Chapter 407 Shen Lin needs funds
Go Paris Street!

Photon felt a little caught off guard by this sudden request. It's already at the door of the house. Wouldn't it be nice not to go in?
But what he said just now caused him and Li Xue to clash.Although it was to protect Shen Lin just now, he had no regrets in his heart, but this Li Xuemei was brother Shen Lin's sister-in-law after all.

If the relationship with her is too stiff, it will be very embarrassing for me.

After hesitating for a while, Photon looked at Shen Hai.

He is not in charge of this matter, as long as Shen Hai agrees, then he will drag them along, anyway, as long as they don't speak ill of brother Shen Lin.

Shen Hai was startled by his wife's request, he pondered for a while and said: "Xuemei, let's go home first, our mother is still waiting at home!"

"It's not too late." Li Xuemei said, "I forgot to buy something for our mother, there is still time to go to Paris Street."

Although Li Xuemei said that she forgot to buy something, in fact, Shen Hai is still clear about her thoughts.

This is to see if Paris Street is still the same as when they left. If there are signs of decay, then forget their investment.

If Paris Street still maintains its prosperous appearance in the past, then resolutely invest the money in Shen Lin.

"Then let's go there." Shen Hai was also worried about the money brought by his wife, after all, it was 1 yuan, and the husband and wife had been busy for several years before saving it.

What's more, the money was brought by Li Xuemei from her natal family.

Listening to the conversation between the two couples, Guangzi curled his lips. He felt that the two couples obviously had a disagreement.

Although he didn't know why they had to go to Paris Street, Guangzi felt that the two people went to Paris Street, definitely not what they said, to buy things for Zhao Honglian.

However, he himself was an outsider, and under such circumstances, it was inconvenient for him to say more, so he drove in the direction of Paris Street.

"Photon, you are not on the way to Paris Street!" After driving for more than ten minutes, Li Xuemei suddenly said to Photon in a cold voice.

Guangzi was stunned for a moment and said, "Sister-in-law, this is the way to Paris Street!"

"Guangzi, are you bullying that my sister-in-law is a foreigner, I don't know how to get here. When I came back last time, I have been to Paris Street several times, so I know that the road does not go from here."

In Li Xuemei's voice, there was a hint of pride in her voice: "I'm not bragging to you, Guangzi. I still have a strong memory of the road I have traveled in the past."

"Sister-in-law, you remember that it is the road on the left. Now that road is too lively because of our Paris Street."

"If we go that way, the car won't be able to pass at all." After understanding Li Xuemei's meaning, Guangzi quickly explained.

Li Xuemei snorted and stopped talking.

The car stopped 500 meters away from Paris Street. It wasn't that Photon didn't let them drive there, but that they couldn't drive in if they went further inside.

Many ordinary people from the countryside put their own millet and peanuts on both sides of the road, shouting and selling them, while looking around at the products of the same vendors.

The bustling people give people a feeling that they can't be squeezed.

"Sister-in-law, I'm here to look at the car. You can just come here to find me after you buy something." Guangzi said very directly, having given up the idea of ​​getting along with Li Xuemei at this time.

Li Xuemei nodded and said, "Okay, just wait."

Shen Hai felt a little sorry, and hurriedly said to Guangzi: "Guangzi, please work hard first, we will be back in a while."

Shen Hai and his wife walked for more than ten minutes for a distance of 500 meters. It wasn't that they didn't want to walk fast, but there were too many people in front of them.When they came to Linrong Electronics, they found a lot of people queuing outside Linrong Electronics' store.

Judging from the clothes of those queuing people, most of these people's living conditions are not bad, and some even wear woolen coats.

"Sister, what are you buying?" Li Xuemei asked a woman in her 40s with a smile in order to inquire about the real situation of Lin Rong Electronics, regardless of her reserve.

The woman glanced at Li Xuemei warily, seeing that Li Xuemei was well dressed, she smiled and said, "We are buying an automatic water dispenser."

"The automatic water dispensers here don't need a ticket, but they are limited to [-] units. I have been queuing up since morning."

Automatic water dispenser!
Li Xuemei had only heard about this thing, and someone in their unit brought one back from the East China Sea on a business trip, but it was very convenient.

Excited Li Xuemei also wanted to buy one, but unfortunately, she couldn't find it in the market at all. Many people said that if they wanted to buy it, they had to go to Donghai.

But he didn't expect that Shen Lin would actually sell this here.

"How about we buy one and take it back?" Li Xuemei asked Shen Hai expectantly.

Shen Hai looked at the people queuing up, he really didn't want to delay here, after all, he had already returned home, and he hadn't seen his parents yet.

Now, he desperately wants to go home to see his old mother.

"Let's go home first. Since Shen Lin's store sells it, when we leave, just ask Shen Lin to buy one for us."

When Shen Hai said this, he was afraid that Li Xuemei would not agree, so he said in a low voice: "If Shen Lin sells it to us, no matter what, it is the purchase price, don't you think so?"

Hearing Shen Hai's words, Li Xuemei nodded. No matter how stern and selfless Shen Lin was, he would be cheaper to both of them.

What's more, I will become a shareholder of Shen Lin's store in the future. In that case, it will not be a problem to bring a few back.

"Okay, let's go home first." Li Xuemei didn't enter the store either, anyway, since Shen Lin isn't here now, it's useless for them to enter the store.

Back home, Zhao Honglian was naturally very happy. During the chat, Li Xuemei discovered that there was a brand new automatic water dispenser at her mother-in-law's place.

Although a little surprised, but thinking that Shen Lin also sells this, she feels very normal in her heart.

Unexpectedly, it was dinner time, and Zhao Honglian, who had been busy all afternoon, cooked a large table of dishes, while Shen Xingye, Shen Lin, Shen Hong and others also came back from their respective posts.

The first one to come was Shen Hong. She came by herself, and she was carrying a big carp weighing three to four catties in her hand.

"Mom, this is from our school. It is said that it was fished from the reservoir. The meat is so tender. You can cook it later and let my dad taste it." Shen Hong has a pungent personality. Hai and his wife say hello.

In terms of relationship, the relationship between Shen Hong and Shen Hai is mediocre, but they are brothers and sisters after all, and this family relationship, which is thicker than water, cannot be erased after all.Therefore, when it comes to speaking, there is no concern.

While chatting with the radiant sister-in-law, Li Xuemei tentatively asked, "Shen Hong, do you think Shen Lin needs funds now?"

"I think he should need it. After all, all businesses need funds now." Shen Hong, who didn't know what her sister-in-law was thinking, said casually.

And her words made Li Xuemei feel more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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