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Chapter 403: Bo Yuan, please have a good talk with Director Shen

Chapter 403 Bo Yuan, you have a good conversation with Director Shen

Min Zhong's expression at this time was full of solemnity.

In Min Zhong's view, Shen Lin is more difficult than he thought, so this time, it may not be easy to overfulfill the task assigned to him by Director Li.

But the more this is the case, the more he must be ten times more energetic. No matter what, Shen Lin can't let Shen Lin take advantage of it.

"Director Min, I have only one purpose for coming here this time, and that is to cooperate with our hardware machinery factory." Shen Lin said again.

And this time when Shen Lin spoke, Min Zhong's heart calmed down a lot.

Although this young man was difficult to deal with, he couldn't escape from his own palm.

But just when Min Zhong was about to speak, Shen Lin had already taken out a wire socket and said, "Director Min, I am here this time to place an order for your factory. Look at the production of this leakage protection device. how much for one."

"If the price is right, we can order 1 first."

As the director of the No. [-] workshop of the Iron and Steel General Factory, Min Zhong was no layman in terms of technology. When he saw what Shen Lin took out, he knew what it was for.

But if you know it, you know it, Min Zhong at this moment is more stunned.

Don't you want to contract a hardware machinery factory?How to place an order.

Could it be that Shen Lin wanted to play hard to get for himself, and wanted to use this method to test himself.

If this is the case, then I should continue this job even more. After all, a factory that is about to revive itself cannot refuse new orders.

So after adjusting his mentality, Min Zhong took the item from Shen Lin's hand and said, "Director Shen, since you want to place an order, I believe there is already a price for this item. I don't know what your price is. How many?"

"Hahaha, Director Min, we naturally have a psychological price, but I can only tell you this price after you quote." Shen Lin smiled calmly.

Min Zhong smiled and said, "Director Shen, if you want me to quote you the price now, I really can't do it."

"After all, we can only give you an exact quotation after discussing it with the technicians in our factory. Why don't you wait here for half an hour."

"We will be able to come up with this offer within half an hour."

Shen Lin nodded to Min and said, "Okay, then in half an hour, I'll wait here for your good news from Min Changzi."

Min Zhong was not sure about Shen Lin's thoughts, so he said to Fang Boyuan: "Director Fang, please accompany Director Shen to talk, and I will discuss the price with the chief engineer."

While talking, Min Zhong and several staff left with the leakage protection equipment that Shen Lin took, leaving only Fang Boyuan and a few others.

Stay with Shen Lin!

Fang Boyuan really didn't expect that he would have a day to chat with Shen Lin. Regarding such a situation, his heart was full of bitterness.

Just half a year ago, he still looked down on Shen Lin, thinking that he was just a trash who was fired, and the gap between him and himself would become wider and wider in the future.

But now, it's only been half a year, and Shen Lin's achievements can only be looked up to by himself. Now that Shen Lin comes to the factory, he not only has to receive him, but also to accompany and talk with the factory manager when he is busy.

But it won't work if you don't pay.

"Shen...Director Shen, your factory is really booming. Not only are the sales of the hot items soaring, but electric kettles and automatic water dispensers have even triggered a panic buying frenzy among many people!"

After Fang Boyuan organized his words, he complimented Shen Lin.Fang Boyuan felt very ashamed that he had complimented Shen Lin, but there was nothing he could do about it. As a person who talked with his guests, he had to make his guests happy no matter what.

What's more, he also wanted to find something from the conversation with Shen Lin that could be beneficial to Director Min's negotiations.

After all, in some matters, it is still conducive to negotiation.

Listening to Fang Boyuan's blunt compliment, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Director Fang, we are old friends, so let's talk casually."

"Our factory has been doing well recently. I think we should not waste our words on these things that everyone knows."

"Let's talk about something we are all familiar with. I heard that Lao Bai will be dealt with severely. Is this true?"

Shen Lin's words immediately changed Fang Boyuan's expression.He is Lao Bai's confidant. Although he was not involved in that matter, he has also heard a lot of rumors.

In this matter, Shen Lin played a big role. Many people said, if it wasn't for Shen Lin, Bai Bin wouldn't have been exposed?
As for Lao Bai being severely dealt with, don't you, Shen Lin, know?Now you are asking me here, what is your intention?
If he talked to Shen Lin casually, Fang Boyuan would never be polite to Shen Lin, and would choose to leave if he was straightforward.

But now, he is the person who was arranged by Min Zhong to accompany the guests, if he leaves recklessly now, then he is not the one who lost his own.

So although Fang Boyuan was very unhappy in his heart, on the surface, he forced a smile and said: "I have also heard some rumors about this matter, it seems that what you said, Director Shen, is true."

"If you talk about people like Lao Bai, they are capable, and they are not small, but he just doesn't need to go to the right place. Tell me, if he devotes all his thoughts to work, how can the hardware machinery factory encounter the current situation? predicament."

Shen Lin said with emotion: "But what they have done, Director Fang, you have also seen that, in addition to benefiting themselves, they are retaliation against those who offended them."

"But speaking of it, I still have to thank Lao Bai. If it weren't for Lao Bai, I would still be a young worker in the hardware machinery factory. Where would I be today!"

Hearing Shen Lin's emotion, Fang Boyuan had an urge to beat Shen Lin up. Now that you have succeeded, you ran here and sighed indiscriminately.

If you can't do anything, don't you know how much you hate Director Bai?But he can't say such words at this time anyway.

After all, Shen Lin is the guest, and he is the person accompanying the guest. Even if he can't follow Shen Lin's words at this time, he can't anger Shen Lin.

"Director Shen, I think you have what you have today, and what's more, it's because of your own hard work." Fang Boyuan hesitated for a while, and finally endured the bitterness in his mouth, and said solemnly to Shen Lin.

However, what he said was not completely lying. The reason why Shen Lin is today is because of Shen Lin's own struggle.

Even Shen Xingye has something to do with Shen Lin.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Thank you, Director Fang, for summarizing the reasons for my success. I think you summed it up very well."

"It's no wonder that in the past, Lao Bai valued your director so much, and now Director Min also values ​​your director so much."

"Haha, maybe one day, we can also cooperate."

Listening to the ridicule in Shen Lin's words, Fang Boyuan felt 1 upset, but he could only smile and didn't say anything against it.

Fang Boyuan didn't think half an hour was too long at first, but after chatting with Shen Lin for so many words, he suddenly felt his head was a little big.

And the time that followed made him feel extremely long.

(End of this chapter)

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