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Chapter 397 I Want to Bleed Shen Lin Well

Chapter 397 I Want to Bleed Shen Lin Well
As the deputy factory director in charge of production at Redekuai Factory, Cheng Zhenyuan knows the situation of the factory better than anyone else except Shen Lin.

Cheng Zhenyuan was quite supportive of Shen Lin's contracting of the hardware machinery factory.After all, if the hardware machinery factory is contracted, the changes brought to the entire Redekuai factory will be too great.

Take him, the deputy factory director in charge of production, as an example. Once the hardware machinery factory is taken down, the management staff will be doubled, and the sense of accomplishment will not be comparable to that of a fast-growing factory.

Moreover, the deployment of production tasks and the arrangement of workers can ease the current tense situation.

Now that Bai Bin of the hardware machinery factory has such a big incident, the factory has become a mess. Under such circumstances, it is the most suitable time to contract the hardware machinery factory.

Shen Lin looked at Cheng Zhenyuan who was full of urgency, pondered for a while and said: "Old Cheng, I don't think now is the best time to contract a hardware machinery factory."

"Then what should we do with our production tasks?" Cheng Zhenyuan couldn't sit still for a while.

More and more production tasks cannot be completed by the existing people in the factory alone.

Seeing Cheng Zhenyuan's disappointed face, Shen Lin smiled lightly and said, "I've already thought of a solution, and I've also made an appointment today."

Having said that, he said to Cheng Zhenyuan: "Director Cheng, in addition to production, I need to train a group of quality inspectors. You must do a solid job in this area a few years ago."

Quality Inspector?Cheng Zhenyuan looked at Shen Lin who was full of confidence, and doubts arose in his heart. What exactly is Director Shen going to do?
While Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan were discussing production issues, Zhong Tianyang had already arrived at Shen Xingye's office.

Because of Shen Lin, the relationship between the two was already very good. Now, as colleagues, they naturally got closer.

"What's the matter, Director Zhong?" Shen Xingye was drinking tea. When he saw Zhong Tianyang rushing in angrily, he smiled and poured Zhong Tianyang a cup of tea.

Zhong Tianyang took the tea handed over by Shen Xingye, and shouted dissatisfiedly: "This old Li is too self-righteous in doing things!"

"In the current situation of the hardware machinery factory, if you want to turn losses into profits, it is simply not possible to do it in a short period of time."

"This year, our main factory is just a balance of profit and loss. If we don't take some drastic measures for the factories below, it will eventually affect the benefits of the main factory."

Having said that, Zhong Tianyang knocked heavily on the table and said: "I have talked with Shen Lin before, and he is also willing to contract our hardware machinery factory."

"And he promised that in addition to paying everyone's wages, he would also pay a contract fee of 50 yuan per year."

"But, Lao Li, a stubborn guy, just doesn't agree. Now that a new factory director has been confirmed, we still have to follow the old model!"

"Not to mention, 30 yuan will be allocated from the main factory to support the hardware machinery factory first."

"He obviously didn't investigate the market demand, and made a purely blind decision! Isn't this just a hot head, making a decision! I'm so mad!"

Shen Xingye smiled and said: "Zhong Chang, you don't have to be too angry about this matter. Shen Lin contracted the hardware machinery factory. He mentioned it to me a while ago."

"He's ready to give up!"

Zhong Tianyang is very supportive of Shen Lin's contracting of the hardware machinery factory. The main reason is that after his research, it is not an easy task to turn a small affiliated factory like the hardware machinery factory into a profit.

It requires not only resource input, but also a large amount of technical input.

Now the General Iron and Steel Plant is also at a critical time. If it wants to turn losses into profits, the most important thing is to get rid of some unnecessary burdens and move forward lightly.

"How can Shen Lin give up? We can still fight with Lao Li!" Zhong Tianyang took a sip from his teacup, and eagerly said to Shen Xingye.

Shen Xingye waved his hand and said: "Shen Lin feels that it is not the right time for him to contract the hardware machinery factory." "As for the production of his factory, he has already thought of a way, and I think his method is still very good."

While speaking, Shen Xingye picked up a pen and quickly wrote four words on the paper in front of him.

Zhong Tianyang looked at those four words, his expression kept changing.In the end, a slump appeared on his face and he said, "Shen Lin's move is not so high!"

"Not only does he save himself the production, but he doesn't have to have too much burden, and he can also earn a lot of profits. It's really a calf pulling a big cart, amazing!"

"I just don't know how Lao Li will feel when he knows Shen Lin uses this method!"

Factory Manager Li didn't know that Zhong Tianyang was talking about himself. At this time, he was talking to a middle-aged man in his 40s with a black face and a hard-working look in his office.

"Min Zhong, you are the director of the first workshop of our steel factory, and you are also the backbone of our factory's key cultivation. It is said that if I let you go to the hardware machinery factory this time, it would be overkill."

Director Li's voice is not high, but it is loud, although the proportion is there, it has weight!This Min Zhong, whose head is much taller than his, said very respectfully at this time: "Master, I know that the hardware machinery factory is in a difficult time, don't worry, after I go, I will definitely arrest the production of the hardware machinery factory. "

"I dare not say anything else. In the first half of next year, we will definitely be able to turn losses into profits."

Min Zhong's assurance finally brought a rare smile to Director Li's face.

"Min Zhong, I know your ability, but this is not the most important reason why I sent you to the hardware machinery factory."

Factory Manager Li said this, looking at the apprentice who he taught by hand when he was the workshop director, and said with a trace of emotion: "The hardware machinery factory has been in bad business for the past two years."

"Although it can't be said that the losses are serious, we can't see any improvement."

"Among them, there is of course Bai Bin's self-stealing, but the most important reason is that there are too many identical products on the market."

Min nodded. He had read a lot of information about the hardware machinery factory after Director Li talked to him about the hardware machinery factory yesterday.

Knowing that it is not easy for a factory like a hardware machinery factory to turn a profit.

In addition to opening up new sales channels, it is also necessary to produce new products that can be recognized by the market.The reason why Min Zhong said that he can turn losses into profits in the first half of next year is more or less biting the bullet.

"Master, what do you mean..."

"If you want to transform and upgrade the hardware machinery factory, the investment is really too big. Our main factory can't invest that much money now." When Li said this, he looked at Min Zhong and said: "Min Zhong, you know that just now, I and Is Lao Zhong arguing about something?"

"I know, it is Shen Lin who wants to contract the hardware machinery factory!" Min Zhong said in a deep voice.

"That's right. Speaking of which, I have no objection to Shen Lin's contracting." Director Li said calmly, "Besides, the price of 50 yuan per year is also very reasonable."

"However, Shen Lin's hot factory is currently in the expansion stage. If he is allowed to contract our hardware machinery factory, he will be even more powerful."

"The reason why I appointed you as the director of the factory is that I want you to support the hardware machinery factory, and then let's take advantage of Shen Lin's eagerness to take over the contract and let him spend a lot of money on the contract fee."

When Director Li spoke, his expression was filled with strong confidence.

ps: A new day, a new start, please support
(End of this chapter)

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