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Chapter 410: Rewards for meritorious deeds and punishment for delinquency

Chapter 410: Reward for meritorious deeds and punishment for delinquency
Li Yuan Village!
When Cheng Zhenyuan came home at nine o'clock in the evening, he found his wife was sitting with a cold face. Although the TV was on at home, none of the children who were usually playing and laughing dared to say anything at this time.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Zhenyuan asked his wife, confused.

"Old Cheng, let's quit this deputy factory manager. Shen Lin is too bullying. He actually fined you 1000 yuan."

Cheng Zhenyuan's wife shouted emotionally: "Tell me, have you been working hard for him day and night these days?"

"Now that the factory is ready, hey, he, Factory Manager Shen, has started killing donkeys. That's good, he can do whatever he wants. From tomorrow onwards, we won't do it for him!"

"With your ability, can't you worry about work?"

Looking at his aggressive wife, and then glanced at his three children, Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said, "Is it because of this?"

"If it's not for this, why else?" Cheng Zhenyuan's wife snorted and said, "His surname is Shen, and he doesn't pay attention to you at all!"

"He is bullying people honestly!"

"We can't beat him, but he can't bully people like this."

Seeing his wife's voice getting louder, Cheng Zhenyuan immediately closed the door and opened his bag directly.

"Look at what this is?"

While speaking, Cheng Zhenyuan took out stacks of Great Unity from his bag.

Cheng Zhenyuan's wife looked calm when she saw the first stack of unity, but when the ten stacks of unity were placed in front of her, she trembled a little.

"This... this..., where did you get so much money? You can't do anything bad, right? Let me tell you, Cheng Zhenyuan, no matter how poor our family is, we will definitely not do illegal things. You are hurting People hurt themselves."

"You... Where did you get this money? Return it quickly!"

Cheng Zhenyuan laughed and said, "Daughter-in-law, this money is what we deserve. It is the annual dividend that Director Shen sent me."

Speaking of this, Cheng Zhenyuan picked up a stack of money and said: "This is 1 yuan, and I still have [-] in my bag, which is my salary and bonus."

Regarding the salary and bonus in Cheng Zhenyuan's bag, Cheng Zhenyuan's daughter-in-law no longer cares about it. She grabbed a stack of cash, looked at the big unions one by one and said, " it really all ours?"

"Is that still fake?" Although Cheng Zhenyuan pretended to be calm, the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be suppressed no matter what.

"If it weren't for the workers in the second workshop who smoked secretly, I could get back [-] this time, and now it's only [-]."

Cheng Zhenyuan's daughter-in-law hurriedly bolted the closed door, then quickly packed the money into the bag and said, "Put it away quickly, and don't let others know."

Looking at the hurried, cautious daughter-in-law, Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said: "Okay, don't cover it up, the people in the factory will know about it soon."

"Also, the director of the second workshop who was punished with me, although this kid was fined 500 yuan, but because he exceeded the production task, Director Shen also rewarded him 500 yuan."

"The person who sent you the letter only knew that Director Shen had punished our managers, but he didn't even know that Director Shen then rewarded us."

Cheng Zhenyuan's daughter-in-law said: "Oh, I was a little anxious when I heard that you were fined 1000 yuan."

"Let me just say, how can a person like Director Shen not understand black and white, so he can't tell the difference!"

"You, you have to thank the factory manager Shen. If it weren't for the factory manager Shen, how could our family become a million-dollar household so quickly."

"You have shared so much, Boss Shen earns more, right? Let me tell you, you have to work hard with Director Shen in the future!" Seeing his wife's sudden change of expression, Cheng Zhenyuan was a little helpless, life is life!
Just when he was about to speak, he heard a knock on the door.In normal times, hearing this knock on the door would be a perfectly normal thing for Cheng Zhenyuan.After all, he lives in Li Yuan Village!

Surrounded by my relatives and neighbors, I don't worry about others at all.

But now, there is 1 yuan in the house, and suddenly there is a knock on the door, and the husband and wife look at each other, a little nervous.

"Brother, I'm the third child, open the door!" The person who knocked on the door shouted anxiously, as if there was no response from the room.

Hearing this shout, Cheng Zhenyuan immediately knew who was coming, and he said to his wife: "Hurry up and pack up your things, by the way, the third child is here, so don't say anything."

Cheng Zhenyuan's daughter-in-law agreed, "I know this better than you."

When Cheng Zhenyuan opened the door, his wife not only packed up the money in the bag, but also told the child.

Therefore, when the third child walked into the house, what he saw was a family watching TV.

"Brother, it's better to watch your TV. The TV at the old Liu's next door is too small, and it doesn't have color, it's just black and white."

While Cheng Zhenyuan's third brother was speaking, he casually grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the fruit plate in front of his nephew, eating with emotion.

Although he is a real brother, Cheng Zhenyuan doesn't have much affection for his lazy brother. He said lightly, "Third brother, is there something wrong with you running away from me?"

"Brother, from what you said, I can only come to you if I have something to do, so I can't come to your place to watch TV?"

Hearing his younger brother's righteous words, Cheng Zhenyuan snorted and said, "Okay, I don't know your temper yet."

"Tell me, what's the matter, I'm tired all day today, and I'm going to bed early."

"Brother, you are the deputy factory director of Redekuai Factory. You need to help my brother. Let me go to Redekuai Factory. I can do whatever I want."

Cheng Zhenyuan frowned and said, "If you were told to go before, why would you want to enter the factory now?"

"Brother, I didn't know that your hot factory was so good before. Tsk tsk, the second child of the old Liu family, look at his ugly face. This month's salary and bonus add up to more than 150 yuan."

"Welfare also distributed [-] catties of oil and pork, tsk tsk, such a good treatment, how can it be cheaper for people with foreign surnames!"

Seeing his brother's appearance, Cheng Zhenyuan shook his head.

In the past, he might have really introduced his brother to the factory, but now, he doesn't even think about it.

According to the youngest's idle virtue, he didn't know how much trouble he would cause himself when he came to the factory.

It's okay to say the small ones, but he can't afford the big ones.

He still wanted to work hard with Director Shen, but he didn't want to lose his job halfway.

"Third, it's so hot that the factory doesn't allow people to enter now. Director Shen said that if you want to enter in the future, you need to ask for his permission."

Cheng Zhenyuan said seriously: "You have missed the best opportunity."

When these words were said, Cheng Zhenyuan couldn't bear it in his heart, but in the end, his reason still defeated his emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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