Chapter 42 The First Employee

Shen Lin looked up, and saw this young man in a gray Chinese tunic suit with a patch on the cuff, looking at him with a hint of expectation.

The young man's clothes did not fit at first glance, as if they were too big.

Combined with the patches on the clothes, Shen Lin's first judgment was that the clothes did not belong to the young man in front of him at all.

Wearing clothes that were not his own, looking gentle and timid, Shen Lin quickly judged the identity of this person.

This is a college student from the countryside.

"What's the matter with you?" Shen Lin asked with a smile on his face.

"Boss, I see that you are very busy all day. Do you need help? I... I am a college student who has just been admitted. This is my school badge. I... I only need fifty cents a day."

The young man blushed when he mentioned money.

If he had no choice, he wouldn't have the cheek to find a job. It was really difficult for his family to give him more support when he came from home.

After reporting for duty, he now only has a few dollars left in his hand.

Although the school provides meal tickets, it is not a big problem to eat, but you must buy a toothbrush and a towel.

"What's your name?" Shen Lin asked with a smile.

"My name is Lu Dongsheng, and the sun is rising slowly." The young man rubbed his hands together and said with a hint of embarrassment.

Looking at the young man with a disturbed expression, Shen Lin suddenly smiled and said, "Your Sheng, was he born in the past?"

The young man was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this little boss, who was in the same grade as himself, would know about his name change when he was talking to him.

"Yes, when I was in junior high school, I thought it was not a good name to be born in winter, so I changed the name "born in winter" to "rising"." When Lu Dongsheng said this, a blush appeared on his face.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "You, do you have classes these days?"

"No, the main thing is to get acquainted with the school. I heard that classes will not start until September." Lu Dongsheng raised his head and said.

Shen Lin waved to Lu Dongsheng: "Well, I'm going to set up stalls in different schools these days. If you're sure you have time, you can follow me."

"Salary? I'll give you one yuan a day."

Lu Dongsheng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the young man in front of him would pay him only fifty cents.

"Thank you, boss." Lu Dongsheng hurried over to help Shen Lin pack his things.

Looking at this sensible young man with a hint of inferiority, Shen Lin smiled and did not speak.

He needs manpower now, and if Lu Dongsheng can take the initiative to find him, he is naturally willing to help.

As for the salary of one yuan, it was actually quite a lot. After all, the wages of regular workers at that time were only three or forty yuan a month.

With the help of Lu Dongsheng, Shen Lin quickly packed up his things. After he made an appointment with Lu Dongsheng to meet tomorrow, he pedaled his tricycle and sped towards the bazaar with a puff of black smoke. go.

Before the market was over, Shen Lin wanted to buy the goods that were going to be sold tomorrow.

They were all regular customers who had negotiated with each other a long time ago. Shen Lin was very familiar with the road, and prepared the goods just before dark.

When Shen Lin pulled the goods with two large carts into the yard where he lived, it was already completely dark, and the workers working in various factories also returned home in twos and threes at this time.

When going up the stairs, Shen Lin kept saying hello to his neighbors and was in good spirits.But when he sat on the stool at home, he felt a huge wave of fatigue coming over him quickly, and his upper and lower eyelids were fighting rapidly.Shen Lin, who was interested in cooking, comforted himself by saying that he would take a break to cook. However, when he was awakened by the sound of cooking in the kitchen, not only was he covered with a small blanket, but the only table fan in the house was also on him. The wind was blowing gently not far away.

Shen Lin stood up and found that Lu Xiaorong was cooking in the kitchen.

"Xiao Rong, go to rest, I'll fry this dish." While speaking, Shen Lin walked into the kitchen.

Lu Xiaorong looked at the haggard Shen Lin under the dim light, and said softly, "It's almost ready, wash your hands, and we'll eat when I fry this dish."

When Lu Xiaorong said this, Shen Lin felt his stomach growling. Although the sesame seed cake sandwiched with beef at noon would make him hungry, he had already digested these things after a busy afternoon.

Stir-fried small rapeseed with oil residue, two sliced ​​salted goose eggs, white noodle soup with a few steamed buns from yesterday, Shen Lin felt that his stomach was rebelling.

"I was so busy today that I forgot to buy some delicious food at the store." Shen Lin picked up a piece of rapeseed and said.

The rapeseed itself was tender enough, and after being fried with lard and oil residue, it tasted even better. After Shen Lin took a bite, he felt an explosion in his heart.

Lu Xiaorong said: "This is already good, what else should I buy. Shen Lin, let me tell you, let's not be too extravagant when it comes to food."

Although in other matters, Shen Lin would listen to smile, but in the matter of eating, he would never follow Lu Xiaorong's advice.

If you don't eat well, isn't that making yourself guilty?What's more, after this age, it is not easy to eat pure natural food.

"Okay, I understand." Shen Lin's promise was without any sincerity.

Lu Xiaorong ate two mouthfuls of food and asked casually, "How is your business today?"

"It should be very good. I sold out all the things I pulled, but I was too busy at the time and forgot how much money I made." When Shen Lin said this, he suddenly remembered that when he was dozing off, he felt as if he had forgotten something.

Now that I think about it, I forgot to count the money I earned today.

Lu Xiaorong said: "Wait a while and count."

After the two had eaten, Shen Lin insisted on washing the dishes by himself.Although Lu Xiaorong insisted on washing by himself, in the end, Shen Lin took the lead.

After washing the dishes and coming out of the kitchen, Shen Lin saw Lu Xiaorong reading a book. He didn't say much, and just took a bag with a red five-star printed on it out of the room.

"What are you doing with the bag?" Lu Xiaorong looked at the bulging bag and asked in puzzlement.

Shen Lin didn't speak, but dumped the bag on the small dining table, and there was a crash, and a pile of colorful bills fell on the table.

There was also a pile of steel coins jumping rapidly on the table, and even a few steel coins fell directly under the table.

Lu Xiaorong's eyes widened!

She lived in her 20s, and this was the first time she saw so much money. At this time, her first feeling was that everything in front of her was not real.

My home is not a bank, how can there be so much money?
"This... Where did this come from?" Lu Xiaorong felt that when she said these words again, her voice trembled a little, and her tongue was also a little dry.

Shen Lin was also taken aback by the mountain-like pile of money.Although he kept stuffing money in his bag, he didn't expect that the money he earned would turn out to be so amazing.

Looking at Lu Xiaorong who looked surprised and couldn't believe it, Shen Lin took a deep breath and said, "These are all earned today, but in fact there are not many, most of them are small bills of one or two yuan."

Just as Shen Lin was speaking, a few ten-dollar bills were suddenly blown out of the pile of money by the wind.

"Let's count first, how much is this?" Shen Lin quickly changed the subject without waiting for Lu Xiaorong to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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