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Chapter 44 What is bound to happen

Chapter 44 What is bound to happen
As soon as the stall was set up, Xu Laosan came pushing his tricycle. He saw Lu Dongsheng who was following Shen Lin to clean up the stall, and said with a smile: "Shen Lin, you really need to find a helper!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Old Xu, you are a bit late today."

While speaking, Shen Lin pointed at Lu Dongsheng: "This is Lu Dongsheng, help me these few days."

"By the way, Lao Xu, have you made any sesame seed cakes? If so, quickly get me two. Xiaolu and I haven't eaten yet?"

While Shen Lin was speaking, a trolley came over from a distance.Seeing the trolley, Xu Laosan's expression became serious.

Because judging from the heat from the car, the person pushing the trolley should be a food seller like himself.

The so-called colleagues are enemies, let alone on the territory that I have already determined is a piece of fat.

Just when Xu Laosan was hesitating whether he should drive away the people in the future, the trolley had already arrived in front of Xu Laosan's stall.

The person pushing the cart was a young woman who looked to be about 20 years old, her face was a bit dark, but despite this, the woman gave the impression that she was young and beautiful.

"Uncle, this big brother, my name is Luo Xiaoying, and I am going to sell wontons here, do you want to taste the taste first?" The girl looked at Xu Laosan and Shen Lin, and then said to them with a smile.

Shen Lin looked at the girl who was about the same age as him, and had a judgment on the girl in his heart.From the girl's conversation, Shen Lin felt that this girl not only went to school, but also should have gone to high school.

As for why the girl came here to sell wontons, Shen Lin didn't want to pursue it. He just smiled and didn't speak.

After all, the girl's business has nothing to do with him.

Xu Laosan looked at the girl's smiling face, and finally suppressed the malice in his heart. After all, the girl's business didn't have much conflict with him, and the two can often complement each other.

"My name is Xu Laosan, you can call me third uncle, this is Shen Lin." Xu Laosan introduced Shen Lin and began to make sesame seed cakes.

"Hello Third Uncle, Hello Brother Shen, please take care of me from now on." As Luo Xiaoying spoke, her white teeth showed on her dark face.

Shen Lin smiled and nodded, while Xu Laosan just hummed, and Luo Xiaoying is not a person who likes to talk too much. After saying hello, she started to work on the small table of the trolley.

As the sun rose higher and higher, more students began to sign up.

Although there are some students who sign up with salute alone, most of them are accompanied by their parents.

Especially those who came early in the morning, they basically didn't eat much, some bought a biscuit or two directly at Xu Laosan's table, and some sat at Luo Xiaoying's stall and ate a bowl of wonton.

With Lu Dongsheng's help, Shen Lin would not be so busy.Of course, the main reason for this is that it has not yet reached the peak period of student shopping.

"Shen Lin, how is the business today?" Chu Feng pedaled his bicycle and patrolled over.

Looking at Chu Feng, whose head was covered with sweat and the back of his police uniform was also wet, Shen Lin asked, "Business is not bad, why are you riding a bike by yourself? Don't you have a motorcycle?"

Chu Feng sweated and said: "There is a task in the office, and Pian San's motorcycle was ridden to handle the case."

Speaking of this, Chu Feng said: "Shen Lin, you are doing business here, and you should also pay attention to me to see if there is any suspicious person with a two-year-old boy."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Shen Lin immediately realized that the case of child abduction and trafficking in his impression still happened.

A two-year-old child who found his way home after 30 years.This in itself is a tragedy.

If he didn't have the ability, Shen Lin would be fine, but according to what later generations heard from the second brother-in-law, the trafficker hid in the small hotel next to the area that the second brother-in-law was in charge of that afternoon.

Whenever this matter is mentioned, the second brother-in-law feels a little regretful.

"Has someone's child been stolen?" Shen Lin asked curiously.

Chu Feng nodded and said: "The human trafficker who was paid a thousand dollars stole the child while the parents were not paying attention."

"This time, the bureau is making great efforts to deploy control, hoping to catch the trafficker." As he spoke, Chu Feng pedaled his bicycle and headed forward.

Shen Lin looked at Chu Feng who was about to leave, and hurriedly said: "Brother, is today the first day of surveillance?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Chu Feng put his feet on the ground and asked in doubt.

Shen Lindao: "It's nothing. I just need your help in the afternoon. Do you have time in the afternoon?"

"If it's a big deal, I probably don't have time." Chu Feng stroked his forehead, thinking that this little brother-in-law might ask him to help with things again.

Normally, he would help if he helped, but not now.

"Brother, where are you patrolling in the afternoon?" Shen Lin asked with a look of reluctance.

Chu Feng frowned, but still said, "I should be on Yuhong Street in the afternoon. If you have anything to do, you can find me somewhere."

Seeing Chu Feng leaving, Shen Lin smiled.

After what happened in his previous life, he didn't understand that his second brother-in-law was a little impatient with his problems.

But how did he know that the second brother-in-law was here to help him.

Just as Chu Feng was leaving, Youngest Xu came over.He said with a hint of emotion: "These human traffickers should be shot if they are caught."

"A family in our village, because they lost their child, now seems to have lost their soul all day long."

Shen Lin said: "No, a good family is in disarray because of them. It is simply a crime."

While the two were talking, college students who had already signed up surrounded them. One of them looked at the well-dressed students, and after seeing the signboard of iced soda, he said loudly: "Boss, here are two bottles of iced soda." Soda."

With the arrival of these students, Shen Lin's business became busy.But today, Lu Dongsheng was helping to carry things, and Shen Lin was only responsible for collecting the money. Compared with yesterday, it was indeed a lot easier.

Collect money, change money, change money, collect money...

The whole morning's busyness made Shen Lin feel like his hands were going to cramp.

Xu Laosan and Luo Xiaoying, who were standing on the side, stared at Shen Lin closely with envious eyes.

Xu Laosan is better, especially Luo Xiaoying, her eyes are a little red at this moment.

"Third Uncle, has Shen Lin's business always been this good?" Luo Xiaoying asked Mr. Xu with a hint of envy.

Xu Laosan nodded and said: "That's right, his business was so prosperous yesterday."

Speaking of this, Xu Laosan pointed at the void: "Don't think about anything else, the policeman who just passed by is Shen Lin's brother-in-law."

"Yesterday, he helped Shen Lin pull a load of goods?"

Luo Xiaoying smiled and said, "I don't think about anything else, as long as I can do my own business well."

As the day gradually approached noon, the iced sodas were selling faster and faster. Before one o'clock, the huge camphor wood box had already bottomed out.

Shen Lin looked at the sparse pedestrians under the scorching sun, and said hello to Lu Dongsheng, then got on the tricycle and left.

Lu Dongsheng looked at the tricycle emitting black smoke with envy in his eyes.

But Lu Dongsheng didn't know that his boss didn't just go to solicit goods this time, he had more important things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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