Lin was the bottom of the pot. Look at Shen Lin's row of noodles for guests today, that's really bold, tsk tsk, such an open-minded person, he can't make a fortune even if he wants to. Disaster!

The unanimous praise of these people pierced Fang Boyuan's heart like a sharp arrow. Although he had realized that he was not as good as Shen Lin, such words still made him feel a sense of excitement in his heart. An indescribable pain.

Just as he was wandering home, someone suddenly patted him on the shoulder and said, "Bo Yuan, come to the office with me."

Fang Boyuan was in a very bad mood at this time, and he didn't have the mind to talk about work at all, but when he saw the person who patted his shoulder, he smiled quickly: "Director Bai, what's the matter?"

"Let's go, talk to the office." Apart from the gloomy expression on Bai Bin's face at this time, Fang Boyuan actually felt that he seemed a little excited.

When he came to Bai Bin's office, Fang Boyuan was about to pour water for Bai Bin, but when he saw Bai Bin took out a new hot one, he said quickly, "Do you know what this is?"

"It's hot." Although he didn't know what Bai Bin was doing with this, Fang Boyuan replied immediately.

Most of his drunkenness disappeared at this moment. Although he didn't know what Bai Bin meant, Fang Boyuan had a feeling that this time, Bai Bin seemed to have made some big moves.

"No, it's not just the quick heat, it's also the source of that kid's success." Speaking of this, Bai Bin said angrily: "What kind of thing is Shen Lin? water up."

"Xiao Fang, a talent like you should stand out. He Shen Lin, how can he be successful?"

Bai Bin didn't hide this sentence at all. The moment he heard this sentence, Fang Boyuan's face suddenly twitched.

At this time, a question also appeared in his mind, that is, why did Shen Lin succeed and live better than himself.

"You have also seen the predicament of our factory. If I don't change it, I'm afraid I will be pointed at the spine!"

Bai Bin said bitterly: "I'm afraid you don't know yet, there are less than five people in our factory, Shen Lin, who are not in a hurry to follow the ceremony this time!"

"And that includes the two of us."

Listening to Bai Bin's words, Fang Boyuan was completely restless at this moment.

"So, I decided that from tomorrow onwards, we will also produce heat quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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