Chapter 40 You Came Just in Time

Shen Lin felt that he felt numb at this moment.

Collect money, get goods!Get the goods and collect the money!
Not only did the people around him not decrease, but they continued to increase. The camphor wood box with the iced orange soda, it was too late to close the lid at this time, and it was just covered with a small white quilt.

Drops of sweat flowed continuously from Shen Lin's forehead, but at this moment, his mouth was so dry that he basically didn't even have time to drink water.

"Comrade, bring me another bottle of iced soda!" A pleasant female voice rang in Shen Lin's ear.

Shen Lin, who felt that the voice was a little familiar, looked up, and saw the little girl who was smiling and handing him twenty cents.

My first business, a dream!

Shen Lin smiled, took the [-] cents and stretched his hand into the camphor wood box, but the moment he stretched out his hand, Shen Lin felt the emptiness underneath.

No more iced sodas!
This is nearly [-] bottles of iced soda. Shen Lin fiddled with it all day yesterday, and he only chilled so much soda. It was sold out in just one morning.

"I'm sorry, it's sold out." Shen Lin handed over another [-] cents.

The little dream girl curled her mouth, her face full of displeasure. She was looking forward to the iced soda, but she didn't expect that it would be gone when she arrived at her place.

"Look again and see if there are any more?" Meng Meng's father, the middle-aged man whose wife cares about him and can only drink ordinary soda, is the one who hates his daughter's suffering the most. Seeing her daughter's expression, Said for the first time.

Dream's mother followed suit: "Please take a look, little master."

Shen Lin picked up the small quilt covering the camphor wood box and said, "Look, it's really gone, and I won't do business with it."

The middle-aged man said helplessly: "Dream, we can't drink it today, but it doesn't matter, let's go to the department store to buy it."

Mengmeng snorted and said, "That's a long way to go."

Shen Lin didn't care about talking at this time, there were still many people shopping around him?But at this time, Shen Lin found out that his preparation was still a little lacking. Among other things, some of the goods he bought had already been sold out.

At this time, it would be nice if someone could help me.

"Shen Lin, how is business?"

Hearing this voice, Shen Lin's eyes lit up.The second brother-in-law, Chu Feng, who was dressed in police uniform, came over at some point.

"Second brother-in-law, you are off work." Shen Lin said expectantly.

"Going home from get off work, I happened to pass by your place." Chu Feng smiled and said, "I was worried about your business at first, but it seems that I was worrying for nothing."

Seeing Chu Feng who was about to leave, Shen Lin grabbed him and said, "Brother-in-law, you don't have a long time to go to work, so don't go home and work."

Good guy, this is to invite me to dinner!
For Chu Feng, who had never had the meal of a brother-in-law like Shen Lin, he had a vague expectation in his heart.

But no, this kid's stall is surrounded by so many students who are shopping, so where is he free, please feel free to eat!

Just when Chu Feng was about to refuse, Shen Lin went on to say: "Brother-in-law, I'm out of goods and iced sodas. You ride my car and go and fetch some for my house."

While speaking, Shen Lin took out the shiny three-ring key and handed it directly to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng looked at the key in his hand and was speechless for a while. He knew that this brother-in-law would not take advantage of him.

In such a hot day, I wanted to not help, but I didn't dare.

This brother-in-law's other abilities aside, his ability to complain is top-notch. If he sues himself once in front of his wife for this kind of thing, then... "Okay, I'll take it to you." Chu Feng, who thought of the consequences, finally felt humiliated. Agree to Shen Lin's request.

There was no cargo on Shen Lin's tricycle at this time, and a few iron frames were simply supported, and the simple body of the tricycle was finished.

"Brother-in-law, you don't have to work hard on my tricycle, go and come back quickly." At this time, Shen Lin didn't have time to introduce the performance of his modified tricycle to Chu Feng.

In his opinion, these performances cannot help Chu Feng.

When Chu Feng got on the tricycle, he felt that his butt was burning a bit.After all, after being in the sun for a long time on a hot day, it’s not normal if you don’t burn your butt, isn’t it?

After pedaling for a while, Chu Feng felt that the tricycle was a bit heavy, which was twice as heavy as the tricycle he had pedaled before.

This unreliable guy doesn't know how to repair a tricycle. This kind of tricycle is less than exhausting.

Chu Feng, who was slandering in his heart, felt the scorching heat of the surrounding area, so he couldn't help kicking his feet heavily.The speed of the tricycle suddenly increased.


With a roar, Chu Feng was so shocked that he almost didn't jump up. At the moment he was surprised, the tricycle flew forward quickly with a puff of black smoke.

At this time, Chu Feng felt that he didn't need to pedal at all, and his surroundings were retreating like lightning.

As a public security officer at the police station, Chu Feng has driven a Pian San motorcycle, but his status in the station is not as flexible as that of Xu Ruibing, so there are not many opportunities for him to drive a Pian San motorcycle.

But it has been opened after all.

This is not a tricycle, but a three-wheeled motorcycle.Seeing the roaring motorbike engine under the tricycle, Chu Feng had the urge to jump down and see for himself.

But in the end, he suppressed this impulse.This is the street, his brother still wants face.

In just over ten minutes, Chu Feng, who was covered in hot wind from top to bottom, reluctantly stopped the simple motorcycle tricycle.

If I had a motorcycle tricycle like this, it would definitely make the director and the others envious.

After locking the tricycle, Chu Feng opened the warehouse with the warehouse key that Shen Lin gave him. Seeing that the warehouse was full of various daily necessities, Chu Feng felt a little more emotional.

It seems that Shen Lin is really going on the right path.

As long as he walks the right path, he will have much less trouble in the future.For my own good life in the future, I have to help the kid a few more times.

Chu Feng, who was sweating profusely, moved more than 20 times before he moved all the things to the car.Just when he was about to lock the car door, he thought that the most important orange soda hadn't been done yet.

Why did this guy Shen Lin freeze the orange soda? Did he really use a freezer?
With a trace of disbelief, Chu Feng opened the door of Shen Lin's house. In fact, he didn't need to look for it. The huge refrigerator appeared in front of Chu Feng as soon as he entered the door.

Chu Feng quickly opened the door of the refrigerator, and saw that the entire refrigerator, no matter whether it was refrigerated or frozen, was filled with orange soda in bottles and bags.

With so many orange sodas, Chu Feng, who was already thirsty, couldn't help but lick his tongue.

He picked up a bottle of orange soda and wanted to drink it, but thinking of Shen Lin's sweaty appearance, he finally put the orange soda back.

However, after dumping the entire refrigerator orange soda into the headmaster's box, the exhausted and sweaty Chu Feng finally couldn't help muttering: "Shen Lin is really good, he used the refrigerator without making a sound. .”

Ps: The new book sets sail, please support the boss, if you like it, you must add it to the bookshelf!

(End of this chapter)

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