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Chapter 376 You Can’t Call It Hot

Chapter 376 You Can’t Call It Hot
In the hardware machinery factory, Bai Bin is having a meeting in the conference room.Bai Bin, who has already received the support of Director Li, can be said to be motivated and satisfied at this time.

"Let me tell you that all other production has been stopped. From this week onwards, I want all the workshops to start production and heat up quickly."

"You have all seen the fast-growing sales. This kind of best-selling product can allow us to quickly get back the payment and make a profit."

"If there is no profit, what should we use to give bonuses! If there is no profit, what should we use to provide benefits! If there is no profit, what should we use to give those employees who need housing and build new family buildings!"

"Today, I'm here to make a promise to you that everyone will be rewarded with five yuan for the workshop that produces the most quickly this month."

When Bai Bin said five yuan, he stretched out his palm directly, and his voice was full of excitement: "This is five yuan for each person. You can tell the workers when you go back. one time."

After some encouragement from Bai Bin, the workshop directors at the meeting were all excited. Although they all knew that the production of Shenlin factory was getting hot quickly, it seemed that something was wrong, but they had to listen to what was arranged by director Bai. .

What's more, at this time, what they value more is the bonus.

"One week, our output will catch up with the Reed Factory, and one month, we will surpass the Reed Factory and become the largest Reed Factory!"

After confirming the target, Bai Bin's voice became more passionate.

"If we can accomplish this goal, then I'll give you a drink to ask for credit. If we can't accomplish this goal, then one of you will count as one, and you will all listen to the training here honestly..."

After the meeting, Bai Binzhi returned to the office satisfied, and Fang Boyuan, who followed him back, had already delivered an article.

"Factory Manager, according to your arrangement yesterday and what you said today, I am very excited, and quickly made a manuscript. Please see if it will be sent to the broadcasting station of our main factory."

Bai Bin took the manuscript with a smile on his face. Although Fang Boyuan still couldn't satisfy him in some places, in general, he was still a hardworking and good subordinate.

"Bo Yuan, Director Li is very supportive of our attitude of self-reliance. He asked us to do everything possible to turn the factory into a profit."

Speaking of this, Bai Bin said with a trace of emotion: "I have always felt that Director Li is a bit conservative in his work, but now, I realize that Director Li often sees farther than I do."

"After the production task for this month is completed, I will go to Director Li."

"You are the best young man in our factory. I think a person like you should be entrusted with a heavy responsibility."

"Old Tao in the office, it's time to rest. I'm going to let him take care of the trade union affairs."

"You will be the office director of our hardware machinery factory, and you will also join our factory's team."

Fang Boyuan's eyes straightened instantly, and it was expected for him to become the office director of the hardware machinery factory.

After all, he is the confidant of Director Bai, and what he has done these days has won the favor of Director Bai, but he dare not think about entering the factory team.

After all, this is the sequence to enter the factory leadership.

Fang Boyuan, whose lips were trembling, said in a trembling voice after pondering for a while: "Director, don't worry, I will never forget your great kindness to me."

"From now on, I will go wherever you point, and I will never let you down."

Such words made the smile on Lao Bai's face grow wider. He smiled at Fang Boyuan and said, "Xiao Fang, you have to study more in the future. In the end, this factory belongs to you young people." Just when Bai Bin was in high spirits, he heard someone knock on the door and said: "Director Bai, someone from the factory has sent us a lawyer's letter."

"What's a lawyer's letter?" Bai Bin became vigilant when he heard that it was so hot.

Although he felt that Shen Lin couldn't do anything to him, he had already decided in his heart that Shen Lin was a scheming person.

Be careful when dealing with such people.

"Director, I don't know what a lawyer's letter is." The young man in the office held a piece of paper and said nervously, "Look at the content on it, it should be a notice."

"Notice, just because they also assigned us to issue a notice." Bai Bin said disdainfully: "Throw it away, leave them alone."

The officers in the factory were just about to do what the factory manager said, but Fang Boyuan, who often reads legal books, said: "Factory manager, the lawyer's letter must be taken seriously, and this may be the basis for them to sue us."

"Why don't you look at what is written in his lawyer's letter."

Bai Bin came here to give Fang Boyuan face, and secondly, he also wanted to know what tricks Shen Lin was up to, so he said, "What did it say?"

"They said, let's not use their brand to sell things." The young officer's voice lowered a bit: "The ones we produce are hot, so we can't call them hot."

"Asshole, do you even know how to speak? Let me tell you, if you can't speak, go to the workshop for me."

"In our factory office, we don't want you to be such an idiot who can't even say a word." Bai Bin looked at his subordinates and felt a little angry in his heart. Hearing what he said now, he was even more angry. .

He said almost growling, the officer was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

If you can work in a factory, who wants to go to the workshop, not to mention the tiredness of the workshop, and the distance from the factory manager, you will not be able to get any good things in the future.

And as long as you work in the factory for a few more days, then promotion is just around the corner, and the officer is not willing to be kicked out.

"The factory manager, it's not that I can't say it, it's what they wrote on it."

While the officer was speaking, he looked at Fang Boyuan with a look of pleading for help, which meant asking for help from Fang Boyuan.

At this moment, Fang Boyuan was a bit out of his mind, and didn't understand what the officer said.After quickly taking the lawyer's letter from the officer's hand, he frowned quickly.

"Bo Yuan, what does it mean?" Bai Bin was a little impatient.I don't know why, but whenever he encountered something related to Shen Lin, he was a little impatient.

Fang Boyuan turned to Bai Bin and said, "Director Bai, it says that our factory produces products that heat up quickly, so we can't use the name of fast heat."

"Hehe, why can't we call it hot fast, this hot fast is the name of a commodity, ours is called hardware machinery factory hot fast, what they call hot fast has nothing to do with us, why don't they let it go We call."

"By the way, Shen Lin's factory, what is the name of the hot factory?"

"Factory Manager, Shen Lin's factory is called Re De Kuai Factory!" After Bai Bin said this, he said with a touch of emotion: "Re De Kuai is his factory name, and he is quite sinister."

(End of this chapter)

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