Chapter 430 Give him a big gift

It was Zhong Tianyang who walked in!

Zhong Tianyang not only came by himself, but also followed by Zhong Tianyang's wife. The purpose of his coming was not only to warn Shen Lin, but also to visit Shen Lin's children.

"Zhong Chang, Teacher Li!" Shen Lin greeted Zhong Tianyang with a smile. To be honest, the address between him and Zhong Tianyang was a bit embarrassing.

Shen Lin used to call Brother Zhong Tianyang, and there was nothing wrong with this name.But now, Shen Lin's father, Shen Xingye, is also one of the deputy directors of the General Iron and Steel Factory, and these deputy directors are peers of each other.

Naturally, how Shen Lin called Zhong Tianyang was somewhat difficult to grasp.

Zhong Tianyang's daughter-in-law is a gentle teacher. She is not too involved in Shen Lin's affairs, but she also admires Shen Lin's ability.

"Shen Lin, has the child been named?" Zhong Tianyang's wife asked with a smile.

"Ms. Li, I haven't decided on a name yet, but my nickname is Guokeer." Shen Lin said the words Guoke with a smile on his face.

Hearing this nickname, both Zhong Tianyang and Teacher Li were taken aback for a moment, especially Teacher Li, she had heard many nicknames, but it was the first time he met someone like Shen Lin.

"It's really interesting that you made a fruit shell!" After confirming the two words, Teacher Li said with a smile: "It didn't seem right at first, but after careful taste, I found it quite interesting.

"It's nice to have a nickname."

At this time, Lu Xiaorong had already walked out of the room, Teacher Li went to talk with Lu Xiaorong, while Shen Lin chatted with Zhong Tianyang in the living room.

"Shen Lin, how did I hear that the factories you placed the order with are planning to join forces to let you raise the price?" Zhong Tianyang and Shen Lin have a very good relationship, so he asked bluntly on this matter.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "That's the thing, they think I earn too much and I earn too little."

"Then what are you going to do?" Zhong Tianyang looked at Shen Lin with a bright smile, and felt that he was worried for Shen Lin in vain. From Shen Lin's expression, he felt that Shen Lin already knew about this matter.

If Shen Lin was caught off guard, Zhong Tianyang still felt that there might be something wrong with Shen Lin, but now that Shen Lin knew about it, Zhong Tianyang felt that the person who had the problem would not be Shen Lin.

The relationship between Shen Lin and Zhong Tianyang is not a day or two. Hearing Zhong Tianyang's question, Shen Lin smiled and took out a plan from the drawer at his hand.

Looking at Shen Lin's plan, Zhong Tianyang took a breath, he really didn't know what to say at this moment, after several minutes of silence, he turned to Shen Lin and said: "If you have time, why not help us Make a plan like this."

The "we" of Zhong Tianyang naturally refers to the general iron and steel factory.

"Haha, Brother Zhong, it's natural to help you make such a plan, but I think you need to go further before making this plan."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Otherwise, even if I help you make such a plan, it will not be of much use."

Zhong Tianyang naturally understood what Shen Lin meant, he pondered for a moment, and said softly: "It should be almost the same."

Seeing Zhong Tianyang's appearance, Shen Lin didn't ask any more questions, but chatted with Zhong Tianyang about other things, Zhong Tianyang sat for half an hour before leaving.

Teacher Li and Zhong Tianyang were strolling on the way home. After the envious Teacher Li said a bunch of good things about Xiao Guoke, he said with a hint of envy: "Xiaorong really gave birth to this child. Adorable enough to keep laughing at me."

"By the way, did you tell Shen Lin about that?"

Zhong Tianyang knew what his wife was talking about. He nodded and said, "Shen Lin has known for a long time that those people can't play with Shen Lin." Time kept passing by in the spring breeze, which was just a moment. In the blink of an eye, Xiao Guoke has been born for almost a month.

The fact that Shen Lin wanted to make full moon wine for his children had spread throughout the hardware machinery factory's affiliated courtyard, and almost all the old neighbors knew about it.

Recently, as commodities have become more and more abundant, the restrictions on people's purchase of commodities have become smaller and smaller. In addition to grain and oil tickets, tickets for purchasing other things have gradually withdrawn from people's lives.

Therefore, the life of the employees of the hardware machinery factory is also very nourishing, and many people are still looking forward to this full moon wine.

After all, in Shen Lin's situation, the Full Moon Wine would definitely not be too bad.

"Have you heard that Shen Lin's full moon wine this time is going to be held at Dongzhou No. [-] Guest House, tsk tsk, how much do you think it will cost?" A young worker said when talking about Dongzhou No. [-] Guest House, Both eyes light up.

After all, where is the most expensive place in Dongzhou, I heard that a meal alone costs dozens of dollars.

Where does Shen Lin hold the full moon wine? These participants can be said to have both face and knowledge.

"Is Shen Lin still short of this money? When it comes to people like this, it's just a matter of face. If, like us, we buy our own vegetables and cook them at home, then we don't have face?" The young worker's companion is a A young man in his 30s, his beard hasn't been shaved for some days, and he looks a little sloppy.

"You, don't just be excited, when the time comes, how much money you have is the most important thing."

Hearing his companion's words, the young worker showed a trace of solemnity. Just as his companion said, the most important thing for him now is how much gift money he takes.

If it was too little, he couldn't take it out, after all, it was the full moon wine served at the first guest house, but if it was too much, he felt his flesh hurt.

"Brother, how much do you think is appropriate?" The young worker asked hesitantly.

The sloppy worker was just about to speak, when he saw a person walking over quickly, he smiled and said: "Director Fang, we were just talking about giving Shen Lin a gift, how much do you think is appropriate?"

Fang Boyuan's mind at this time was all about how to have a showdown with Shen Lin that Min Zhong and other factory leaders discussed a while ago.

Hearing someone suddenly say something about Shen Lin at this time, he froze for a moment, and almost missed his foot.

After waking up, he turned his head and found that the people talking to him were two workers he was not very familiar with. He adjusted his glasses and said with a smile, "I think I'm looking at myself for this matter." Condition."

"After all, Boss Shen, what he values ​​is not our money."

"How much are you going to follow, Director Fang?" The sloppy worker didn't let Fang Boyuan go because of this, but continued to ask.

Fang Boyuan hesitated for a moment, then said meaningfully: "Well, I naturally want to give Shen Lin a generous gift."

"Yes, I will give him a generous gift that he will never forget."

Hearing what Fang Boyuan said, surprise appeared in the eyes of the two workers.

After all, this unforgettable gift cannot be compared with ordinary things.

(End of this chapter)

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